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Issue VII                                                            December 1999

Millennium Furby Parties Like It's 1999 (Oh hang on, it is)

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Tiger Electronic's Limited Edition Millennium Furby

Various Sources - Tiger Electronic's Limited Edition Millennium Furby has finally been released.

The Tiger Electronics Limited Edition Millennium Furby is limited in total to 250,000 pieces and features a reverse colour scheme to that of the Shopko Limited Edition Millennium Furby which was released earlier this year. The Tiger Electronics Limited Edition Millennium Furby comes complete in a silver box decorated with Y2K and balloon prints which has a Millennium version of the Furby rhyme on the back which can be viewed at Topsy Furby's Millennium Furby page.

Meanwhile the Shopko Limited Edition Millennium Furby has become available for purchase in various stores in both Australia and New Zealand. Australian   residents can also order one online at The Shopko Limited Edition Millennium Furby is limited to 50,000 pieces.

For additional information and images concerning both Millennium Furbys, visit Topsy Furby's updated Millennium Furby page.


Reindeer Rock Up At KB Toys

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KB Toys - The second Christmas-related Limited Edition Furby has been released, namely KB Toys Special Edition Reindeer Furby.

Currently, Reindeer Furby is as scarce as rocking horse dribble in KB stores throughout the U.S, but he is available for purchase at the KB Toys website for $19.95.

For information and images concerning Reindeer Furby, check out Topsy Furby's new Reindeer Furby page.



Yahoo! News -   According to industry figures, Furby is the single best-selling toy for 1999, despite the Pokemon phenomenon.

"Furby's been one of the biggest surprises of the year," says Clifford Annicelli, managing editor of Playthings magazine. "Many people in the industry had predicted a rapid falloff in Furby sales after Christmas of 1998, but that didn't happen."

Tiger Electronics say they sold over 500,000 Furbys last week alone in the U.S and predict that  more than 10 million Furbs have been sold this year.

To view the full article entitled "Furby Still Among The Hottest Toys" visit this page of fellow Furby website, Mystc Fortress. Then come back here.


The Sixth Sense (Oops we mean Series)

Tiger Electronics, Ltd. - Sixth Series Furby images were recently posted at the official Furby website, Furbyland.

The Sixth Series styles are as follows:

* Black with burnt orange chest, inner ears, hair and white feet.

* Light and dark green horizontal stripes, light green chest and grass green inner ears, hair and feet.

* Brown with ochre and black patches, ochre chest, brown inner ears and feet and black hair.

* White with dark grey/black patches, black chest and hair, white inner ears and grey feet.

* Light grey with pink and blue tinsel indispersed throughout and white feet.

* Medium blue with black "veins", medium blue inner ears and black chest, hair and feet.

Sixth series Furbys are starting to creep into stores and should be available at all destinations shortly. Images of these Furbs can be viewed at the official Furby website, Furbyland in the collectables section.


Hit Me, Baby (One More Series)

Tiger Electronics, Ltd - Tiger Electronics have released the second series of Furby Babies.

The second series of Babies consist of much brighter colours than those of the first series. The six new styles of Furby Babies are as follows:

* Yellow with royal blue chest, dark pink hair and white feet.

* Lilac with light yellow chest and hair, white feet.

* Medium blue with bright pink chest and hair, white feet.

* Rust with khaki chest, light yellow hair and white feet.

* Mauve with teal chest, white hair and  feet.

* Royal blue with pale pink chest and hair, white feet.

Second series Furby Babies have just become available in stores throughout the U.S and have not reached international destinations as yet. Images of the new Furby Babies can be viewed at Baby Topsy Furby.


Furby Goes Backpacking In Oz

Down Under - Numerous Furby accessories have become available in Australia and New Zealand.

Furby Sleepytime beds are now available down under and retail for approximately $29.95, while Furby Backpacks retail for around $15.95. Also available are Furby board games, CD-Roms and puzzles

Australian and New Zealand residents can order Furby Sleepytime Beds and Backpacks from


Interactive Gizmo Raids Nestle Factory

WWW - The first Interactive Gizmo Easter Egg has been uncovered.

An Easter Egg, in relation to Gizmo, is any sequence of movements that will cause Gizmo to react in a certain manner.

To hear Gizmo laugh and basically behave like someone that's had one too many beers, do the following:

* Tickle, wait until he stops moving and speaking

* Tickle again, wait until he stops moving and speaking

* Tickle once again, wait until he stops moving and speaking

* Pet

For more information and images concerning Interactive Gizmo, visit Topsy Furby's Interactive Gizmo page.


Furby Watching

Furbyland - The official Furby website, Furbyland has an offer running in which you can obtain a free Furby wrist watch. (U.S residents only)

To enable you to claim a free watch, simply purchase any Furby official licensed product to or exceeding $30.00 (This doesn't include Furby, Furby Babies or Buddies) and send it off to Tiger Electronics to receive your free watch!

The offer runs from December 10 this year to January 31, 2000. For more details visit


Join MSN Communties

WWW - We're sick of telling you, so if you haven't already, go and join the Furby Community at MSN Communites. Right now.

MSN's Furby Community boasts over 100 members, and as a member you'll be eligible to enter competitions reserved for Community members. There's also a weekly chat with a Tiger Electronics representative who can answer all of your questions regarding Furby and other Tiger Electronics products. Additionally, the Furby Community message board gets around 10 postings a day, and it's a great place to keep up to date with all the latest Furby news and offers. If that's not enough, there's a Photo Album where you can post photos of your Furbs and check out photos that fellow members have posted, including Booper's Furby Bloopers Collection (Funny Furby images).

Don't delay, join today! The address of MSN's Furby Community is


Other News Headlines

Fluctuation Of Furbys Continues

Tiger Electronics, Ltd - Tiger Electronics are planning to release a Limited Edition Valentine's Furby. . .


Furby Babies Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Toyworld Aust - Furby Babies are set to hit Australian and New Zealand shores in late January. . .


Furby Dual

FAO Schwarz - Two $100,000 Bejeweled Furbys have been sold by FAO Schwarz . .


Ooglio Ooglasias

KB Toys - For anyone that cares and dares, talking Ooglie keychains are now available . . .


News you may have missed if you live up a tree in the Andes region of Northern Peru  . . .

Do You See What I See?

Tiger Electronics Ltd - Tiger Electronic's Interactive Gizmo was released last month in the U.S . . .

Fairly Furby

Tiger Electronics, Ltd - Tiger Electronics President Roger Shiffman has promised that Furby will be well represented at the upcoming February Toy Fair . .


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