Welcome to our kindergarten webpage! I am very excited about our school year. I hope you will visit this site frequently to see what's happening each day. We have a lot going on each day and lots of important information. Please feel free to email me at any time. I love to hear from parents and boys and girls too. I will get back with you as soon as I can.
On our kindercub page,you can check what days are
gym days, music days, what day library books are due and special
events planned for a certain day. You can also see who has a birthday!!
If your child is absent you can email me and I can let you know
of any work that they could do at home to help keep them caught
up.There are some websites that your child might enjoy also. I hope this page will be fun and helpful to you and your child. I hope you will visit often!!
Here are a few fun links that your child may enjoy. There are games and learning activities for children of kindergarten age on these sites.!
Click on one of the following
days to get that day's notes!
Come find out what we are learning
this week!
Important notes for the week!
If you ever have any questions
or you just want to chat, please feel free to e-mail me here!