(Developing Human Consciousness)---The End of an Era---(Beginning phase-minor articles)


Brief introductions to books soon to be released

(Books that are truly timely for the coming millenniums because they begin freeing the spirit of man)

Priming consciousness is a series of articles designed as sentinels, and to inform its readers that the books capable of wakening the sleeping giant in the consciousness of man are finally here and will be released at the end of the series. (To prime the consciousness with an expectation and desire of their release.)

The articles should instill an awareness or knowing about the books that’s hard to describe; like something is about to happen and they are reading as witnesses its beginnings.

Because of the way the books make sense or explain things they defy description in a traditional sense --They Are Not Just More Books Being Released-. They are beyond the wildest dreams of most because they are beyond the systems we have known and allow humanities spiritual aspirations to blossom.

(minor) Article 2--where we've been --the era that led to the dawning of a new era.

The term Era is used because unlike previous centuries, we are on the threshold of a real shift in consciousness

---We do not just end another century like most centuries before, -we end an era of being conscious like we were.

The beginning or-- the end

----------300-200-100—0—100-200-300---- where is the beginning of the end—more importantly what is it

Wouldn’t that have to do with the way we are conscious or how we are aware

Our lives center around events, and by design those events have been linear, -so we use linear time to define what beginnings and endings are

Everything that influenced us functions that way--We are born and we die-- We begin and we end

Anything that threatens that way of being conscious would truly be a different beginning or an ending, or maybe both at the same time -which would result in a change in consciousness unlike any before.

(Many believe we don't begin and we don't end but conceptualizing it in a factual way isn't valid up to now). -- This is not a history lesson but a consciousness perspective about history

When did the end start, with writing, the printing press or new government –the revolution of transportation?

What was the defining events of the past that is allowing the massive shift if consciousness to be so dramatic that a demarcation line can be set.

Where do we begin, at the beginning of the beginning or the end of the beginning? —Sounds kind of confusing—gotta be in the terminology. (The books attempt to clear up some of these terminological confusions)

Let's start by acknowledging other societies and their cultures, --the tremendous contribution many have made to the development of human consciousness. -Without which, we as humans, would be far behind where we are, and our understandings of cultural variations would be much poorer.

They have added to the richness and fullness of our experiences, and they are just as responsible for the possibilities of the books becoming a reality now as the culture (or great society) known as the USA.


There may have been periods outside our historical context as grand or dramatic as our present period, but within our history theirs little comparison to the recent Historical past.

I suspect consciousness doesn’t change like many think it may; evolutionists (and some others) see change occurring gradually, and in some respects they may be right.

But when you look at how change occurs its usually always dramatic and dynamic, and I believe that includes how changes in consciousness occurs.

Most do realize how a change in consciousness has occurred already, and the quantum leaps it's about to take.

Look at how things stayed much like they were for hundreds of years and all of a sudden in a short period of time (just over 200 years) massive changes almost constantly. Changes within a generation and many within a lifetime.

--There are many that would return to the ancient ways of being conscious—the consciousness we come from.

They question the inventions that polluted our air, spoiled our water, and made things worse. But that will not be the case for a group of people. --The following is a very brief statement about the shifts in consciousness –

The pioneers gave way to the farmers and ranchers, changing the face of the wilderness and prairie---the beginning of a whole new way of coping with life's circumstances—bringing in all kinds of ideas. The creative aspects begin to rise to the challenge of creating better ways to improve mans lot. ---- This century was the seat of consciousness. The time when all the factors came together to create mechanisms that allowed the century that created the great industrial and technological revolution, and establishing a firm foundation of a nation.

Although we still function in survival mode, our acceptance and tolerance of survival mode has changed.

No slaves etc. The old eye for an eye mentality-- is no longer the prevailing consciousness in most cultures.

So we cannot nail people on a cross –or take their lives like they took others lives, -- We have just devised less painful ways to accommodate their demise. With a possibility of that changing—we may create a society beyond the taking of lives in any way, by individuals or groups. So the consciousness has changed more than most realize.

Unparalleled growth and development in comparison to any other century.

1999-- the end becomes evident—consciousness understanding itself (consciousness changing, - the real end)

Years may be events of their own, but its the years before that sets it in place (leads to the event)

The century we grew up in –left us as the guardians of consciousness because of the tremendous strides that we made—making giant leaps, and creating a vehicle to move beyond the mentality that has always dominated us. Real change is occurring for masses of people, because our understanding is expanding beyond what caused our interactions to be like they were.

The time is now, the place is here, and we are that group of consciousness.

See companion article —

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