Hi - My Name is Teddy! 

Welcome to MY Home Page!!

Me rutting for TJ's Soccer Team   I am a Yorkie and that means I have ATT   I  TUDE. 

I send most of my day waiting for my human to either get up or come back home. 


This is the PEST Baby ready to attack Tyler's Shoes.
Click here to get a better look - but I must warn you this is not actual size - the picture is bigger than she is. .  I don't like her very much.  I only tolerate her 'cause she runs around with this really really nice Lady and Man.  The Lady is always feeding her and I sneak in and steal the "good bits" and the Man rubs my tummy.

I have tried to teach her how to be a Yorkie Teaching Baby Patience but I'm afraid all she's really learned is "Attitude".

I, on the other hand, am a most EXCELLENT Yorkie!   Me, At the close of another intruder biting day!


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