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Okay, I'm not American, but I have to admit, Patriotic Furby is pretty cute. And if that's a torch, it looks like it's burning his ear......

The third Speical Limited Edition Furby from Hasbro/Tiger Electronics is none other than Patriotic Furby. Decked out with a crown and torch, Patriotic Furby has a red body with a blue chest dotted with white stars. So, unless you live in a grass hut in the Amazon jungle, you'll realise that Patriotic Furby is kinda like the Statue Of Liberty meets the American flag. All Patriotic Furbys have blue eyes, and are only available from KB Toys, an American toy store. So for those of you that live in a calico tent in Northern Paraguay, you can't have one.(And I'm sure that's most of you). Patriotic Furby is limited to 70,000, so it's rarer than Spring and Graduation Furby which were both limited to 250,000 each. KB Toys website still has Patriotic Furbys available for purchase, at $39.99 US each, but hurry up 'cos we don't think it'll last much longer. Unfortunately, only U.S residents may purchase from this site. For those of you that don't live in the U.S, and desperately want a Patriotic Furby, try E bay or Yahoo Shopping. Oh, and Patriotic Furby's torch and crown are sewn on. Now, run along and look at the pictures. flag.bmp (360054 bytes)




Patriotic Furby

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Image Gallery


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The original Patriotic Furby promotional shot

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This one is from the owner of Furby Etc's friend. Ta


That's All,

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