HKS developments :update (10.8.98)


IRG : From our Germany Correspondent who is close to the situation.

1) One of HKS's key managers confirmed that HKS has successfully managed to increase $8 million to $28 million due to various investments, but that after the crash practically all of it was lost.

2) Following the GBC report on the 'drugs' that had admitted to HKS by Citeswar, the 'ghost-buster', (see previous story) the GBC has now unwittingly opened itself up to potential lawsuits from many devotees through the years who have been administered to by Citeswar. This is because Citeswar is unlicensed and not authorised to treat devotees mental problems, but the GBC have endorsed him in this activity for many years, and thus in the process potentially caused serious harm to them. Though the GBC is now trying to make Citeswar the scapegoat for the HKS affair, they forget to mention who it is that has sponsored and encouraged him all these years. There are many letters by from Jayapataka Swami and HKS himself recommending Citeswar as an authorised person for treatment of mental & ghostly problems. Thus any devotee who has suffered as a result of being administered to by Citeswar could sue both him and the GBC for promoting him in this activity.

3) The venue for HKS disciples, which was supposed to be in Denmark, has been moved to Radhadesh & is currently going on. What we understand is that there are 3 groups. One group understands that HKS is in total maya, he should be stripped of all positions & replaced by a new GBC. Another group feels that it is a temporary sickness, he will recover from it & lead them Back to Godhead. The third group, which mainly consists of the Russian 'mafia' devotees, feel that it is a transcendental pastime. His words should still be taken as 'guru mukha padma vakya'.

The GBC is desperately trying to balance the HKS phenomena by appearing to do justice. Dealing with his falldown in a proper manner & at the same time trying to cover up his deviation. So that it doesn't blemish the characters of the other gurus & also simultaneously not provoke the Russian devotees who have previously given an underlying threat that HKS's authority shouldn't be tampered with.

Meanwhile HKS is not co-operating with the EC of the GBC, thereby frustrating their attempts to cover up his madness from the devotees. He is extremely attached to his disciples & doesn't want to give up his relationship as a guru to them.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!