Hi! The photo above is of me, Myrna Ericksen. I was born in the Panama Canal Zone and have had the good fortune to travel throughout the United States and many foreign countries. I have drawn from this background for the tone and setting of my books. Just click on the book icons below for a short synopsis of each. The first two are available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com

Onward Peregrinos: A biographical novel with settings in 3 countries, the United States, Ecuador and Panama.

Grave Dangers: A murder suspense set in Vermont.

Nalani of Hawaii: A story set in Hawaii.

The Big Bear Hunt: For 2nd to 4th grades.

Sense and Sentiments: Collection of poetry

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Besides introducing you to my books, I hope to share a little inspiration, a few chuckles, and a wee bit of knowledge along the way.

Words to Live By:

"Quien es tu hermano? Tu veceno mas sercano."--Who is your brother? Your nearest neighbor.--"Al perro flaco le ayuden las pulgas."--Fleas come to the aid of the skinny dog.--"No es gallina buena, la que come en tu casa y pone en la ajena."--The hen that eats at your house and lays the eggs at someone else's is not a good hen.. "En boca cerrada no entran moscas."--Flies do not enter a closed mouth..."Conciencia tranquila hace larga la vida."--A clear conscience makes a long life..."Despues de la tempestad viene la calma."--After the tempest comes the calm..."Come poco y seras tu propio medico."--Eat little and you will be your own Doctor..."Como te ven te tratan."--How they see you,is how they treat you.


Anecdotes, songs, poetry and riddles

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Take a look at some collector's items and jewelry from Panama.

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Images of Panama:

The Golden Altar
Sacred Heart Chapel
The Hotel Washington
Summit Gardens
The Cristobal Commissary
The Fifth of November Park
The Tivoli Guesthouse
Guaymi indians - province of Chiriqui, Panama
Panamanian farmers folk dancing
Typical dancing in native costumes - Carnival
Jibaro indian of my story Onward Peregrinos

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