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Christ within You Cover

Christ within You:  The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Before he was crucified, Christ promised to send "another Comforter," the Holy Spirit, who would remain with us forever and teach us all things. On the Day of Pentecost, that Spirit was marvelously "poured out" on the Church for the first time -- but it was not intended to be the last.

Christ within You is the second edition of the original handbook on Baptism in the Holy Spirit first published in 1993, and expanded by about 150 pages in the author's 2006 book, Christ in Us: the Exalted Christ and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Using clear examples and simple illustrations, along with insights from psychology and medical science, Christ within You answers such questions as: What is Spirit Baptism? What is it for? How does it work? and Why should I want it? Ultimately, this handbook explains the need for Spirit Baptism, its benefits, its necessity, why it should be sought, what to expect, and why one need not fear.

"On the whole, it is excellent" (Dr. Stanley Horton).

Christ in Us Cover

Christ in Us:  The Exalted Christ and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

How does the Holy Spirit indwell the believer, and why should one seek that experience?  In this collection of articles based on over twenty years' personal experience as well as academic study, the author relates Spirit Baptism and spiritual gifts to their source, the exalted Jesus Christ.  He describes this Exaltation of Christ and constructs a theory of how the Holy Spirit indwells the believer, drawing from psychology and medical science as well as Scripture.  Finally, he proposes a new Theology of Exaltation that sees the whole sweep of church history as the ongoing glorification of Christ and Redemption of the world.

Also at Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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A Practical Discourse Concerning Death Cover

A Practical Discourse Concerning Death (1690) by William Sherlock, Paul Hughes, editor

William Sherlock lived in an age of political destiny and religious dissent which saw the decline of the British monarchy and the rise of parliamentary government, but also the Plague, the Great Fire of London, and the worst defeat in Royal Navy history.  He weathered the Revolution of 1688 and an unbroken string of religious controversies; still, in spite of being put out of office twice, he ended his days as the Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral.

During one of these times of misfortune and reflection, Sherlock set himself to writing his treatise on death.  It became one of the most popular theological books of the century.  He writes:

"I know no other Preparation for Death, but living well:  And thus we must every Day prepare for Death, and then we shall be well prepared when Death comes; that is, we shall be able to give a good Account of our Lives, and of the Improvement of our Talents; and he who can do this, is well prepared to die . . . ." 

Features 21-page historical introduction, index, a poem written to honor Sherlock, and pages formatted to emulate the original.

Also Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Also in a Paperback edition

Divine Parodies Cover

Divine Parodies & Holy Histories:  with Select Poems:  Illustrations of Gospel Truth

What happens when God sends Elijah to a worship seminar?  Who will help the Little Red Hen evangelize her community?  How did a Japanese pilot who bombed Pearl Harbor become a Christian evangelist?  Why did a pastor hide his face with a cloth for the rest of his life? 

Discover the answers to these and more in this collection of original illustrations pieces written by the author, meant to convey and apply Biblical Christian "Divine parodies" present Christian truths in an artful and entertaining form.  A parody is a humorous or satirical imitation of something else.  Christian parody is a time-honored tradition.  The acme of Christian parody was achieved by Erasmus in "The Praise of Folly" 500 years ago.  "Holy histories" are illustrations of Gospel truth drawn from historical persons and events.  They should not be confused with hagiography, which in modern times is used pejoratively of histories and biographies not considered sufficiently critical or cynical.  There is much to be learned from the past, and many persons worthy of emulation.

Also included is a selection of original poems by the author which also convey Gospel principles.

Also Amazon | Barnes & Noble 
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Audio Sermon CD
or Free Download

The Rest of the Gospel (CD or Download)

Christ's great work of building his Church did not end with his Resurrection, but continues from his position of Exaltation to the right hand of God's throne.  He had to go away in order to be the Giver of the Holy Spirit and the source of spiritual gifts.  Christ continues to empower his Church through those who accept his gift of Spirit Baptism and are continually filled with the fire of the Spirit.
Download FREE audio file.



Goodbye, World, Goodbye Cover    The Lord's Prayer Cover    Amazing Grace Cover

Goodbye, World, Goodbye (Instrumental)

Upbeat country western swing version of the old gospel song, "Goodbye, World, Goodbye," performed on trombone by Paul Hughes. Piano, drum, and fiddle arrangement by Steven E. Walker, used by permission.

The Lord's Prayer (Instrumental)

Instrumental version of the classic Christian song, the Lord's Prayer, the traditional version. Performed by Paul Hughes on trombone with orchestra and chorus.

Amazing Grace (Instrumental)

Dixieland jazz instrumental version of Amazing Grace arranged and performed on trumpet and trombone by Paul Hughes. May in the future be offered as a "music minus one" sound track or in the form of sheet music, or both. In such case, performance rights will be licensed through ASCAP.

CDs (Demo-Quality)

Christian Jazz Christmas CD Cover

Christian Jazz Christmas (Instrumental/vocal CD)

A collection of ten Christian Christmas songs arranged in light jazz style. Nine are favorite traditional songs with trombone solo backed up by a jazz combo band, including "Away in a Manger," "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "What Child Is This?" "We Three Kings," "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," "The First Noel," "O Come, All Ye Faithful," "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen," and "Silent Night." Finally, the original song, "It's Christmas Every Day" by Paul Hughes, casts the Gospel message in a song inspired by the classic, "White Christmas.”  A set of “music minus one” sound tracks for public performance may be made available. 

They That Sow in Tears CD Cover

They That Sow in Tears - Sound Track (CD)

An upbeat contemporary scripture chorus based on Psalm 126:5-6, Matthew 11:29, and Galatians 6:9. Includes sound track and demo. Lyrics on back CD cover. Accompaniment features bass, guitar, drums, trombone, trumpet, and sax.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled CD Cover

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Sound Track (CD)

An upbeat, contemporary Scripture chorus based on John 14:1-3 and 27, with drums, two electric guitars, and piano.

Hebrews 12:12 CD Cover

Hebrews 12:12 - Sound Track (CD)

A contemporary Christian Scripture song based on Hebrews 12:12, "Lift Up the Hands That Hang Down." Illustrates the need to encourage those who are downhearted, sad, or disappointed. Especially appropriate and fun for children. Accompaniment sounds like a circus-type calliope.

Music Book

Christian Jazz Christmas Songbook Cover

Christian Jazz Christmas (book)

The heritage of joyous songs and hymns celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ has almost disappeared from public consciousness. "Christian Jazz Christmas" presents swinging new renditions of nine historically favorite Christmas songs. The arranger originally created these arrangements for his own use, recognizing the dearth of suitable solo pieces from trombone. Though written for trombone, the arrangements can be played by most anyone who can read in the key of C. Sheet music for each piece is provided in both bass and treble clefs to serve a variety of instruments. The solos in this book are designed to be played in conjunction with the sound track CD series by the same title. Sound track CDs may be available for purchase individually or as a complete set where this book is sold.

All arrangements are copyrighted by the arranger, but performance and recording rights are available through the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP).


Biblical Spirituality
Spirit Baptism
Start a Church
Pent. Theology Society
Divine Parody
End-Time Info. Database
Liberalism Unmasked
Independent Christian Music
Christian Music Creators

My Blogs

The Hughes Report
Christian Music Creators
MySpace Music Blog

My Videos

YouTube-Eye on the Sparrow
GodTube-Eye on the Sparrow
YouTube-Lassus' Trombone

Special Features

Constitutional Revisionism
Comprehensive STD List
Free Bumper Stickers
Reading Scripture in Public
Memory Verses for Witnessing

My Personal Pages

MySpace Music
MySpace Personal

My Original Music

My Music Storefront
My New Music Page
My 'Old' Music Page
My Easter Cantata Project
'Old' Easter Cantata Demos
Some MP3 demos
Sheet music of my songs
"I've Been Waiting for So Long"
"I Was Lost and Alone"
"When All Your Dreams Are Gone"
"Like Chasing a Leaf"
"When Life Goes Awry"
"Guide My Steps, O Lord"
"Why Not Be Happy?"
"It's Christmas Every Day"
"Yet I'll Trust in Him"
(Ave Maria - Bach/Gounod)
"Whenever I'm Longing"
(Chopin Noct. 2)
"We Saw Him Die"
(Czardas - Vittorio Monti)
"Psalm 23" (3 Movements)
"They That Sow in Tears"
"Hebrews 12:12"
"I Will Give You Praise & Glory"
"Hosanna, Thy King Cometh"
"Opposition of the Pharisees and Priests"
"If Any Man Serve Me"
"I Come to Light the World"
"The Last Supper"
"Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"
"Abide in the Vine"
"Yet a Little While"
"That They May Be One"
"The Betrayal"
"So Send I You"

My Bible Studies

Bible proofs
Christian Living
Divine Parodies
Exegetical Bible Studies
Holy Spirit
Indwelling of the Spirit
Lordship of Christ
Society & Politics
Spiritual Gifts
Topical Bible Studies

My History Articles

Davy Crockett
General George Custer
Desiderius Erasmus
Fisher's Folly Battleship
Mitsuo Fuchida
What the Cut Out of Gladiator
Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls
Hero of Pearl Harbor
Ty Cobb & Baseball
Who Wrote Genesis?
Handkerchief Moody
Gen. Chennault & M. Chiang
Francis Thompson & the Hound of Heaven

My Devotionals

An Unconventional Life
Blessed Are the Grumblers
Holy Dissatisfaction
Let the Son Shine In
Miracles Are Still Possible

Learning from Nature's Way
Rebuilding the Walls
Story of Isaac and Rebekah

Take a Lesson from Baseball

The Intercessor's Prayer

Blessed Troublemakers
What Is Revival?
Wimps or Warriors?

Are You Willing to Make People Mad?
Are You Spiritual?
Respect Other's Rights
Pardon My Elephant!

Biblical Prosperity
Christian Finances and Tithing
Responsibility to Speak Out
Dear Church:  Lighten Up!
Differences Should Not Separate Believers
Famous Christians
Gospel Propositions
Graduation Only the Beginning
How to Crucify Self
It's Not About You
May Christians Judge Others?
New Year's Resolutions
Spiritual Fruit Must Be Cultivated
The Church Right All Along
The Leaven Principle
When Is Worship Not True Worship?
Why Go to Church, Anyway?