
purpleflower.gif (2149 bytes)Furbypurpleflower.gif (2149 bytes)

Image Gallery

DalmLineFront.gif (12970 bytes)



Welcome to Topsy Furby's brand - spanking new Dalmatian Furby Image Gallery! If you're a Dalmatian fan, Furby fan or a Dalmatian Furby fan, you've come to the right spot! (Geddit? Spot? Dalmatian Furby has spo - oh forget it). Anyway, check out the images below!

Dalm101ParentsAn.gif (24829 bytes)

Mmmmm . . Pal Meaty Bites . . .

furbydalmation.gif (39115 bytes)

The official promotional image of Dalmatian Furby from http://www.furby.com


FurbyJapIconDalm.gif (3067 bytes)

We made this humble little icon, so no nicking.


FurbyDalmBluegood007.gif (234384 bytes)

A kewl Dalmatian Furby image from Amazon


FurbyBudDalmGreygood.gif (211706 bytes)

A kewl Dalmatian Furby Buddy image from Amazon


FurbyFunPicDalmTuxPaint.jpg (16608 bytes)

Topsy Furby's favourite Dalmatian Furby image by far!This image was made by Booper from MSN Communties.


If you have a Dalmatian Furby Image that you'd like to submit to Topsy Furby, please mail us.


Topsy Furby Main Page


DalmLineBack.gif (9979 bytes)

DISCLAIMER: Furby, Dalmatian Furby and all related indicia property of Tiger Electronics/Hasbro. (C), (R), TM 1999. "101 Dalmatians" and all related indicia remain the property of Disney. Topsy Furby is an unofficial website dedicated to Furby.