- && is an example of a logical
- The For loop allows you to create a
group of commands that will be executed a set number of times through the
use of a counter.
- The code [1]=”Monday” is part of an
- Parameters are the values used by a
- Operators are elements that perform
actions within the expression.
- The symbols + - * and % are operators.
- The following commands will create a
variable named “Month”: var Month; var Month = “December”; and Month =
- You declare a variable in JavaScript
using the var command.
- ‘Hello’ is an acceptable string value.
- A variable that is null has no value
at all.
- Creating a JavaScript variable also is
known as declaring a variable.
- Variable names cannot contain spaces.
- Integer is not a valid JavaScript data
- A named element in a program that is
used to store and retrieve data is a variable.
- You should use indented text where
appropriate to make the code easier to read and follow.
- Each JavaScript command line ends with
a semicolon to distinguish it from the next command line in the program.
- The document.write() and
document.writeln() methods reflect the object-oriented nature of the
JavaScript language.
- The JavaScript command that displays
text on a Web page is document.write(“text”).
- To avoid an older browser’s failure to
support JavaScript, you can hide the script using comment tags.
- You indicate a comment in JavaScript
code using the // symbols.
- The default language used with the
<script> tag is JavaScript.
- When JavaScript code appears in an
HTML file, you indicate it using the <script> tag.
- JavaScript is a subset of Java with
several important differences, including the ability to work without
needing to compile a program.
- Windows, UNIX and Macintosh are all
operating systems that can run Java.
- HotJava acted as a Java interpreter,
which means that it was able to interpret a Java program and run it for
the user.