Official Summary Report of the Bangalore and Bombay Meetings


By Mandapa Dasa, Chairman of the ISKCON Reform Group (IRG)

IRG : As devotees may know recently a series of meetings took place in Bangalore and Bombay regarding the 'ritvik' issue. The Bangalore meetings were organised independently by some leading Indian TP's who were keen to discuss Guru Tattva issues. These meetings started with the first day devoted to TP's airing their grievances at the problems that the current ISKCON Guru system has caused. In total 70 such points were listed.

The next two days focused on finding solutions. Eventually after much discussion and debate a number of resolutions were voted upon.

The first resolution was taken directly from a devotee reading from the
'Final Order', and simply proposed having Srila Prabhupada as everybody's initiating spiritual master for as long as ISKCON exists. This was passed with only 3 votes against.

However to get a little more consensus the wording was then changed to make it appear more 'liberal' and acceptable. This wording was then accepted with 1 vote against and follows below:

"Resolved that: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of ISKCON is the sad Guru (i.e. Bona Fide, transparent link to the parampara) and he is the only current link through whom alone all devotees of ISKCON are directly connected to the parampara as long as ISKCON exists"

(The irony of this resolution, which was specially worded so as to make it more 'appealing'. Rather than simply taking Srila Prabhupada's direct words as he himself authorised in the July 9th letter, was the reaction of the GBC immediately upon seeing it at the Bombay meetings was
'this is "Hard Core Ritvik!" however it is dressed up'!)

In pursuance of the above resolution, the meeting also called for some IMMEDIATE RELIEF measures, that is measures which may not be the full extent of what the members may desire, but simply action that should be instituted at once by the GBC:

2. "Resolved these immediate relief measures:

2.1 Removal of pictures of present gurus from the altar; all kinds of offerings to be directly made through Srila Prabhupada.

2.2. Worship of present Gurus should be only personal, individual, and private. Only Srila Prabhupada or previous acharyas shall be worshipped in ISKCON congregationally.

2.3 In the matter of Srila Prabhupada's instructions for initiation within ISKCON, a free and frank discussion should be allowed and encouraged amongst all mature and responsible ISKCON devotees. Assurances must be given by Gurus that they will do the needful among their disciples to prevent any hostility towards ISKCON devotees who take up such discussions.

These resolutions were passed unanimously.

These resolutions were passed on
JULY 9TH! and are titled the 'July 9th Resolutions'. Being the day that Srila Prabhupada sent out the letter that confirmed his continued status as ISKCON's diksa guru, many devotees saw this as an auspicious sign.

At the meetings an official group, the
ISKCON REFORM GROUP was formed to represent the mood of the meetings, with His Grace, Mandapa Dasa, ex Bombay Temple President, as the Chair.

In view of the fact that the Bangalore meetings were going to take place despite repeated requests by the GBC that they should not take place, a further meeting was requested by the GBC Executive Committee with certain devotees who attended the Bangalore meetings.

These meetings took place in Bombay from July 23-26 inclusive. The meetings as had been mentioned were called for only by the GBC, and their aim was to see if they could in any way halt the momentum that was clearly being generated all over India. Unfortunately they did not succeed in this attempt but merely polarised the situation further and hardened the resolve of the Indian TP's to continue to push for ISKCON to adopt the order of Srila Prabhupada.

The following is a reflection on the Bombay meetings given by one of the key members present at the meetings, His Grace Sattvic Das, Vice President, Calcutta temple:

"It has become quite obvious that the polarisation in ISKCON has begun. This is more so with the recent developments in Germany with Harikesha Maharaja's material and spiritual difficulties. As far as I can see, the inevitable has happened. The faith in the GBC body has been corroded to the point where it is practically impossible to restore it. The present GBC body has failed to lead us to unity and focus of purpose. Cover-ups and deception is the order of the day. Straightforward dealings are conspicuous by their absence. In other words, chaos is prevailing in ISKCON. We do not know where and how to start tackling our problems. Delusion, disillusionment, frustration, anger and lack of direction is pervading the institution. Fear of the future is creeping in. The GBC has recognised its failures and yet is clinging to the idea that they have the answer to the problems and are unwilling to concede that they maybe wrong in their interpretation of the order of Srila Prabhupada. It is becoming more and more clear to devotee's world wide that the root cause of the problems that plague ISKCON is the misinterpretation of the order of Srila Prabhupada regarding the disciplic succession and how he wanted to carry on initiations in his physical absence. Even though the GBC in the meetings were adamant in defending their position (current Siddhanta) they were unable to provide plausible reasons as to why the present chaos is prevailing in ISKCON.

If the order of the spiritual master was so clear why are we steadily failing in executing it? Why are we constantly reviewing the guru position and make changes as we go along? The concept
"regular guru" is coming to question and why the "regular guru" is constantly shifting and changing is quite puzzling to us as well as to them. It seems the only thing that is 'regular' about the 'regular guru' concept is the fact that it is 'regularly' changing!

In the very words of Badrinarayana prabhu, the current GBC EC chairman.
"Can't we see the clear sign from Krishna? What else does it take for us to see our guru system is failing and flawed? (Report on third day of meeting to the GBC body. Text COM: 1536739 (62 lines) to GBC discussions [5944]). Yet he does not budge from defending the present illusion (or possible illusion) as he goes on stating: "Our presentation is that Srila Prabhupada's intention of regular gurus (disciples of my disciples/ grand disciple) is clear." (Same COM message). Why is the eternal Parampara "flawed and failing"? What a contradiction. Evidently things are not so clear in regard to the order of Srila Prabhupada. Time and again our GBC is being embarrassed in justifying their position and we really wonder how they are going to explain the puzzle created by Harikesa swamis failing spiritual and mental health.

One thing that has become crystal clear in the mind of the devotees attending the meeting is that the best and ultimate weapon used by the GBC in suppressing attempts to reform is intimidation and threats. As Badrinarayana prabhu said:
" When the pig is fat enough it's the right time to be slaughtered". Citing a well infamous way of dealing with dissidents by their Chinese counterpart. This time however it backfired and made them reveal their real intentions. This came as to no surprise to us as we were well prepared for their reaction having lived trough the last 21 years of such behaviour (and quite used to it).

The real impression that was carved in our soul however is that the time has come for all of us to stand by our convictions and the unpleasant reality that changes in our movement comes from the grass roots devotees only through pressure. (Talks don't work).

Our GBC is firmly rooted in what they believe is the order of His Divine Grace and concessions are made only when it is too evident and under tremendous pressure from the devotees and the reality of events. So be it.

Let Srila Prabhupada be the judge. We are all his servants. Someone is in Maya, let Krishna decide whom. In this hours of darkness and changes in our movement let us pray with renewed sincerity for the protection and blessings of Srila Prabhupada.

Badrinarayana prabhu states:
"We have to realise that the flaws in ISKCON's guru system and that lack of any honest discussion about it is driving a large and growing number of senior devotees to the ritvik camp. As they see no change, no improvement and no avenues for discussion, the ritvik camp becomes the only mean to vent the steam in the system. Unless, while preparing for defending the faith, we do not address the above issues, this conjunction of the rise of ritvik-ism and wide spread ramifications of Harikesa maharajas troubles are a dangerous alignment and bode of a spell of hard times for ISKCON."

This is partially true. However the reason why many senior devotees are accepting ritvik is simply because it was ordered by Srila Prabhupada and that failure to execute this order has lead the institution to its present predicament.

As pointed out in the meeting, individually we are happily situated in the service of Srila Prabhupada and are not disgruntled as some people may assume. Especially here in India where the so-called dissidents have all made substantial contribution in the advancement of the mission of Srila Prabhupada by building temples, organising large festival etc.

Evidently the driving force in remaining committed to our beloved spiritual masters service is some kind of spiritual happiness and realisation (for whatever its worth).

What has driven us to such a radical change and conviction is the order of Srila Prabhupada itself in the July 9th directive on initiations to the whole society as explained in the
"Final Order" paper.

As disciples we feel that a written order in the form of a document circulated to the whole society few months before his departure must not be speculated upon. Our acceptance of so-called ritvik-ism is not in consequence of failures, rather the self-evident desire of the Acharya Srila Prabhupada. For whatever it may sound to us, the fact that Srila Prabhupada gave such an order is as clear as the Sun. As disciples we have no business other than follow the order of the Acharya. Disobedience of the order is an offence and the consequences are self-evident.

In conclusion:
The growing polarisation is inevitable. What will come out of Russia and North Europe after the hard reality of Harikesa swamis fall down is not difficult to predict. The suicidal stubbornness of our GBC to cling onto their failing and flawed guru system is inconceivable.

Let us pray and beg for the mercy of Srila Prabhupada to guide us and force a definite change that will encourage all of us to remain committed to his service thus creating a healthy ISKCON for the generations to come as envisioned by our Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada."

The ISKCON Reform Group is committed to bringing about a change in ISKCON that is firmly in line with the orders of the world Acharya for the next ten thousand years, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Your Servant,

Mandapa Dasa, Chair, ISKCON REFORM GROUP.

Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!