Spring Furby

Limited Edition

FurbySpecialEdSeal.gif (21086 bytes)                furbyspringlimited.jpg (6440 bytes)                 furbyspringtag.gif (18500 bytes)

The Limited Edition Spring Furby, available from April 1999 in the United States


furbyspring2.jpg (14759 bytes)                           About Spring Furby                              furbyspring2.jpg (14759 bytes)


Here are some images of the first Limited Edition Furby ever released by Tiger Toys/Hasbro, Spring Furby. There are only going to be 25,000 of these little blue eyed mauve critters made, and each Spring Furby's pastel blue box comes complete with a gold seal (shown above). Spring Furby operates in exactly the same way as all other Furbys.Tiger Toys are planning to release additional Limited Edition Furbys, such as Graduation Furby (which is already available), Autumn Furby, Holiday Furby, a Furby based on the Star Wars character, Yoda, and we've even heard rumours of a Halloween Furby. Sounds like the array of Furbys available is set to rival the Barbie selection!



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Coming Soon To Topsy Furby for Spring Furby fans:

Spring Furby Image Gallery

Spring furby Number List (send us yours below)



Give Us Your PIN Number

Just Kidding. But Topsy Furby would like to know the number of your Spring Furby, if you have one. We are compiling a list of Spring Furby numbers and their owners. If you would like to included in this list, please cut and paste the following form and stick it in an email (with the questions answered, of course). Then send it to Topsy Furby.



Your Name:

Your Spring Furby's Name:

Spring Furby Number:



For those of you who are terribly foolish, here is how you cut and paste.

*Highlight the text by holding down your left mouse button until all of the desired text is highlighted.

*Right click your mouse and select "Copy"

*Click "Send it to Topsy Furby" and your e mail will open.

*Go down to the area where you type your email

*Right click on the blank area and select "Paste"

*Don't make us tell you this again



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Click Spring Furby To Return to Topsy Furby's Main Page

Topsy Furby's Spring Furby Page's address is :http://geocities.datacellar.net/athens/crete/6421/springfurby.html


Disclaimer: Spring Furby, Furby and all related indicia remain the Property of Tiger Toys/Hasbro. Topsy Furby is an unofficial kick ass website about Tiger's Furby. C, R & TM. Stop reading this and get on with it.