Greetings and welcome to

Signora Sveva’s Porch

…a place to socialize and share ideas!


But first let me introduce myself. I am a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism , where I am known as Signora Sveva Lucciola, an Italian woman of the late 15th c. I currently reside in the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill in the Kingdom of Atlantia. I am interested in many things. Many of which fall into the catogory of Arts and Sciences. I have held the position of Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences for Windmasters' Hill, as well as serving as it's Champion of the Arts. I have also taught a number of classes on many diverse topics, and will try to post my handouts and other research here.
  Glass Working- I helped to found the guild and have organized several glass tracks at Atlantian Universities. Our local guild has a meeting about once a month. My main specialty is lampworking glassbeads, but the Guild welcomes artisans of any glass manipulation technique.
Period Games
Cordials and Liquers
Leather Bottles  
Clothing: Japanese
Persian and Middle Eastern
Hat Construction Tips
Natural dyes
Different aspects of late 15th c. Venitian life.
Brief History of Venice
Ventitian Men's Clothing
History of the Gondola

A photo gallery of various SCA events

Other good resources for other pre 17th c. topics can be found on the Kingdom of Atlantia Minister of Arts and Sciences links page.
I also love to read mysteries, especially those set in historical times. Follow this link to a listing of some of my favorites!)

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments: