Kerins Tribe Homepage

Kerins Tribe Homepage

Kerins Tribe Homepage
A place for folks with the Surname
Kerins, Kerin, O'Kerin, Ciaran O'Ceirain, O'Ciarian, Keren, Keirans, Kerran, Kieran, Kerens, Keairns, and related names.

Lets meet and share stories, genealogy, photos and thoughts on this ancient Irish Tribe.

My name is Kerins Scribe
I created this page to collect stories, info and photos of folks with the Kerins and related Surnames.

All familiy lines have certain gifts, skills and similarities in their genes. My hope is that this page will help members of the Kerins Tribe discover the similarities passed through our genes.

Please contribute, so that this Kerins resource can be of benefit to those doing genealogy searches and to future generations of Kerins folk.

Please send your stories, pictures, family histories, and thoughts to me and I will post them to this page. Send anything you like, from a simple listing of your name, to a complete history, whatever you would like to contribute will be greatly appreciated.

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Some Tribe History

These Surnames are derived from the oldesr names O'Ceirin or O'Ciarain which were originally nicknames. The name has been translated as "dark one", "dark brown" or "dark black". It refered to the dark hair,dark eyes, and features of the original bearers of the name. You have probably heard the term "Black Irish", these families are among the people originally refered to as Black Irish. O'Ciarian first became a Surname in the thirteenth century.

During the Medieval period the O'Ceirins were powerful chiefs in County Mayo, later they were also chiefs in Donegal, Clare and Sligo. Those who settled in Mayo anglicized their name to Kearns. Those who settled in County Clare are also known by the name Kieran. Those who settled in Donegal are also known by the name Kerr. The names Kerins and Keren are priimarily associated with Monaghan and Fermanagh.

There are six Irish Saints with the name Ciaran.

There appears to be an inclination toward metaphysics and the mystic arts in both Christian and Pagan members of this Tribe, as well as a fiercly independant disposition.

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Kerins Shaman, Psychics, Seers & Metaphysicians

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Keairns Family Genealogy

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