Sign the Mulholland Jr. High School Class of 1971 Guestbook
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of the Mulholland Jr. High School
Class of 1971 Reunion on July 11, 1998.
Photos of Teachers at the Reunion:
Hesby Teachers: Ms. Hersh, Mr Ragan (Principal),
Mr. Randa, Mr. Wollman, Mrs. Brandt
Hesby Teacher: Mrs. Brandt & Mulholland Teachers: Mrs. Zellmer, Mrs. Moses, Mr. Zellmer, Mr. Jarvis
Mr. Jarvis (Mrs. Zellmer in foreground)
Mr. Jarvis (Mr Wollman, Mrs. Brandt, Mrs. Zellmer in foreground)
Photos of Classmates at the Reunion:
Kim Brubaker, Louis Wendruck
Glenn Zorn
Mr. Zellmer, Mr. Jarvis, Ron Shapiro, Karyn Brubaker, Susan Knudson, David Titcher
Cindy Bedik, Andrea Sender, Kim Brubaker, Mindy Okun, David Samuels, (Joe Integlia, Videographer)
Cindy Bedik, Andrea Sender, Kim Brubaker, Glenn Zorn, Mindy Okun , David Samuels
Other teachers & classmates at the Reunion unfortunately not shown: Mrs. Bergenty, Kevin Donoghue, Karen Fields, Leslie Forbes, David Monkarsh & Ron Plank. Photos above were taken by Ron Plank.
Who Came to the Reunion (Classmates: Last Names A through K)
Who Came to the Reunion (Classmates: Last Names L through Z)
Who Came to the Reunion (Special Guests: Teachers)
Return to Mulholland Junior High School, Van Nuys, California, Class of 1971 Reunion
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