1º Bimestre |
2º Bimestre |
Functions:- Spelling names and words - Giving classroom instructions
- Asking about age
- Greetings and leave-takings - Classroom objects
- To be - Possessive adjectives - Demonstrative pronouns
- Articles - Imperative - How old? - numbers
Functions:- Asking for and giving location - Asking for and telling time
- Finding the owner of an item
- Time of a day - Clock time
- To be(int/neg) - Question words - Telling the time
- Possessive adjectives (review)
3º Bimestre |
4º Bimestre |
Functions:- Describing someone - Asking for and giving information
- Colours - Countries
- Plural: genitive case - There to be - How many/much
Functions:- Talking about the weather
- Daily activities - Weather - Temperatures and seasons
- Adverbs of time - Simple Present(aff/3rd person) - How many/much