Project Management
What is a project?
- A project is a one-time operation composed of several
tasks that must be completed during a stated period of time.
- Programs used to assist in project planning are called
project managers.
- Two important tools used in project management are Gantt
and PERT charts.
- Examples:
- Construction - building a house
- Aerospace - space mission
- Political campaign - running for governor
- Advertising agency - client marketing
- Marketing - sales proposal
- MIS department - report production
- Student - term paper
Gantt Chart
- Uses bars and lines to represent a project.
- Left part of the window lists information about each task
to be performed.
- Right part of window is a bar chart that shows all of the
following on a timeline:
- Order of tasks
- Task durations
- Start dates
- Finish dates
PERT Chart
- Also known as Program Evaluation Review Technique.
- Uses boxes and lines to represent a project.
- Shows timing of a project and relationships among its
- Identifies which tasks must be completed before others can
- Relationships are represented by lines connecting boxes.
- Each box represents a task along with completion time and
- The sequence of tasks that takes the longest to complete
is called the critical path and is identified on the
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