My Poems

To my fiance

My one true love
Do you know how much you mean to me?
I dream of you at night,
Peaceful, wonderful dreams that
Bring a smile to my lips when I awake.
I can face the world each day
With courage, and happiness
Because I know I am love
By a wonderful man.
During the day, a smile will flit across my face.
Even the littlest things cause me to think of you.
A word, a look on someone's face, a song, a scent,
Almost everything, in some way, reminds me of you.
Because of you, I am strong.
I can take chances without fear, knowing you are there.
You are my rock, my support, my love, my companion,
The one I know is always there, to guide me,
Talk to me, comfort me, love me.
You are my soulmate, the one I cannot wait to marry,
The one and only one for me.
Thank you for all that you do, for all that you are.
Thank you for loving me.

The Sunset

Sunset, colors galore
Reds, blues, yellows and more
Casting one more glance at every tree
Leaves my sight, but not my memory

A Girl's Best Friend

Is a dog man's best friend? Maybe so
But what about a girl, what about her?
Jewelry? Fine clothes? No
A girl's best friend is her mother
A mother always listens and gives advice
She is always there
And is also very nice
And will help when your hair
Is very bad
And a mother comforts you
When you are sad
She cooks and takes care of you too
And I can say
To my mother
In a very true way
That I love her

Pine tree

The pine tree, how tall and stately
Waving in the wind gracefully
Bending with ease
Do these trees
How beautiful are they
And live many a day

A clock

A clock
Goes tick-tock
Forever telling time
And however old it may be
On the hour faithfully
It chimes its sweet chime
Sometimes they can be tall
Sometimes very, very small
Yet they are still equal
They all tell time
With their internal rhyme
Of gears and wheels and all


Thanksgiving is the time to give thanks
Of the many a blessing
You have received.

Christmas Joy

Christmas is a time of joy
For every girl and boy
On this day they are given
Their stockings full of things, and then
The very excited girls and boys
Are given their presents full of books, clothes, and toys
Christmas is a good time for remembrances
Of many funny instances
But don't forget that it doesn't matter what one gets
In their numberous presents
They were given in love by those
Who love you most.


On this very important day, Christmas
A very important child, Jesus
Was born in a manger full of hay
On that long ago day

This is a poem based on part of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Passing Over the Border

Frodo and Sam went to Mordor
But did not know how to cross its border.
So through Shelob's lair they went.
And much time they spent
Trying to find a way out,
For they did not know their way about
That dank, dark lair,
That evil old place where
Shelob poisoned Sam's master.
Sam fought Gollum, then Shelob the Spider.
Sam thought his master dead
So he took the ring, though his heart bled
At the thought of leaving Frodo behind,
For Sam's heart is very kind.
However, nothing could dissuade
Sam from carrying on the plans made
At the Council of Elrond for
Disposing of the One Ring in Mordor.
Upon finding Frodo, some passing orcs did take him.
Sam, distressed, put on the ring and followed them.
In this way, the One Ring crossed the border
Into Sauron's land, the Land of Mordor.

This one is devoted to the people on the Ringbearer message board. :)

Tolkien Fan

I am a "Lord of the Ring" fanatic
All day at the computer desk I sit,
Posting messages online,
Not caring one bit
About the outside world.
To school and work, I do go.
But I always look forward
To going online, where I know
There will be other people
As wacky as me
Who love to go
Online and see
What messages have been posted
About the "Fellowship of the Ring,"
"Two Towers,"
And "Return of the King."
My family thinks I'm nuts,
My friends don't understand.
But forever and always,
I will be a Tolkien fan.


Moria, Khazad-dum
Here, by elves and dwarves, mithril was mined
However, those days have long since been left far behind
Now, instead of Elves and Dwarves
Living in harmony,
A wizard, two men, four hobbits, an elf,
A dwarf, and a skinny horse from Bree
Enter when other paths were closed.
Caradhras, the mountain, sent so much snow
That the group had no other way to go.
At the mine, Gandalf said the password, "Melon"
Which was inscribed on the door in starmoon, ithildin.
Inside Moria, the travellers found the grave
Of the dwarf Balin, son of Fundin.
They also found a book written by him,
But they had no time to read it, for
The group was seen as intruders
By orcs who had been there long before
These travellers who had just now entered Moria's doors
The angry orcs attacked
The group, inflicting minor injuries,
But to the group's surprise, they backed
Off. Instead, their warrior took over,
A fire Balron, their "Goliath."
This Balrog, Durin's Bane,
Caused Gandalf to fall to his death.
In sorrow, the rest of the group
Left that place in haste.
However, they would never forget
Their adventure in that cursed place.

Mathematics is a wonderful thing
Derivatives, integrals, infinited series, and more.
These are problems I love solving.
Stoke's Theorem, slopes, tangent line
Just don't give me geometry proofs
And I'll be fine.
Calc I, II, and III,
No problem to it.
But Euclidean Geometry! Oh,
Why do I have to do it?
I will no longer complain.
I'll have to suffer through it<.
But before I'm finished,
I think I'm going to lose it!

(my mind, that is)

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