Latest HKS Update - 16/8/98


Text COM:1602156 (199 lines)
From: Bhaktivinode Thakur (das) HKS (Nowy Sacz - PL)
Date: 15-Aug-98 20:59
To: Akhandadhi (das) ACBSP (Sri Mayapur Project - GB)
To: Badrinarayan (das) ACBSP (San Diego - USA) [13788]
15-Aug-98 21:00)
To: Ravindra Svarupa (das) ACBSP (Philad. - USA) [3700]
To: Sesa (das) ACBSP (GBC) [4669] (received: 15-Aug-98
Cc: ICP (ISKCON Communication Poland) [4421]
Cc: SV disciples [1650]
Cc: (SV) Wiadomosci [297]
Cc: Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP [8722]
Cc: Premarnava (das) HKS (GBC Corr. Secretary) (NE-BBT)
(received: 15-Aug-98 21:58)
For: GBC Discussions
Subject: A motion for revision and cancelation of EC statement
August 15th, 1998

To the GBC Executive Committee of the International Society of Krsna Consciousness



A motion for revision and cancellation of Executive Committee's decision to suspend Harikesa Maharaja from the following positions, duties, and/or responsibilities within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON):

1. The ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC);
2. GBC Minister of Educational Development;
3. Property Trustee for any and all the properties within ISKCON;
4. Chairman of the SMPDC,

and for cancelation of the EC decision placing him on probation with respect to his duties as an initiating guru in ISKCON.


We consider Executive Committee decision improper due to the following reasons:

1. The decision of Executive Committee and its explanation are internally inconsistent.

2. The decision of Executive Committee and its public statement are not ethical and damaging for HH Harikesa Maharaja well being.

3. The activities and decisions of the Executive Committee show lack of care for transcendental faith and human trust of the Harikesa Swami's disciples, and indicate detrimental results for their spiritual well being, against the GBC mandate.

4. The activities and decisions of the Executive Committee, due to the three above causes, are damaging SKCON's integrity as of organization, of vaisnava association, and of legacy of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.


1. A. The Executive Committee expressed their opinion, that Harikesa Maharaja was very sick, including mental and nervous disorder, and expressed their faith that he would be able to quickly recover and take up his duties, and acknowledged his great merits for ISKCON at large.

The Governing Body Commission (GBC) of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) regrets that to date there has been no significant change in the condition of Harikesa Maharaja.
As mentioned in my letter of 13 July, he has suffered from a total physical and mental collapse. In this condition, he has been saying many things that are incoherent, implausible. He has moments of lucidity and then moments where he is irrational. When he has his clear spells he regrets what he has said and asks that it be disregarded. We are all naturally very concerned by these events. What seems clear to those nearest him is that his nervous system has broken down after years of austerity, incredible pressure, and prolonged and multiple illnesses. It is understandable that the body and mind have their natural limits and he has pushed himself beyond them. [...]
-------------- COM text 1519386

But nonetheless the Executive Committee decided to SANCTION Harikesa Maharaja:

[...] In almost all circumstances, any leader who displayed the above three characteristics would have been removed swiftly and permanently from all positions and probably expelled from ISKCON. However, in Harikesa dasa's particular case there are unique conditions, which suggest that these acts may be the expression of an unusual period of extraordinary stress and severe emotional upheaval. Judgment from mental health professionals gives support to this view. At the same time, the content of Harikesa's ideas and the volatile nature of his thought suggests that he is locked in a profound spiritual struggle which could end, God willing, in a great victory for him. In short, there is hope that this state of turmoil and of uninhibited emotional and mental expression is a transitory one from which Harikesa dasa may emerge restored and renewed in healthy condition. To stress this hope, the executive committee has invoked the lightest possible SANCTION available to it.[...]
--------------COM text 1594070

We believe that any diseased person, should not be SANCTIONED, but rather protected and lovingly taken care of. Such person should not be given any sign that is no longer trusted and needed.

The Executive Committee admitted that does not consider Harikesa Maharaja fallen, but contrary to their declaration, SANCTIONED him.

A diseased person should be rather replaced by another competent person, until he may be able to take up his duties again. But such a suspention should not be based on the same rules as in the case of CONSCIOUS transgression of one's duties, responsibilities and deviation. We suggest a necessity for the GBC Body to provide
adequate regulations and procedures in such cases.

We humbly suggest that the Executive Committee should decide themselves first, whether they consider Harikesa Maharaja fully conscious of his actions and expressed desires, or they consider him sick. If the Executive Committee considers him sick, he shouldn't have been sanctioned in any way. If the Executive Committee considers him healthy and conscious of his activities, it would have the authority to take appropriate steps provided by

B. The inconsistency of the Executive Committee's statement is clearly visible in their ambivalent approach. The Executive Committee didn't take seriously Harikesa Maharaja's statements about his own identity, etc., otherwise would be forced to remove him and expel from ISKCON.

But at the same time the Executive Committee has taken seriously his statements about his asrama, and acknowledged that he should not be recognized as a member of the renounced order of life.

2. We consider that the manner, in which the Executive Committee dealt with the whole problem, was highly unethical.

Although the Executive Committee stated that doesn't consider him fallen, but very sick and mentally disordered, the Committee decided to reveal publicly the private details of his problems, statements, and desires (COM text 1594070).

The behavior of a mentally disordered person is not taken seriously and kept confidential. Doctors and other persons involved would not broadcast the details. This is just a standard decent human conduct and ethics.

The Executive Committee has broken this ethical principle, creating great confusion in minds of disciples and well wishers of Harikesa Maharaja. By act of public revelation the Executive Committee encroached upon Harikesa Maharaja's rights, damaging his well being and reputation.

3. This contradictory and unethical statement of the Executive Committee showed lack of support and care for the faith of Harikesa Maharaja's disciples and well wishers, in consequence acting to its detriment. This is against the GBC mandate, as by damaging one's faith in one's guru, the faith in God and disciplic succession is also damaged.

4. The statement of the Executive Committee does not enhance the faith in GBC, as a uniting body of ISKCON, that should lovingly take care of all ISKCON's members, be them healthy or sick. This leads to lack of trust and misunderstanding, which are injurious to ISKCON, as association of vaisnavas, and legacy of Srila Prabhupada. Especially fragile and sacred guru-disciple relationship should be protected by all means.


We humbly ask the Executive Committee to revise and cancel their decision, and to make all possible efforts to compensate the damages.

We expect from the Executive Committee a coherent statement about Harikesa Maharaja's status in ISKCON.

We suggest that a proper decision that may be taken by the Executive Committee, is to officially put Harikesa Maharaja on a vacation, as he himself expressed this in a letter to his disciples (COM text: 1539983):

My dear disciples,
Please accept my blessings.

Because I love you all very much, I wish to get healthy so that I may continue to help you become self-realized persons who are materially and spiritually balanced and therefore completely happy and satisfied. Thank you very much for your love, support and trust in me during my time of intense rejuvenation and we should be joyous together that such a nice change is taking place. I will remain in seclusion until I am fully capable of taking up service again, when I will serve the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, and Sri Sri Madhana-mohana with greater strength and enthusiasm (but this time in a stable and balanced way). [...] I will be for some indefinite time on vacation and in therapy please wish me well, I am always with you in your heart.

Your ever well-wisher, your spiritual master.


We understand the complexity of the situation. The Executive Committee is under social pressure, and ISKCON lacks appropriate legislative instruments. Still, we humbly ask the Executive Committee to reconsider this important issue.

Your servants in service to Srila Prabhupada

Bhaktivinode Thakur dasa (HKS)
Akincana Krsna dasa (HKS)
(Text COM:1602156) -----------------------------------------
(Text 1602685) ---------------------------------------------

Text COM:1602129 (16 lines)
From: Internet: Premavati d. d. <>
Date: 15-Aug-98 20:16
To: SV disciples [1649]
Cc: Premarnava (das) HKS (GBC Corr. Secretary) (NE-BBT)
(received: 15-Aug-98 21:58)
Cc: (GBC) Constitutional (Committee) [47]
For: Free Forum
For: GBC Announcements
Subject: Syicide for Sri Visnupad's glories
Respected members of EC GBC!

We, disciples of Sri Visnupad, personally, Brahmananda Puri d, Jagadyoni dd, , Kamalamala d, Premavati dd, Vakta d, Bhramika d, Sannyasa d, Hararata dd, Akrya dd, Vajracinha dd, Yajna dd, Caturti dd, Vaikuntha d, Guilmanova Guzel, Rangadevi dd, Ratiprita dd trying to follow strictly the direction of the sastras and loving
so much our spiritual master, want to sacrifice our life and our bodies for to show the level the abominable action which you have undertaken against our spiritual master and our eternal relations.
And now we are ready for suicide because our beloved spiritual master was accused and betrayed like Jesus Christ. This is the right decision of a real disciple. Our spiritual master was obstructed by those who are so cruel to him and to the whole ISKCON too. But before - we'll fight till the very end. If you don't apologize before Sri Visnupad and before his disciples and don't cancel your resolutions we'll fulfil our plans.
(Text COM:1602129)
(Text 1602684) ---------------------------------------------


Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!