(3-1) Amidst various labors, thought about the Beautiful
is the bridge and power and stream of benevolence ... (20-4-2000,
just another messengerboy)
In the Agni Yoga Teaching we can read much on the fiery
quality of work, thus in Heart, §79: "... The most fundamental
condition is labor, labor in thought as well as physical labor. By this
act are gathered the energies from space. But one must understand labor
as the natural saturation of life. ... To love the endlessness of
labor is already an initiation of considerable order; it prepares one for
the conquest of time. And in Brotherhood, §300:
"...Constant and rhythmic work produces the best results. Fiery
World, I, §50: "...Each endeavor may be fulfilled in three ways
- through external muscular exertion, outwaardly through a nerve center,
or through the heart's fiery energy.
In Anti-Dühring, p.392, Frierich Engels
wrote in 1878: "... Anarchy in social production is replaced by plan-conforming,
conscious organization. The struggle for individual existence dissapears
... only from that time will man himself, with full consciousness, make
his own history - only from that time will the social causes set in movement
by him have, in the main and in a constantly growing measure, the results
intended by him. It is the ascent of man from the kingdom of necessity
to the kingdom of freedom."
This important work of elevating the masses through
such educative processes was initiated by J.J. Rouseau. All such innovations
would however have been futile without the toilers of the Renaissance,
sacrificing themselves to the future, the lives of many still hidden in
the mystery of the past. Similarly today, not many know in physical incarnation
their best co-workers.
A prophecy in The Externalisation of Hierachy,
p.670, by Alice A. Bailey, illustrates the synthesis in the work of
the ashrams of Master M., Master D.K. and Master R. , Master Jesus
and the british master responsible for the labour movement,
in this period of preparation for the reapperance of the Christ: "...When
the Labour Movement is swept by the energy of goodwill, basic changes in
world affairs will take place. I would ask all workers for goodwill to
attempt to reach labour in all countries with these ideas, correctly presented."
Perhaps we should repeat, that the term for the lower aspects of the Science
of the Antahkarana is the Science of Social Evolution.
(3-2) At the dawn of peace and harmony ... (18-5-2000, Parry Hotter)
In his great poem Paracelsus, Robert Browning
"... What is your purpose, Aureole ?
Paracelsus: Oh, for purpose,
There is no lack of precedents in a case
Like mine; at least, if not precisely mine,
The case of men cast off by those they sought
To benefit. ..."
This seems to be the rule rather than the exception. Or
rephrased by Arthur Schopenhauer, a quotation often used by Robert Muller:
"All thruth passes through three stages;
First it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
In his recent book Ancient Wisdom, Modern World - Ethics
for the New Millennium, Tenzin Gyatso , His Holiness the Dalai Lama,
" ethecal act is a non-harming act." (p.75-76) "All
human endeavour is potentially great and noble." (p.180) "... compassion
is what makes our life meaningful. It is the source of all lasting
happiness and joy. And it is the foundation of a good heart, the heart
of one who acts out of desire to help others. Through kindness, through
affection, through honesty, through truth and justice towards all
others we ensure our own benefit. This is a matter of comon sense. ...
There is no denying that our happiness is inextricably bound up with
the happiness of others. ... Thus we can reject everything else:
religion, ideology, all received wisdom. But we cannot escape the necessity
of love and compassion." (p.242)
Another great soul, the Pope, could cellebrate his 80th anniversary today. In a sermon he expressed his gratitude to God allowing him to experience this day, in his spirit, ever young. The number of great souls born in Taurus is of course infinite (as with the other signs of the Zodiac). They may become politicians like Tony Blair, filmmakers like George Lucas, poets like Robert Browning etc. - all types are to be found. Indeed the sun sign of birth, if considered isolated, does not tell much. The sign Taurus is however related to the home or body of a human soul - or our planetarian Logos, the body of whom is the whole planet.
At this particular Wezak fullmoon (culminating
at 18-5-2000, at 7.35 GMT)
the Buddha and the Christ channel the important
synthetic energy to Humanity that eventually - the first task for the Christ
when he reappears - will terminate the spirit of separatism between
individuals, groups and nations - an important step towards the sealing
of the door where evil dwells. Hence true globalism is not only a goal
in itself but also an indication of the final victory of the Forces of
In his book The Birth of Global Civilization ,
from 1991, Robert Muller reproduces a foreword, written some
years before to the non-copyrighted Planethood by Ben Ferencz
and Ken Keyes. We shall now reproduce part of this preface:
"If a divine or extra-terrestrial committee of experts
in planetary management visited our Earth, they would not believe their
"You are insane!" they would exclaim. "This is no way
to administer the planet! We give you the lowest mark in planetary management
in the entire universe."
We would look at them with surprise, astonished by the
vehemence of their attack.
"Look at what you are doing!" they would add with
gentleness and pity. "You were given one of the most beautiful planets
in the cosmos - one of the rare celestial homes, at the right
distance from a sun, endowed with marvelous forms of life. It is a living
planet with an atmosphere, fertile soils, waters, and oceans. It is vibrant
and interdependent, with elements all interlinked in the most marvelous
ways. A true jewel in the universe. And see what you have done with it.
1. You have divided this planet into 160 separate territorial fragments without rhythm or reason - without geographic, ecological, human, or any other logic. All these fragments are sovereign, i.e. , each of them considers itself more important than the planet and the rest of humanity.
2. You have armed these fragments to their teeth in order to defend their so-called "integrity". They often steal a peace of land from their neighbors.
3. You let two of the biggest parts of this international jigsaw-puzzle stuff the surface and the inside of the earth, the waters, the seas, the airs, and tomorrow the heavens and the stars with nuclear devices capable of destroying most of the life on this planet.
4. You permit ego driven tyrants to snuff out the lives of people with poison gas.
5. You put some of your best minds to work designing more efficient ways to kill - instead of better ways to nurture one's body, mind and spirit.
6. You spend huge sums of money for each of these sovereign territories, and almost nothing to safeguard and provide for the needs of the planet as a whole. You do not even have a planetary budget! What an aberration!
7. You let many of your scientists, industrialists, developers, builders, promoters, merchants, and military progressively destroy the fundamental resources of your planet so that within a few decades it will become unlivable - and you will die like flies.
8. You educate your children as if each of these teritories were an outonomous island floating on an ocean instead of teaching them about their planet, which is their home - and about humanity, which is their family.
They would have a long list of other grievances: the gaps
between the rich and the poor, between the overfed and the hungry, violence
in so many forms, self-destructive drugs, the radioactive and chemical
poisoning of the planet, ruthless greed for money and power regardless
of the harm done to fellow human beings and animals, the violation by states
of individual human rights, refugees, tortures, abandoned children, the
homeless, the absence of a philosophy of life, of ethics, of planetary
morals, a youth without ideals, racism, misinformation by the media and
governments, abusive monopolies, an unlimmited imagination to attribute
to our own nation every possible virtue and greatness while at the same
time denigrating and dividing other nations and groups, etc.
We could find many arguments to try to justify ourselves:
our checkered history; the current nation-states being the result of conquests,
murders, stealings, invasions, wars and marriages; the recent discovery,
only 500 years ago, that we are a globe turning around its sun rather than
the contrary; the dearth of global data until the United Nations
and its specialized agencies were born; a total inexperience in planetary
management; the abscence of any precedents; the novelty of the crises,
challenges, and global problems to which we react like little children
burning our fingers; a first very weak world organization, misunderstood,
used as a scapegoat by its masters who monopolize all fiscal resources
of the planet; belief in obsolete values and ideologies; the multitude
of tongues, cultures, beliefs, and religions which we have inherited from
the past, etc.
The extra-terrestrials would answer, "All right, you
have extenuating circumstances due to your history and slow evolution.
But this has lasted long enough. You have until the year 2000 - the date
of the entry into your third millennium. Sit down. Think. Bring together
your best minds. Consult your populations. And make a blueprint for a better
system of planetary management. Luckily you have many excellent resources
available. ....
We will return in ten years, during your cellebration
of the Bimillenium. We hope that you by then have drawn up a propper political
and administrative regime for this planet.
Do not lose any time. Be courageous. Do not get stopped
by the antiquated beliefs carefully nurtured by the existing powers and
all those who benefit from the present disorder.
You are on the eve of major potential nuclear, ecological,
and climatic disasters. May God protect you, bless you, and guide you.
After all, you are our brothers. _May cosmic enlightenment finally illuminate
your marvelous little planet circling around its sun in the vast universe."
"And please remember", they would advise as they left,
"this planet has not been created for you. You were created to take good
care of it."
This preface was written before the fall of the iron curtain,
but though the situation is slightly ameliorated, the fantasy is still
precise in its criticism. I sometimes wonder if such an extra-terrestrial
committee have actually visited the author, Robert Muller, when he was
vice-general secretary in UN. Perhaps it is only an allegory. We
notify however, that there are in fact such visitors on the higher planes,
according to Alice A. Bailey - e.g. the Avatar of Synthesis, who shall
overshadow the Christ, in order to terminate the present regime of separatism,
we are told. Not to mention the general supremacy in relation to
the whole solar system, imposed by the sun Sirius and exchanged through
the Law of Karma.
(3-3) A midsummer nights dream: Human being
first and foremost - and then esotericist. (22-6-2000,
A member of the Society to Protection of Childrens Fantasy and Creative
If we examine only a few instances of the long chain
of world disciples - those onepointed toilers, that manifest the new ideas
and the accute solutions to Humanity - we will recognise, that these workers
only rarely are aquainted with the vocabulary of technical esoterism, and
this for many reasons. First of all, the technical esoterism is often connected
with the personality rather than the soul. One might "know" why the zodiac
corresponding to monadic levels are conditioned by the number ten rather
than twelve, exoterically, or which masters wrote poetry ind the 19th century.
Such fragmented information is perhaps even used to critisize the now commonly
accepted paradigmas. This type of esoterism is to be compared with the
replacement of one set of beliefs with another set of beliefs. Like Plato,
the tibetan master D.K. has emphasized, that the purpose of his writings
is not simply to communicate an aspect of truth, but rather to fecundate
the consciessness so it expands and reaches the higher realms. But such
education is only possible, when the basic needs are secured. Secondly,
what here seems of real importance, the qualities and mechanisms
of the soul (not to mention even higher aspects of the human unit)
are only very recently, and in line with the general development of the
human mind, becomming part of the "raincloud of knowable things" hovering
above Humanity. Hence, there is yet no fixed public terminology for "the
world of soul", it is only in formation. Even the laws of mind are
not easily described in detail, in modern languages.
Spiritual selfishness is perhaps the major reason why the many esotericists in the world today have not yet played their part. To the increasing number of advanced souls comming into incarnation there will of course also be asurance for a quick personality integration and fusion with the soul. But the keyword is synthesis. The evolution can not be accellerated beyond what is recognized by the bulk of Humanity, at the moment developing the personality aspect, hence the mental concept of free will, illusory as it may be from other levels.
In the near future, much technology may change the form of communication, not only in the richest countries. But whether we speak of books & films or e-books & e-films, the effect is what matters, here. It has been said, that the goal is to make people feel right, to recapitulate those values, that can be recognised by the emotions. The appeal is to the emotions rather than the mind. This is in particular the case with books and films for children, an often neglected field.
Books for younger children - read by the children themselves perhaps, but also suited for discussions with e.g. parants or teatchers - that may break the ordinary dogmas of materialism, are indeed rare. Well-composed and cleverly written books for all the family with such content are even more exceptional. Hence it is with gratitude one read the books of Joanne K. Rowling, at the moment three titles and four in preparation, all on the adventures of Harry Potter, a boy learning to develop his gifts for magic. We have been warned about the incomming seventh ray magicians by D.K. but certainly discussions may be more usefull than silence. Also to remove the air of mystery from the very word. Of much greater importance is it perhaps, that the books displays values of good and evil, and throughout promote love and compassion. The families in the magical society live ordinary lives, with much ability for identification, for children of today as well as their parants (who may have experienced oldfashioned competitive schoolsystems...), but on top of this we find rudiments of esoterism as in all good fairytales. The four groupings on Harry's school, are e.g. characterised by the following words, song by an important magical hat, in the first Harry Potter book:
"... So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry,
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unaffraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends. ...."
(from: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,ISBN
0-7475-3274-5, p.88)
and in the second book we find this noble attempt to indicate that consciousness exist independently of the physical body:
"... History of Magic was the dullest subject of their timetable. Professor Binns, who tought it, was their only ghost teatcher, and the most exiting thing that ever happened in his classes was his entering the room through the blackboard. Anscient and shrivelled, many people said he hadn't noticed he was dead. He had simply got up to teach one day and left his body behind him in an armchair in front of the staffe-room fire; his routine had not varied in the slightest since. ... " (from: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,ISBN 0-7475-3848-4, p.112-113)
Even attempts to emotional control, at least in rudiments, using visualisation, is to be found in the books (especially the third, perhaps). Should you reject the books due to their very subject, one might also remember, that references to "magic" (meaning to "make" or "create" something) is quite commonly displayed in many good books, like the Bible or the dramas of William Shakespeare. Again, we should remember the purposes of such books: to reach the many and still only passing the secret information on to those ready.
The tentative use of words, perhaps old in form but new
in content, should be done with carefulness. In general, many world
servers has pointed out, here around the new millennium, that many wellknown
words, such as freedom or peace, should be given a
new content. To that end, one may perhaps also find inspiration in
the list of items and concepts, intended as basic for the New Age curriculum
and listed as an appendix in Education in the New Age by Alice A.
Bailey. And it is still true, that the New Age will be build on the principles
of responsibility, of goodwill and of sharing - and the increasing synthetic
effects of the use of the Great Invocation by human beings all over the
(3-4) There is apparantly water on Mars -
and we hope no-one there have got patent rights for the water on
planet Earth ... (4-7-2000, PNYX Int. Ltd.)
Mahatma Ghandi, when asked for his oppinion on "modern civilization", replied: "Yes, I think it would be a good idea..."
In 1602 Tommaso Campanella from the Dominican order wrote his utopia La Città del Sole: Dialogo Poetico, while imprisoned in Naples for his part in a rebellion against the Spanish and ecclesiastical autohorities who ruled his naitive Calabria. Simulating insanity he succeded to avoid the stake and was thus able to fulfill what he considered his mission, in the process making the way for the many new ideas to replace the scolastic system, as can be seen from his many writings. In the booklet mentioned above he writes:
"Faults committed through weakness or through ignorance are punished by censure alone. Those found guilty of the former are taught to control themselves, while those found guilty of the latter are made to master the craft in which they showed ignorance or to learn some other one. These things are done in such a way as to make the guilty party aware of his relationship to his fellows." (Tommaso Campanella,The City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue, p. 99, ISBN 0-520-04034-1).
Such humanitarian approach to legal justice could be the consequence of the Human Genome Project (and the genetic tehcnology in general), now entering a new phase. The project was in June presented to the public by the scientific world and by the politicians like Clinton and Blair. The project has obviously an official as well as a more hidden agenda.
Officially the knowledge of human beings at genetic level is assumed to make the way for a quite new type of health technology, that should enable to conquer many diseases. Clinton proclamed, that to his grandchildren "cancer" may only be a name for a constallation. Recently Blair has wellcommed the genetic technology for food production, thus containing the posibility of elliminating starvation in the world, if we so choose. And both politicians will insist, that genetic knowledge, termed the Human Genome, soon will be published on the inernet. Still the business world is exstatic, that a new field of bio-technology may be able to compensate for the now dubious investment options in IT-compagnies and IT-shares.
The genetic knowledge, including the Human Genome, has also a more interesting aspect, related to ethics and social evolution in general.
First of all it will not be generally accepted in the West, that patent rights will prevent the cure of deadly diseases, otherwise curable. The poor countries could also gain from this, so we will experience the Principle of Sharing activated, at least partially, in the medical field.
Another aspect is also pertained to the medical field. If many more have a genetic "defect" than actually get the disease, or if they get it, why is the prognosis so diffuse or unpredictable. Then the Law of Karma will not be easy to neglect.
A little along the same line, suppose we could detect which kind of handicaps (socalled) an embryo posessess, we then probably would have to decide whether to accept the child or provoke an abortion. Which categories would be acceptable to whom or (especially if economic considerations would be allowed to enter the debates) to society in general. Should the parants be allowed to chose sex, colour and size, and perhaps even small detailles like haircolour. Should a preventive examination of the fetus be obligatory or optionel. Some handicaps might be generally excluded, due to the prognosis and antisipated low lifequality to the child (and its parants), but what about minor mental disability or reduced sight - soon we would have to discuss whether we would accept a child that is to be a homosexual or tonedeaf. I am sure, that this never will become a reality in any culture , but the ethical discussions will have to be taken. The result will probably be a greater accept of socalled handicaps, and a valorisation of great diversity rather than uniformity.
We also expect to get knowledge of all sorts of social dispositions, like e.g. who are actually disposed to become criminals, probably even differentiated (theft, violence, killing, etc.). But how can we punish those who with great probability will turn out to become criminals (or favor those who won't).
Perhaps the shamefull death-penalty will be totally erradicated from civilized countries. It could be one of the standards to be fulfilled by those countries that claim to belong to the civilized world. If the mere predisposition of certain crimes is not enough, the many cases of executing the wrong person should be. And exactly the DNA-tests have already shown many such cases in socalled civilized countries.
Or we will have to accept, that people are different, and some not much more than animals. In fact the genetic analysis show great similarity between man and ape. That animals is our younger brothers and sisters will increasingly become clear.
Considering cloning, we might also - eventually - have to realize, that at least human beings are not only a body and some chemistry, producing life and consciousness. There is a soul involved, too. And a few other ingridients. The classical discussion between "heridity" and "environment" will sooner or later have to admit both concepts to be nothing but two aspects of the implementation of the general Law of Karma.
Just to focus on a very few of the more obvious aspects of the project of the Human Genome!
That the whole discussion is based on statistics (or should
we say the induction principle hidden in a mathematical complexity) will
probably not violate the results - since this is the case with most socalled
science today. Indeed, the Human Genome Project and genetic technology
in general might open the door for great spiritual advances in the field
of social evolution, even if the starting point seem quite materialistic.
(3-5) Urgent appeal to the New Group of World
Servers ... (14-7-2000, C. David)
The problems in Northern Ireland, in the Middle East, in the Balkan countries, in Sierra Leone, in Indonesia, in Colombia - yes, the list could be continoued for very long - are fundamentally of the same sort: the old heriditary sin of separatism, to take but not give, thus preventing the free flow of energies from the highest to the lowest. The solution in South Africa is prototypic - and the method of reconciliation is in general applicable, in addition to the actions taken according to national and international law. But first should a blueprint to a solution be found that could and should be accepted by the majority.
It has so often been stated that the new civilisation of Aquarious should be based on the Principles of Goodwill, of Responsibility and of Sharing. The negotiations going on right now in Camp David between the three world disciples (representing the three sixth-ray coloured religions involved) will probably show that only by these principles can the new world be build (we might here recall that Jerusalem means "the city of God"). But even if there is achieved an agreement between these three moderate leaders (and this presupposes a good chance of general acceptance by their respective parlaments and peoples), the socalled democracy and its public opinion can still hamper and obstruct the results. It is apparant that only by a united (educational) effort by the New Group of World Servers can the free will of man be turned to the eventual succes of goodness without dire experiences prior to the acceptence of these fundamental principles. We remember, that evil is just the good that has to be transcended in the evolutionary process. The victims of the past and present have already suffered much, and there is no time to vaste, if we want to avoid many problems including the risc of a new global arms race.
The old human sin of separatism must come to and end,
and the New Group of World Servers with its representatives in all fields
of human endavour can now bridge these pairs of opposites, in spite of
small but phanatic groups of people, often overshadowed by the dark
forces of materialism. If you consider the alternatives, you will
probably agree, that it is important to use this unique opportunity
right now to assure the sealing of one of the inlets of evil (in the
Middle East to be precise), and transform the area into a flowering
field of prosperity, stability and progress. So don't hesitate to
invoke (in unison with your numerous anonymous coworkers all over
the world) the united effort to goodwill, responsibility and willingness
to share, in your environment or field of service (no formulas are
needed but sincerity) and add your contribution in thought
and speech to the solution, wherever you are.
(3-6) The new approach to freedom, and consequences to drug abuse (27-8-2000, declared enemies of organized crime)
The synthetic energies are transforming the world, slowly but definitely, and one of the most prosperous signs of this can now be seen in every field of human endevour. Not only a few world servers scattered around, trying to circulate new ideas and fornulas for solutions to needed work in their field of service, can be seen today. It is becomming like a gigantic global tidewave of movements and activities within Humanity as a whole. It is a definite sign of the progressing sealing of "the door to evil, hence the gradual removal of the influence of the material forces. These forces on their side are attempting to keep a number of problems going on in parrallel, so that in spite of their reduced numbers and powers, they still may seem influencial in all the fields of human endevour, far beyond facticity. We should recognize the fury and desparation of the fight. They know that they can't win in the long run, and only the time equation not the result is to debate at the moment.
It seems that we are comming to the end of a larger cycle in human history. A cycle, where the influence of the material forces no longer seem devastating, where there again seem to be solutions and hope. The glamours and illusions piled up as a result of the strong and egoistic personalities will now be replaced by the searchlight of the increasing number of souls in flesh. The power of the many people of goodwill slowly becomming integrated within the New Group of World Servers is just another guarantee of the inevitability of the process in order to establish right human relations. Some of the groups are attracted by a spiritual lamppost like the fierless world servers tirelessly fighting the tyrants of the world. Some are marching for the general betterment of the social conditions in their part of the world. Many work for certain ideas towards the new civilization, without knowing the slightest of each other nor of the general prospect we all are heading for. Some work in genuine new age groups with group-leadership as one of its characteristics, and so forth. All the modes of work are adapted to the complexity of human beings in this transistoral period, and the many working unconsciously for the New Age are supervised and subjectively stimulated by the Knowers of the world. The implementation of the four freedoms (freedom to express, freedom to worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fears) using the basic principles of goodwill, responsibility and sharing, can not be hampered or violated in spite of the joint activity of all the antagonistic powers.
One of the plagues of modern civilization is the massive use of all kinds of stimulants leading to various types of addiction. Many of these have their roots in rites of various cultures, originally doing relatively small harm. The use of coffee, tobaco, alchohol and traditional as well as recently designed drugs have however now reached a dangerous limit. Not only are the stimulants effecting those who use them, but also many others, due to a number of factors, that are so interrelated to all the rest of the modes of modern society, where the stimulants have become the compensation for lack of fulfilment of the four freedoms. On top of the enslaved addicts, dangerously powerfull organisations have developed, organisations that by all means will distribute what has been criminalized or just become inaccessable in other ways, though still wanted by people of influence and money. In fact, organised crime has become what it is, because those in power rule as if the materialistic worldpicture is true and valid (whether the organised crime have supplied illegal drugs, stolen organs for transplantation, delivered children and grown-ups for prostitution, have gained huge profits by organising illegal immigration from those parts of the world, where tyrany, warfare and poverty rule, to the apparantly more prosperous parts - or just make their blood money by any other type of crime).
Today we need constructive action including qualified and valid information of the general public, if we will break the power of this threat to modern civilization. To the esoterist, the concept of obsession may also be usefull in comprehension of the nature of addiction (and remember, that especially the central-stimulating drugs may damage the etheric body, so that its posesser may suffer physically and psychically for usually more than one incarnation). A close study of e.g. the history and activity of the tobacco industry and its manipulations and interactions with the public, may also be enlightening.
Below we shall now quote some contributions to this important phase in the establishing of right human relations. As usual there is no need of discourragement, since a periode of danger is also a time of opportunity.
Helena Roerich, Agni Yoga, §638: "Light manifest darkness. What will then be the opposite to the light of psychic energy? Of course absolute darkness. This emanation of deadliness, of the void, and of nullit will be the shadow of the fire of the highest energy. If we know the crystal of psychic energy, then we know the sediment of darkness. The highest ascent of Teros will echo to the lowest descent of Tamas."
H. Saraydarian, The fiery carriage and drugs, p.
42-43: "Intensive spiritual efforts made by the aspirant and disciple through
meditation and right living, allow him to achieve inner peace and other
virtues, and to enter deeper levels of being, all of which are interconnected
by many psychological and spiritual bridges. Across these bridges man goes
a little beyond himself, and gradually transfers his consciousness onto
higher levels where he can understand, analyze and express the Divine Plane.
A man who uses drugs to expand his consciousness loses
his part in the Plan. This means that he loses his high calling, and cannot
take a conscious part in the working out the great Plan for humanity. His
part of the Plan is there, in the innermost center of his being, but he
cannot approach it. Even if he tries to go toward it, he sinks in a sea
of glamour and there he sees a distorted picture of the Plan. Eventually
this distorted picture controls his life and degenerates him."
George Soros, Soros on Soros, p.198-199: "All drugs and addictive substances should be discourraged. Preventing children from using drugs, alcohol, and even cigarettes is highly desirable. But does it justify turning drug use into a criminal act? The evidence indicates that it has the opposite effect. I creates drug pushers. And it creates a myth around drugs that tend to attract young people rather than repel´them, especially when the myth is so far removed from reality. But the unintended consequences go much further. The criminalization of drugs creates criminals. (...) I could envisage legalization as an effective way to reduce the harm that drugs cause because I'm sure that if you legalize drugs, maybe not all of them, but some of the less harmful or less adictive ones, you could reduce criminality, say, by 80 percent. And the savings this woud produce could be used for treatment."
H.H. Dalai Lama, Anscient Wisdom, Modern World,
Ethics for the New Millennium, p. 153-154: "How, though, are we to
applay this principle of nonharming when confronted with an ethical dilemma?
This is where our critical and imaginative powers come in. (...) Have we
taken into account the overall situation or are we considering only specifics?
Is our view short-term or long-term? Are we being short-sighted or clear-eyed?
Is our motive genuinely compassionate when considered in relation to the
totality of all beings? Or is our compassion limited just to our families,
our friends and those we identify with closely? Just as the practice of
discovering the true nature or our thoughts and emotions, we need to think,
think, think,"
(3-7) When the tail is wagging the dog... (29-10-2000, CWTD (= Center for Wagging Towards the Dog-star))
In these days, where the desparation and fury of the materialistic
forces seem to galvanize every phanatic into the street, one may indeed
have the sensation of being situated on top of a vulcano, or perhaps confronted
with what resembles a reptile past of consciousness. The synthetic
energies are cutting their way down to the very heart of present day civilisation.
Even though there is needed a kind of surgery, very little blood need to
be shed. As usual, love or the energy of goodwill combined with the new
ideas to be precipitated, will make the way for the needed changes,
initially based on the love for necessity. When the public opinion is circulating
the idols of the predomminating emotionally focused groups and individuals,
the next set of concepts or ideals are already focused on the mental plane,
where as from higher levels are received and implemented the new ideas.
So is the perpetual transformation worked out. All the time, there are
peoples with mass-consciousness, with self-consciousness and with group-consciousness.
This is the guarentee of the linking of the lowest with the highest. Humanity
is one.
In Supermundane, Book Two, by Helena Rhoerich,
we read in § 304: "Urusvati is right in thinking that it is desirable
to be reincarnated into different ethnic groups. This must be assimilated
so that people will not attempt to cling to their own kind while in the
Subtle World and deprive themselves of new tests and experiences. ... Communication
in the Subtle World is mental, and there is no need for different languages.
Just as each of the planetarean scheemes is the training ground for various ray-groups, so on a minor scale is our globe spanned by a number of dynamic thoughtforms or organisms, we call nations. Each nation has its spiritual center, linking it to the highest spiritual source, via Shambala. A nation has, like any other organism, its cycles into and out of incarnation, governed by the system of seven rays and the astrological energies. A nation has its stages of integration within larger systems or aspects like a threefold personality, soul and spirit, just as the human individual - or an atom or a solar system. Thus is a nation not identical with a specific topographic area (the roman empire is e.g. reincarnated as the Brithish Commonwealth) nor identical with specific souls (except in the sense, that certain ray types need certain impacts at certain stages, and the nations are the training ground for this). Every nation has its own set of ideas to manifest, eventually. Some of the smaller nations are hierachical experiments, where certain ideas can be investigated in praxis, prior to a more global implementation. The greater nations have projects of a less experimental character to manifest in time and space. The three concepts of "liberty", "equality" and "brotherhood" are such ideas to be exercised by USA, British Commonwealth and Russia, prior to their fusion within the one Humanity, around the time of the reappearance of the Christ.
We notify, that also new supernational systems are needed in the future. This is due to the complexity of the energy patterns already unfolded by the group of nations. The fusion of all nations will have to start, at least formally, with lesser systems, and the new Europa may be prototypical for the supernational political structures, that will be needed in the future. Since we have the diversity of stages of consciousness, only at top will hierachy be accepted, and so we will have a period, where some senior members of the Great White Brotherhood will have to participate in the local type of political system, in most cases a kind of democratic system with public illections. Though of course we will not see many senior members in the beginning, the Masters of the Hierachy are already showing up on the world scene, as also predicted by Alice A. Bailey and others.
Robert Muller once said, that the UN was an educational system for nations. In this sense, the UN is for the moment the focus point of many new ideas that have been or rather are in process of being transformed into usefull ideals and idols. In marts 2000 at the governmental conference, Kofi Anan gave his version of the four freedoms, with emphasis on the "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear", and stressing the immideate practicality. As usual, the great risc today is at the same time the great opportunity to implement the needed changes, so the materialistic forces and their rabiate conscious servers will no longer be able to hamper the manifestation of the Plan.
In Soros on Soros from 1995 G. Soros
is asked whether he considers the threat of nationalism as universal. He
answers (p.170):
"There is something self-contradictary in your question
because nationalism ought to be, by definition, particular. Yet it has
a universal aspect. It is catching. It flourishes in the absence
of a universal idea, such as human rights or civilized conduct. The rise
of nationalism and ethnic conflicts indicate the lack of international
law and order. In that sense, it is universal. Milosevic and Tudjman understand
each other; they can make music together."
But even dictatores are sooner or later caught up by the effects of their evil deeds. In fact it is by the leasons of Karma, that man eventually will be capable of living in what on the dog-star Sirius is called freedom or autonomia.
At the EU-summit of Nice, France, primo December
2000, the national leaders from the EU-countries are in a position
to take new steps towards new political sructures that will open the door
to the new democracies in Eastern Europe, and more important perhaps, new
principles for decision making, with majority voting and new political
institutions, and the first drafts to a new constitutuion, most likely.
In Europe politics is considered as to complicated for
the individual, though democracy is considered the best governmental system
among the same politicians, at least in theory. A whole new debate
in the involved countries will have to replace the suppressions of the
purpose of this union in the period untill now, where it has been considered
a major problem to sell most of the message to the ordinary citizen.
Definitely we have to make a new vocabulary, in order not to be trapped
by words and prejudices. Perhaps the concept of "networking, each
in his chosen field", could bridge the situation, in the years to come.
Also the internet will make posible a directness in the democracy not hitherto
dreamt of. Approximately thirty years to make the way for a world government
is proposed. That is only one generation - our generation.
(3-8) The World is Seek - and we all
play our part. (1-12-2000, Bud O'Flye)
Caught and kept within my brains,
I watch your foolish flight.
What a pity
your butterfly wings
couldn't carry me, too.
But we grow up,
triumphing and scarred
we recognize
the world is seek
and all we've played our part.
led by supermen,
or is it superstition.
need democratic ways,
or is it demonition.
A rich young man came by,
but left again,
to save the little ones.
Aids and hunger
to East and South
poverty to their lot.
Diversity of living,
opportunity of death,
so very simple - is it not ?
Supported by euro,
controlled by dollars,
again that by yen.
Reflecting the same,
the invisible hand ,
scientific and fragile,
thus no-one to blame.
A minor earthquake
close to the site
might shatter the jacuza ,
enabling the light.
Yes, allways remember
the sun, blue and bright.
(3-9) New millennium - again ... (29-12-2000, Society For Sweet Dreaming of a Non-dropsycal Theology)
"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall
bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Em-ma-nu-el, which
being interpreted is, God with us." (Matt, 1.23)
"Chréstos (Gr.) The early Gnostic
form of Christ ... Every good individual, therefore may find Christ
in his "inner man" as Paul expresses it (Ephes.iii.16,17) whether
he be Jew, Mussulman, Hindu, or Christistian. ... The name Jesus
or Joshua, in fact, is rather a title of honour than a name...(Theosophical
Glosary, H.P. Blavatsky)
"Christ - This term was taken from the pagan vocabulary and originally meant "Initiate" or "Hierophant". The Christ is our highest and most purified ego. The word meant the highest divine principle in man. The Kréstos, or neophyte, went through the sufferings and passed the tests of initiation and after being anointed, emerged as Christ, "the purified". His finite personality was fused with his infinite individuality, and he then became an immortal Ego. For the first Christians, the word Christos or Christ was synonymous with our higher Ego. In this sense, one should understand, that Christ is the Redeemer of sins. Thus, the redemption of personal sins is performed by the soul - the conductor and the messenger of Christ - perpetually, during the long chain of earthly lives of our individual Ego. The Christ on the cross, of every human being, must descend into Hades at some point of its evolution, in order to bring back to normal conditions the soul that has been plunged therein as an effect of the evil deads of its lower self. In other words, Divine Love must reach down into the heart of man, conquer and regenerate the man, before he can appreaciate the enormity of his offenses against Divine Law and forgive himself for the sins committed against himself, and forgiveness must be obtained to complete at-one-ment...(p. 28-29 in A Treasury of Terms and Thoughts, Agni Yoga Society)
According to christian calendar, the new millennium is marked by the Christmas Festival in December 2000. This festival is probably the most popular festival in the churchyear of Christianity. In fact it has been celebrated long before the birth of Jesus, around the time of winter where the days again are becomming longer (unless you go down under ...) and the light seems to conquer darkness. Practical theologists within Christianity may have placed the birth of Christ at midwinter, with little respect to fact - most historians pushes the birthday back to some springtime around 105 B.C. Around zero B.C., Jesus incarnated again as Appolonius of Tyana, and did many miracles, before he went to the Stronghold of the Brotherhood. In the second century he returned as Origen, in attempt to save the purity of Christianity. With limmited succes. It was not a fundamentalist approach to the scriptures, as is seen by some groups, insisting on every letter in their version of the Good Book. Indeed a carefull study of the Gospels in this manner may be a terrible experience to many a good christian. Dr. Annie Besant (1847-1933), a reincarnation of Giordiano Bruno - but perhaps more aquainted to the public as successor to H.P.B. as head of the International Theosophical Society, or perhaps as a great first ray worker in many fields, as mentioned by D.K. - writes about this in her autobiography, in the chapter on girlhood:
"I became uneasy as I proceeded with my task, for discrepansies leaped at me from four columns; the uneasiness grew as the contradictions increased, until I saw with a shock of horror that my "harmony" was a discord, and a doubt of the veracity of the story sprang up like a serpent hissing in my face. It was struck down in a moment, for to me doubt was sin, ... Quickly I assured myself that these apparant contradictions were necessary as tests of faith, and I forced myself to repeat Tertullian's fameous "Credo quia impossible" ... till it became a triumphant affirmation.... But it had been there and it left its mark." (p.46-48 in An Autobiography by Annie Besant)
The child, as well as the emotionally focused adult, hardly understand an apparantly epic text as symbol and allegory. This stage needs protection. But the esoteric student may find many layers and levels in the Gospels. We shall not here go into the methods of sacred language, only consider the concept of "birth of Christ", in relation to a human being, and repeat some historical facts as well.
The Gospel story is an allegory of the path every human being should travel, before he makes a final decision and leaves our solar system along one of the (now) seven paths of the higher evolution (apart from those very few needed on this planet). The evolution of a human being (or any other unit) is also the integration into ever larger wholes. First the threefold personality become integrated around the soul-created thoughtform of an "I". Then the illusions of self start to break down, causing much pain and a series of crises. The overshadowing soul become aware of its shadow, and a new process of integration and fusion of energies lead to a new series of expansions in consciousness. They are sometimes called the three first initiations, and often symbolized with the Birth (of Jesus in Bethlehem), the Babtism (in the river Jordan) and the Transfiguration (on the Mountain). Then we reach the Crusifiction (or the Great Renauncuation) and the Resurrection (or rather Revelation), corresponding to the fourth and fifth initiations, prior to the (now) final sixth initiation of Decision. We speak of three initiations of consciousness, primarily involving the soul-personality, and three more expansions of the higher correspondence to the consciousness, called identification, now also strongly involving the soul-monad. According to the Agni Yoga Teaching the evolution goes on infinitely, though different stages need different traininggrounds. At the moment, only nine expansions could technically be carried out in this system, because Sanat Kumara, the third aspect of the planetarian Logos (known under many names also in the Bible, e.g. the Anscient of Days, the Eternal Youth and Melchizedeck), the "king" of the planet, posseses this exact capacity. Most of these expansions are taken elsewhere. Moreover, only the first three are (apparantly) individual or group expansions, while the rest are processes, involving the whole of the planet in peculiar ways, planetarily and extra-planetarily. Anyway we shall only consider the first of these now (and refer the reader to the vast litterature on the subject, e.g. Initiation, Human and Solar and The Rays and The Initiations, both by Alice A. Bailey - whereas Geoffry Hodson's The Secret Diiary supplies more specific facts on the life and death of Jesus Christ).
According to Master D.K. the first initiation is often a secret to those, who undergoes this experience. There may be absolutely no remembrence of this expansion in the brain, though the first tiny strand of the socalled Antakharana should be anchored in the triad, prior to this event. Those around, however, may recognize a change in the quality of acts and decissions of the neophyte, towards a greater, impersonal love for his fellow human beings. Soon those who have passed this mystical stage, may be counted in their millions . They are, technically spoken, aspirants to discipleship, but usually quite unconsciously, thus wasting time and energy. Through one or other of the many serving groups within the New Group of World Servers, they should be brought in contact with those they can serve as well as those they can learn from. From this stage, life after life, the responsibility will be increased, until we have the stage of Jesus Christ.
But what is fact and what is allegory. First of all, according
to many sources, we know, that Jesus and Christ are two different entities.
The human being, Jesus, had passed the first three initiations in former
incarnations, and passed the fourth in that particular incarnation, we
know him as Jesus. The last three years of his life, Jesus was overshadowed
by the head of Hierachy, called the Christ. The overshadowing entity passed
simultaneously the process of the seventh initiation - and he and his brother
(Gautama Buddha to some) who left the same office for higher work, are
still preparing the way for their fellow human beings. Part of the history
is also, that Mary, the mother of Jesus, herself were a high official of
the hierachy, now involved in the deva evolution. We have been told, that
when the Christ reappear, he will again overshadow, not a single disciple,
but rather the whole of the New Group of World Servers. He himself will
also be overshadowed by higher officials, right now the extraplanetarian
entity called the Avatar of Synthesis, who is to assist in terminating
the anscient human sin of separatism, between human beings, groups and
nations, thus starting what will be called the Regime of Avatars. We have
been told by D.K. that when the Christ reappears in physical body within
modern society, he will not appear in a jewish body (though his
brother Jesus might ...) since he is the world teacher for the whole of
Humanity. He will also bring with him some of the higher devas or angels.
Most likely we will be able to recognize a feminine representative of high
status in the group. And perhaps Muhamed, the founder of islam, together
with his teacher, Jesus, have some problems to solve, right now,
before the Christ, "the teatcher of angels and men, alike", can work
amidst the modern world of men.
Those particular processes of integration
and expansion, we call initiations, are also events in the life of larger
entities. The process of adjustment we experience right now is thus not
in any way a disaster nor great failure, it is the result of a series of
initiations, involving the solar logos and our planetarian logos. Our planet
is becomming a sacred planet. On the three lower planes of personality
living, the result is the birth of a new civilisation, governed by the
Aquarian energies along the seventh ray. What we experience is just the
clashes between a relatively small group of forrunners, and a large conservative
group governed by the values of Pisces. The synthetic energy of Shambala
is in process of shattering the crystallised conservative group, in every
aspect of human living. The goal is clear. The time-equation is what is
left of the socalled human free will. Only Humanity decide how much evil
will be allowed, before we "recognize that the good is best".
(3-10) The Unicorn is let loose again... (23-1-2001,
G. Oatman)
"It is quite true what philosophy says, that life must be understood backwars. But one then forgets the other principle, that it must be lived forwards. A principle which, the more one thinks it through, precisely leads to the conclusion, that life in time can never be properly understood, just because no moment can aquire the complete stillness needed to orient backwards" (The Papers of Soeren Kirkegaard, IV, p.61)
More than one hundred years ago, Soeren Kirkegaard, a danish forrunner in the same band as Robert Browning and Dostojevsky, wrote his call to passionate subjectivity, and portraited the many psychological types - allowing eventually for no compromise in the attitude to life. Even if he had the good fortune to be economic independent through herritage, his capacity and production (some 25000 pages) was enormeous, and even today his "stages of life" theory is hardly digested.
According to Alice A. Bailey, the sequence of mass conscousness, self-consciousness and group-consciousness represent an eternal scheeme in evolution, corresponding to the stages of emotion, mind and intuition, stages which again could be subdivided, according to the writings on esoteric psychology. Ever is the past and present integrated with the precipitations of the future. The stage prior to that of integrated personality is now of paramount importance, the masses in many countries need no longer be victims of scrupuless demagogues. They can be liberated from such external sidetracking, if they just realize the opportunity. A few simple rules to live by, like those of the chinese Falun Gong movement (recommending reflections on truthfulness, goodheartedness and tollerance) would suffice, as a starting point.
At the fullmoon hour two weeks ago, a stream of peculiar and beneficient energies, affecting the throat more than the legs, in particular in relation to the heavenly man, carved its way right down to the physical plane. Venus will asure a scientific development that also will accellerate the cataclysm of the materialistic left -overs. Saturn has also a message to most individuals, and much can be gained towards synthesis, when the new visions are anchored in the New Group of World Servers. Sometimes, healing is synonymeous even with death. At least the ground should be cleared before the house is build. Morya used to say, that the attacs of the dark ones should be used as a workingbench, that such dangers impart fiery opportunity. We consider what might be called love of necessity.
The Tibetan often said, that the man in the street need to think things through for himself. The effects of the free will of Humanity - the throat center in our planetary logos - should be observed carefully right now. Control is achieved in many dark places, but the hydra has several heads, and only by lifting all of them into the air and cutting them off, the new mode of living will be assured. The hydra is to be found on the plan of glamour, which is the plan below the plan of mind.
We should never forget, that there is a Plan, a fiery dynamic energy, that is moulded and directed, aiming to manifest the next step, as ut us sensed by the Hierachy. We, the members of the New Group of World Servers, cannot grasp the Plan in its totality, but each group has its tiny little aspect to work out, and out of this process, at times confusing and distressing when considered from below, the new civilisation, suited for our present evolutionary stage, is brought in. Our comprehension can only penetrate into the cycles, conditioned by our present stage. Fortunately, we are always stimmulated by those, who have already trodden the way, and recognize the goal for a larger cycle. Without violating the free will of man, these knowers attempt to make us realize, what is the next step to go. For the moment, and with due respect to every one involved, the majority will no longer accept the delay caused by those relatively few individuals and minority groups, that for so long have delivered the attacks on human wellfare and happiness.The fundamental principles of goodwill, responsibility and sharing will show to be suited for the building of the new civilisation. And then they are so simple and obvious, that they are easily communicated to the public.
In order for man to direct his own destiny, he should obviously have the needed resources to do so. It is a question of allocating the basic goods, so unjustly destributed today, but it is also quite necessary that man gets spare time. It takes time and resources to think things through for oneself. It almost asume the uopian society. This is perhaps one of the more important aspects of litterature, fim and other types of art: they can make the drifting hopes and vague ideals so concrete, that they can be imagined and discussed, thus refining the conglomerate of usefull thoughtforms we applay for mutual education.
Á propos education, we can only regret, that so little is tought on the methods of mental control and unfoldment in the public educational systems of the western societies. One could as well regret the lack of opportunity for any kind of education in most parts of the world. Every human being is equipped with a mind, but not all know how to use it. Alice A. Bailey said, that when the public oppinion would be governed by thought rather than emotion, the real magic work could be initiated. The stimulation of the throat center on a broad scale will probably ease in this process of changing the polarity in the electric system, that make up the etheric body, conditioning the solid one with its brain consciousness - and à fortiori in the sumtotal of these etheric webs, constituting the etheric body of Humanity. Since we all are telepathically related, due to this collective web, there is reason for hope, now that the synthetic energies have come right down to the physical world. The materiality is part of the system, but in the comming civilisation, it will be below the feet of the human beings. We will realize, that money was just a mean, not an end, and that sufficient is enough. Then we shall occopy our time with group-education within the many arts.
(3-11) The absolute is with God, anything else
is relative. (21-2-2001, A.Tack)
" I have given them your word, and the world has hated
them, because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong
to the world. I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but I
ask you to protect them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world,
just as I do not belong to the world. ... The glory that you have given
me, I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them
and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may
know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
(The Holy Bible, St. John, 17, 14-16 & 22-23)
"The school will teach respect for useful inventions but ... All forms of slavery will be destroyed as signs of darkness. ...Young hearts will feel not as ants upon the earth's crust, but bearers of spirit responsible for the planet." (From the Agni Yoga Teaching, 1926: New Era Community, §108 & 110)
Everything simply IS. But when considered from the human point of view, duality occur, there is a self (even if a phantom, depending on every thing else) and a not-self. The ability to be an individuality never escape, we are told, but may be transcended. Both time and space are illusive, but only in pralaya can it be escaped. Usually past, present and future exist, and cycles derived from such limitation become part of the symbology by which we comprehend the world. Words are both assisting and deluding. Energy, light, electricity, substance moving, all are synonymeous, and if restricted by form, becomes force. The whole universe is but a large electrical system, according to the tibetan Master D.K. and terms like positive/negative, masculine/feminine, evocative/invocative express a relative polarity. Energy is circulated in a number of triangles, with one center as distributive, another as receptive, and an intermediary as qualifying (like the triplicity of spirit, soul and personality, or rephrased: life, quality and appearance). The one, two and three become the seven and the twelve, and so forth. On the return the numbers again decrease to their origin, the one. Everything is number, Pythagoras said. It may still be confusing, when we refer to some ray or quality, channelled between some foci, because everything is relative to something smaller and larger. This is also the case of any system of esoteric laws. When e.g. we are told, that the New Group of World Servers is in its totality both the heart center and ajna center within Humanity (the one receiving soul energies and the other holding the vision), and then are told, that the vibration of the ajna center in Sanat Kumara is just becomming recognizable (perhaps the true definition of globalism), due to the activities of the New Group of World Servers, being part of Humanity, which we are told is the throat center in his planetarian body, the globe again part of the chain again part of the Earth system, as part of our solar system, we only need a few more blinds or modifications, such as what is a subray of what or which zodiac is to be taken into account, before we get a little fuzzy and hesitate solving the equation. Perhaps it would be easier to accept, that to the majority we are now entering the Age of Aquarious, formulated as an atom in our vocabulary. The civilisation of this age is very different to the Age of Pisces, we are in process of leaving behind right now (to use another selfcontradiction). So let us consider the future just ahead without to much esotericism. And let us remember the gentle carpenter of Nazareth rather than the flaming Saul of Tarsus, St. Paul.
In Esoteric Psychology,vol. 2, Alice A. Bailey has written on the laws of soul, and the third one is called the Law of Service (p.118). In the context is stated, that this law will promote the new sciences of the comming age: the Science of Meditation which is the comming science of the mind (so the public opinion could be governed by thought rather than emotions), the Science of the Antahkarana which is the law of how to bridge the lower and higher mind (thus allowing the new ideas to be received by the knowers of the race, then telepathically communicated to the rest of the group, thus facilitating the manifestation of the Plan) and the Science of Service, which is a definite technique of sacrifice, or what is the same, a technique of at-one-ment (which will be aided by the natural affinity to groups rather than individuals, which is one of the characteristics of the inflowing Aquarian energies par exellence). We are told that the Law of Service is an imposition upon the planetary rhythm of certain energies and impulses, emanating from the sign of Aquarius (perhaps that is why one of the symbols for both is a man with a pot of water, the water of life which is to be poured out to his fellow men). This law was expressed fully for the first time by the Christ two thousand years ago, this unique forrunner of the Aquarian Age, who is now comming to finish his work. Prior to his reapperance, we will this time experience a gradual externalisation of the planetarian spiritual Hierachy, of which he is the head and representative of Sanat Kumara.
Though these members of the Hierachy will stimulate our
transcendence to a non-materialistic civilisation with emphasis on freedom
and responsibility, they will never announce their spiritual status, and
will only be recognized as highly competend workers in their chosen fields.
These fields will of course cover any aspect of human living. One
of the urgent tasks is to assure a fair distribution of goods and opportunities,
which is achieved by changing the whole trade system into a system of advanced
barter, and with a consequent elimination of the monetarian system based
on different national valutas. Various groups and charters on these issues
are already launched and will increasingly set the agendas at international
conferences, where social wellfaire is debated. Topically the pressure
on the producers of medicin to lower their prices in poor countries
(or accept local discount production) will be forcing these industries
to accept social responsibility, if necessary enforced by international
law pertained to the socalled patent rights. In general we will experience
a re-emphasis on the question of human rights. Today far from all countries
have ratified the UN Charter of Human Rights from 1948, but even
worse, most countries which has, does not intend to live up to its demands
and standards even in its most crude interpretation. Fortunately, the new
generations in the western societies travel all over the world and realize
that the daily reports on television are true or rather understatements.
As usual it is the very few that consciously oppose these obvious rights,
but their powerfull economic influence most be broken if any improvment
is to be assured. Hence the direct attacks on this system by those hierachical
workers we may observe in the world today. The third ray field of money
will be synthesized with the second ray field of education and the first
ray field of politics. Thus a solid change of values towards the
new paradigma will be assured within one generation or less. The ten seedgroups
formated within the New Group of World Servers by the Hierachy more than
fifty years ago (cf. Alice A. Bailey's The Externalisation of the Hierachy,
pp. 26-103) have thrown their seeds and the soil is well prepared.This
may be worthwhile to remember, when the clouds seem dark and the light
of sun shot off. The vicory of the White Forces is ever to be trusted.
(3-12) Sustainable living - the
economy of life (24-3-2001, Hanibal R.E.M.A.N. Stoned)
"We must look at the social production of need, and the mechanisms set in place to answer it. The definition of need has passed from human beings themselves, and has become vested in the vast and abstract productive power of capital (...) We are taunted and tormented by the fanfares and the enclosed self-worship of the markets. They contain, locked up in their invisible machinery, so many of our expropriated real powers and posibilities. Need has been turned against life. (...) This inconsistency in our economics is not an inevitable nor an immutable state of affairs. There is no imperative for the economic system to be geared to profit rather than people. This is a political question which could and should be determined according to the needs, values and motivations of the people whom the system is supposed to serve. Modern psychology and market research show these to be infinitely more complex than the Pavlovian responses of Financial Man" (from Jeremy Seabrook's Needs and commodities, in The living Economy, edited by Paul Elkins, p.60,61 & 63)
Ex-president Bill Clinton, at the opening adress of a private conference on globalism in Copenhagen, 14-3-2001, notified that today "we may choose not to act, but we cannot choose not to know".
"The World Server of Aquarious, having learned the lessons, become the World Savior in Pisces". (D.K.)
In 1923 the founder of the socalled antroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, explained that his biodynamic principles - now in process of being practised all over the world in sustainable, ecological agriculture - should replace industrial agriculture that sooner or later would implicate the remnants from the meat production (bones, cadavers etc.) to be recycled as animal food. The Austrian philosopher began to study what would happen, if an ox were to eat meat directly instead of plants. He proposed a theory, that harmful acids would build up in the body of the animal and eventually attack the nervous system and brain of the animal. "If an ox were to consume meat directly", he declared, "the ox would go crazy". The description has indeed a slight resemblance with the symptoms of BSE or mad cow disease, that now is recycled in human beings as Kreutzfeldt Jacobs syndrom. Not surprisingly, some scientists have alternative explanations.
The industrial agriculture is linked up with the rest of capitalistic society. Recently Tony Blair blamed the supermarkets especially to allow consumer expectations for extremely low food prices. The industial handeling of living animals is reflected in the fact that healthy animals are now destructed simply to avoid the spread of foot-and-mouth disease. This disease is not harmful for human beings, but when the animal is cured, it will not gain in weight so effectively as usual, thus threatening the profit rate of the meat producer.
The great philosopher Immanuel Kant stated his categorical imperative in several versions of which one could be formulated: "Never consider a human being only as a means, always also as something with its own purpose". Why not extend this ethics to the rest of nature. Considering the long list of diseases recently spread among cattle. sheeps, pigs and poultry, one might even get an agreement with the utillitarians - even without the slightest referncee to the Law of Karma.
Conflict - Renounciation - Liberation, that is the formula
of every progress. Humanity is governed by the Fourth Ray of Harmony through
Conflict, supervised by the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom. This is also the
case for the Initiation of Renounciation, the last prior to the Aseka Initiation,
producing a Master of Compassion and Wisdom. The great renounciation produces
a world savior, an anchoring of great new ideas for the progress of the
whole of the planet. Sanat Kumara is said to be the prototype of the great
renounciation, but even though the individual Arhat often is recognised
as such, we will eventually experience this in group formation, in fact
the whole of Humanity is to be the saviour of the subhuman kingdoms in
nature, the Kingdom of Minerales, the Kingdom of Vegetables and the Kingdom
of Animals. This is to be comprehended in two ways. First of all, we have
the general law, that the three are synthesized in the fourth, just as
e.g. the lower three planes is synthesized in the buddhic plane. But Humanity
is at the same time becomming the bridging kingdom, linking the three lower
kingdoms with three higher, just like the soul and later the antahkarana
is linking the lower triad with the higher triad, or like the New Group
of World Servers is linking the Hierachy with Humanity. This is not the
direct reason why we should not kill animals and eat them. In fact there
is nothing substansial in the phrase "taking life", since there is only
One Life, circulating in all the kingdoms of nature. It is however not
so wise to eat animal food, and eventually it is to be renounced, due to
the devasubstance involved. It could here be usefull to remember, that
the Kingdom of Vegetables is more advanced than the human and the other
subhuman kingdoms. Eventually and prior to the transfiguration, the
human vehicle should be purified from unnecessary animal substances. Prior
to this stage, the interaction of the kingdoms should still, from the human
point of view, be governed with mutual respect and comprehension
of the laws involved. As Humanity is now in process of becomming a world
disciple of a sacred planet, this aspect should increasingly be emphasized.
D.K. has said, that "law, sex and money" will give the clue to the animal,
the vegetable and the mineral kingdoms of nature.