The Society and Its History

The Society was formed on November 18th, 1947. Originally the Society was sponsored by Vaughan College, Leicester and 75% of its members had to be students of that body. In 1955 the status was changed to that of an Associated Society and membership became open. The first President was Dr.W.G.Hoskins and hence a lecture is held in his honour annually.

Originally the Society took an active role in archaeological and historical research but more latterly it has concerned itself with a supportive roll. In recent years this has been shown by donations to church renovations, provision of a bench on the castle motte, siting of a plaque at Vaughan College to the memory of Dr.W.G.Hoskins and attendance at local history fairs.

The Society reached its Golden Jubilee in 1997, a celebratory dinner taking place on November 18th., exactly 50 years after the first meeting. The lecture programme for the year mirrored that of the 1947/48 season, keeping as near as possible to the original titles but with current views on the subjects.

Golden Jubilee


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