Mr Walter Lim
1/6, 1/7 & 1/8
Good Luck for your Exams! Study Hard!
Lesson on 3 May
Remember to memorise your letter format and use 'Yours sincerely' for informal, and 'Yours faithfully' for formal letters.
Do a simple planning and you won't regret it!
Email me by 7pm if you have any last minute question and I will reply by 9pm.                                                                - Mr Lim (3 May 05)
Click here to download:
Format for letters - memorise this for the Exam
Powerpoints on Composition and Letter Writing Planning
the 'SpoT mY eRRorS' Challenge
Ok people, I have already awarded points to some students who had emailed me on the errors. The wrong spelling of the word 'English' in a few pages was not intended actually. This challenge will stop just for these 2 weeks of examination.    
Answer Checks:
Click here to e-mail me at
English Grammar Workbook
Focus on Writing
Teacher of 1/6, 1/7 & 1/8.

This website will undergo constant upgrading, so that it is easy for students to use for independent learning.

Email me  if you have any questions.
Suffixes & Prefixes
Vocabulary  Worksheet 1
Vocabulary  Worksheet 2
Grammar  Worksheet 1
Photography, Travel, Reading, Swimming, Yoga and more!!