Mrs. Lindsey's Lab
Welcome to my Internet home!
I am Deborah Lindsey,       
Technology Education Teacher
at Opelika Middle School
in Opelika, Alabama.

All students at Opelika Middle School are enrolled in Technology Education annually from sixth grade through eighth grade. Students complete self-selected ten-day modules from one of 24 technology career areas. Students may choose to study Electricity, Electronics, CAD, Animation, Desktop Publishing, Aviation, Robotics, Vinyl Signmaking,
CNC Mill, Space and Rocketry, Aerodynamics, Meteorology, Telecommunications, Laser and Fiber Optics, Medical Technology, Biorelated Technology, Internet, Digital Photography, Research and Design, Engineering Structures, Radio Broadcasting, and Video Production.

I am privileged to work with the sixth grade students at OMS for a period of four and one-half weeks. My seventh and eighth grade students study technology education career modules for a period of six weeks annually with approximately 200 to 250 students attending the labs per rotation.

Students choose a partner to study a technology module of their choice. During a ten-day period, students take a pretest to determine their prior knowledge of the selected module. They will learn related vocabulary terms and their meanings during the study of the technology-related career area. Students will follow scripted step-by-step lessons daily to complete research, view subject-related videos, complete hand-on related activities, answer study questions and quizzes on the given topic, complete a daily journal expressing what they studied and learned in the day's lesson, and complete a post test on the tenth day to determine their knowledge of the technology career area.

In addition to work in the ten-day modules, students are taught to use Microsoft Office Suite software programs, digital photography software, video editing software, 3D animation software, and related technology software  to complete assigned multimedia class projects utilizing the various software titles and related equipment.

One of the main goals of this course, in conjunction with keyboarding class, is for students to master the objectives stated in the Alabama Course of Study for Technology.
Today's students are tomorrow's leaders!
Areas to Visit:
Technology Classes
Technology Modules
Technology Clubs
Technology Department
My Personal Links
About Me:
Deborah Lindsey
OMS Technology Education Teacher
1206 Denson Drive
Opelika, AL  36801
Professional and Civic Participation:
Opelika Education Association
Alabama Education Association
National Education Association
Alabama Education Technology Association
Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope Team
OHS Parent Advisory Committee
Opelika High School Band Boosters
Opelika City Schools Parenting Committee
Opelika First Baptist Church