Ambergrist December 2001
Holiday Issue
Thanksgiving Party

John and Alicia were kind enough to host the 2001 Thanksgiving feast.  Joan organized the guests to be sure we had a proper mix of salads, vegetables, turkey  ham and deserts.

No one got too drunk. Papa and Poo extolled the virtues of red wine. John carved the bird. The young ones Nintendo-ed and Nintendo-ed some more.

Joan passes out names. We wondered who's name was in Poo's envelope. 

Check out the wish list below. If you are not listed below, send Jim your wish list.


Christmas Schedule:

CHRISTMAS  2 0 0 1

Saturday, December 22nd:  PARTY AT POO & DAD’s - Dressy attire, No young kids, Mexican cuisine
Sunday, December 23rd:  PARTY AT LAUREEN & JIM’s - everyone (except Poo, Dad, and Jane), Ham
Monday, December 24th:  PARTY AT ALICIA & JOHN’s - everyone for Lasagna,  bring your elf gift
Tuesday, December 25
Tea and Scones with Jeff and Patric , Time TBA

Sign up for Jobs through Joan




Patric:  Traditional Irish Linen: Table clothes & napkins.  She likes stuff
from "Hot Topic" to wear at her gigs;  Usually black & red (tartan style.)
Or something silver and funky to go with it.  She likes scents, such as
candles and potpourri, but not really an incense fan.
Fleece pullover or jacket, garnet/silver earrings, bubble bath in all shapes and sizes and scents, scented candles, fun stuff
Jeff:  Jeff appreciates anything.  He likes sweaters, but hates when they are
too big and loose.  Jeff comes in at a 40 regular, between medium and large.
He would love a boom box for his classrooms.  He needs a new "bag" to carry
his things in, pens, calculators, notebooks, grading reports, etc.  He needs
a new scarf and ski hat for cold weather.

Eric:  Always likes books, but wants an XBOX, GameCube, PlayStation2..not
likely.  He could use some new shirts for his 10 year old frame, turtleneck
and sweaters too.  He would like a GameBoy Advanced.  Also, a subscription to
a game magazine is OK.

Josh:  Gameboy Advanced also.  Boogie Board, fins, goggles.  Josh and Eric
both like telling jokes;  A jokebook.  He'd love to have a motorized scooter,
so would his Dad.  He also would like a new kitten, but we'd settle for some
fish, a lizard, or a turtle.

Jane – 4 x 6 picture frame that stands on a shelf
Italian cookbook, lawn sculpture

Joe – tie, fountain pen, gloves, dark chocolate
CD’s – Gerry Mulligan, Gustav Mahler

Molly -- gift certificate to gap, limited too, old navy
anything to do with movies, no books!!!!
make-up (preferably lip stuff)

Jessie -- i really want to get into hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, and rock climbing... my wish is for some equipment to start me off on my adventures

Laurie -- Books, CDs, DVDs, Winter scarf/scarves, Sweater (fleece, wool, cotton, etc.)
Dual 800 MHz G4 with Apple Cinema Display (hey you never know, maybe my elf will win the lottery and feel like sharing)

Joan -- Medium/Large suitcase with w/ wheels (have a carry-on one)
Alarm clock radio with CD player
Large mirror for above fireplace, frames
T-Shirt sheets (queen)

Jerry: CDs/DVDs (ask Katy), New Putter, Games (not computer), Camping Stuff (Stove, coffee pot), Clothes (Surf & Sport stuff . . . ask Katy), Golf Shoes, Bicycle, SonicCare (toothbrush thing), Starbucks coupons, Babysitting coupons, Father & son boogie boards

Jason: Anything NFL related, Computer game Windows, Tape player/microphone, Padres hat, roller blades

Matthew: Dora the Explorer video or Bob the Builder, Any toy related to these characters, Pretend food/kitchen stuff, Art stuff

Katy: Watch, Camera, Madonna New Greatest HitsCD/Janet Jackson new CD, Pedicure/Manicure Gift Cert.

John: belt (size 38) and dvds (not Shrek)

Alicia: books: the Lives of the Saints, anything by Thomas Merton except the Seven Story Mountain, a history of radical Islam, the Summa by Aquinas, Michael Griffin, Reaping the Whirlwind; The Taliban in Afghanistan ,new kitchen towels in green pink or yellow, a Henri Emilie pie dish (I'm not sure of the spelling)

Jim: sweatshirt XL, new car ( no moon roof) , baseball hat (XL) Belgian waffle mix, wine bottle opener, Godfather DVD collection. Edwards movie passes.

Laureen: tea kettle- white, herb/decaf tea, Movie passes Edwards, surprise me.

Philip: padres hat, baseball, water polo ball, T shirt (L) , Edward movie pass.

Stephen: Lego car or planes: Flight simulator 2002 prof ed. IBM for PC, candy.

Thomas: Shrek DVD - ( widescreen/ special ed) , Lego cars or planes, Quicksilver baseball hat, candy.

( or call Laureen for advice)


E mail Links
JohnAlicia, Jessie, Laurie
Jan, Gillian, Alicia 
Jim, Philip, Laureen , Stephen, Thomas
Joe, Jane Molly
Jeff, Patric
Jerry and Katy,


Yahoo calendar for Cass Lake Dates
( amberg_family, valencia)

Hey Jim;
I haven't been getting your postings. My email address is Previously, it was
Hope all is well in San Diego. I will toast the family on Xmas with a glass
of fine French red wine...once I find out what they are.
Hello to all.
Happy Holidays.