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Millennium Furby parties like it's 1999. Oh hang on, it is . . .

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Here are some images of the long-awaited Millennium Furby. For those of you that live under rocks in Southern Peru, there's two versions of Millennium Furby. The first is the Shopko (A Winsconsin-based retailer) version which is Silver with royal blue chest and inner ears and white feet and hair. Then there's the Tiger Electronics version of Millennium Furby, which is royal blue with silver inner ears and chest. Both Millennium Furbys feature a sash - the Shopko Millennium Furby's  sash proclaims (oddly enough) "Millennium Furby" whilst the Tiger Electronics Millennium Furby boasts a sash that says "Year 2000 Furby". Millennium Furby is limited in total to 300, 000 pieces (such rare little critters!), with 250,000 being the Tiger Electronics version and the remaining 50,000 being the Shopko one. The Tiger Electronics Millennium Furby comes complete in a silver box that's decorated in kewl Y2K and balloon print, and to boot there's a special Millennium version Furby poem on the back, which you can check out below. Great news for Australian and New Zealand residents - the Shopko Millennium Furby is available in both Oz and NZ, and you can get yours from your local toy retailer or order online at for $69.95 plus shipping while stocks last. planet.gif (5254 bytes)


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250, 000 pieces

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50, 000 pieces

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A Furby Millennium Story....

Furby can’t wait for New Year’s Day,
It’s the next Millennium, yippee Y2K.
Hard to believe that it’s finally here.
Let’s toast and celebrate an exciting NewYear.

Furby and friends are waiting to see,
what will happen in the next century.
The 20th was grand, many changes took place,
radio, TV, computers, and a race into space.

Furby wants you to "noh-lah" (dance) and have "dah doo-ay" (big fun)
But also contribute in a very special way.
Think of others, be very kind, too,
The future is bright, its all up to you.

January 1, 2000 is the day it will start,
New resolutions pledged from the heart.
A time to reflect and a time to enjoy,
With Furby, the sensational millennium toy.

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A bunch of Mill Furbs do their best "Pyramid of Giza" impression.



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