Other Information Systems


There are other types of workers besides managers that need information systems.

  1. Information Workers need a system to help them create, distribute and communicate information.
    1. Knowledge workers (engineers, scientist) - create information.
    2. Data workers (secretaries, clerks) - distribute and communicate information.


Three types of systems are used to support information workers:

  1. Office Automation Systems (OASs)
    1. Designed to primarily support data workers.
    2. Focuses on managing documents, communicating, and scheduling.
    3. Uses word processing, desktop publishing, other image technologies.
    4. Uses e-mail, voice-messaging, and videoconferencing.
  2. Knowledge Work Systems
    1. Designed to primarily support knowledge workers.
    2. Focuses on creating information in areas of expertise.
    3. Uses software such as CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing). 
  3. Intranets
    1. Privately owned organization wide networks that look and act like the Internet.
    2. Use TCP/IP and linked Web Pages.




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