Fake Furbys

Flee From Furbish FBI Following French Fries Fraud

Nah, just kidding. But there are a number of  fake Furbys around. Some people are sucked in by myths such as the elusive Blue Frosty Furby, which is cleared up below. All of the Furbys below are not available, unless otherwise stated.  Check out what lengths some scheming salespeople will go to to earn a few extra bucks. And remember that some silly person paid $800 for a fake Furby... I don't know which one though. Would you pay $800 for one of these? Not unless you're so rich that you use hundred dollar bills as EasyWipes. Remember that it's nopt necessarily the person that created these graphics that's at fault, they could've made them just for fun, the point we are trying to make is that if  someones tries to sell these Furbys to you, then they're a scum-sucking scheming salesperson.


Topsy Furby Main Page


Bah-Zoo-Kah, the pink bubble gum blowing Furby


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Bah-Zoo-Kah. How pretty....


What have we here? This is Baa-Zoo-Kah, the pink bubble gum blowing Furby. Those of you who are thinking to yourself, "Oh cool! I want a Furby like that!" and are busy looking up Toys'R'Us in the phone book to order one, your wasting your time. Baa-Zoo-Kah is the mascot Furby for a Furby page called Ring 'O'Furbys, and is NOT available to buy. He is NOT an official Tiger Toys Furby.
The owner of Ring O' Furbys has cleverly edited a white Furby to make Baa-Zoo-Kah. Notice how the whites of Baa-Zoo-Kah's eyes are pink, not white. Maybe he has some horrible infectious disease, or maybe it's cos the person who made him over did the red hues in a photo imaging program and forgot to whiten his eyeballs. How silly. And you're silly if you think you'll find Baa-Zoo-Kah down the road at K-Mart. The only place you'll find him is on Ring'O'Furbys, and here. So if you find some evil saleperson at another site trying to flog off Baa-Zoo-Kah to you, remember that he's full of crap ( the salesperson, not Baa-Zoo-Kah) and you'll be sadly ripped off.And don't go thinking that the owner of Ring O' Furbys is at fault, 'cos that's not what this is about. The point Topsy Furby is trying to make is that you'll only find Bah Zoo Kah at Ring O' Furbys, and here in this article. If someone trys to SELL you Bah Zoo Kah, and tell you that he's an official Furby, then they're a baddy.



Visit Bah Zoo Kah's Site!


HEY EVERYONE! Please note that the creator/creators of "Ring O' Furbys"/ Bah Zoo Kah have done nothing wrong. It's other people that try to tell you that they will sell you a pink Furby that are full of crap. So don't go sending "Ring O' Furbys" nasty mail 'cos they haven't done anything wrong. In fact, it's highly original of them to create Bah Zoo Kah as a mascot. To visit Ring O' Furbys, please click the link above, or bookmark the site http://www.vrlaura.com/bahzookah and visit another time!



Frosty Furby

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Frosty Furby, the FAKE blue Furby

Next, we have Frosty Furby. Are those icicles hanging from his ears, or gunk from an ear infection? For all you naive fools, Frosty Furby is NOT available to buy, and is NOT an official Tiger Toys Furby. So don't let some sly scheming salesperson make you a sorry sucker. If anyone tells you that you can buy this Furby from them, they're lying. Again, someone has cleverly edited a white Furby. They've probably dyed it blue and then stuck bits of super glue to his fur to look like ice (although they actually look a bit like dry snot....hmmm could be...). And those pretty "icicles" are probably bits of blue cotton wool. Very clever indeed, and very fake.


True Blue

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Elephant Furby, The REAL blue Furby

Yes, Tiger Toys/Hasbro has officially released a Blue Furby! It's called elephant Furby and is a member of the NEW collection of Furbys. Elephant Furby is the ONLY real blue Furby available, and he looks nothing like Frosty Furby. If you'd like to see the other five NEW Furbys,click here for Topsy Furby's page about them.



Smurf Furby


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ARGH! Smurf Furby expresses his dismay at yet another one of Papa Smurf's goody-two-shoes ideas.


Yet another FAKE blue Furby, only this one is even crappier than Frosty Furby. Meet Smurf Furby. He comes with a mushroom house and a little white hat that looks like a fat sea slug! Nah, kidding. But he is an fake Furby, and a really crap one at that.This image is actually an alteration of the origianl promotion picture for skunk Furby. It should be blatantly obvious to even the most foolish of you that all has been done here is a simple blue bucket fill over a black part of the Furby's bod.And notice how the tips of Furby's hair and ears are blue, because of the bucket fill. Very simple, very crap and very fake. You can't buy this Furby, so don't think you'll be adding him to your collection of plastic smurf figurines. Remember that the ONLY real blue Furby available is Elephant Furby.



Black Tuxedo Furby With Pink Chest


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Rare! Black Tuxedo Furby with Pink chest! Rare indeed.

And here we have the very rare black tuxedo Furby complete with a pink chest. Never seen them before.....until someone decided to take the initiative to potter around in PC paintbrush again and use the airbursh on his chest. Or it could just be coloured-in with pink texta. Who knows, but the point is that a black tuxedo Furby with a pink chest was NEVER made by Tiger Toys and DOESN'T exist .The only furbys that have a pink chests are the powdered grey type. This Furby is a normal black tuxedo Furby. This is simply a very stupid attempt at sucking people in. Sadly, some people are stupid enough to actually believe it, and don't you be one of them.



Elf Furby


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Here we have Elf Furby, festively decorated in red and green. Scroll up to the black tux Furby with the pink chest and notice how the eyes and position of the tag are EXACTLY the same. How coincidental. And the tag doesn't really correspond with the style of Furby they're promoting. What we have here, dear Watson, is just a brightly coloured imposter. Don't expect to be giving this to Grandma for Christmas, because Elf Furby was created by Robin, owner of the (another) kick ass Furby website called FYI Furby to promote her site.  She has (very cleverly) edited a pic of a Furby in Adobe Photoshop to create Elf Furby. This Furby is not real and is not endorsed by Tiger Toys. This Furby was ONLY created to promote FYI Furby, which is perfectly okay. FYI Furby and Robin have done absolutely NOTHING wrong. Robin is a GOODY. It's only people that try  to sell Elf Furby  that are lowdown scum-sucking scoundrels. 

To visit FYI Furby, click there

HEY EVERYONE!! Please note that Robin, creator of Elf Furby and owner of FYI Furby has done nothing wrong. The point we are making is that Elf Furby is NOT available to buy, and if anyone tells you otherwise then their lying and probably trying to rip you off.



RARE Furby with Red sensor!

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This one's from the same lunatic that bought us Smurf Furby. For those of you that don't realise, all of the first edition Furbys (the ones before Hasbro redesigned them) had red sensors. But definitely not this red. Nope, this is straight out of PC Paintbrush for sure! Yes, someone has coloured in this Furby's sensor red. But notice the massive mistake they've made by leaving a Furby in the background with a perfectly black sensor. *Snicker*



Red Eyed Furby

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Here we have the reason why Kodak incorparated the red eye reduction feature into their cameras. Yep, it's the elusive red eyed Furby which is of course, fake. This is simply an altered version of the tuxedo Furby seen on the back of Furby's box. What has been done here is a  partially-transparent red bucket fill over Furby's eyes to make them look red.We reckon that red eyed Furby could almost rival Darth Maul for the most unhealthy looking irises.....Red eye furby is NOT an official Tiger Toys Furby and ISN'T available to buy.The closest you'll get to having a red eyed Furby is to buy one with brown eyes and then stick red cellophane over his eyeballs.




That's all for now, but if any of you stumble across a Furby on a site that you suspect is fake, drop Topsy Furby a line and we'll stick it here. And (god forbid) if you've made a fake furby, send us that too.



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