Business Meeting: First Sunday of each month, barring changes for major holidays (and events or Pennsic, of course). IUSB Cafeteria, 5:00 p.m.
Fighter Practice: Fridays (5:00 p.m. till dark) and Sundays (noon
till 4:00 p.m.) at Potawatomi Park 500 S. Greenlawn, South Bend. All fighters and non-fighters welcome. There is space for Heavy Fighting,
Rapier and Archery, and for working on other projects, too. Garb not
needed for practices. In case of inclement weather (below 55 degrees F
and/or wet) meet at IUSB Cafeteria across the street.
For info on specific activities, call:
Heavy Fighting - Lord Octavian (John Cauffman) 616-641-7844
Rapier Fighting - Lord Viktor (Terry Vukovits) 219-272-0729
Archery - Master Fritz (Dave Mayfield) 219-287-7797
Archery Practice: Tuesdays (55 and dry rule applies) at Izaak Walton League on Darden Rd. north of South Bend. There is now a crossbow target as well as the usual target range!
By appointment at Master Fritz Bare's home. Call for
details - 219-287-7797.
Sewing Nights:
Every week at Master Fritz and Lady Eleanor's
house. Call 219-287-7797 for specific dates and times.
House Oaken Heart’s monthly
meeting will be held the second Sunday of every month at Island Park, Elkhart
(unless the Barony business meeting is moved back a week, then ours will be
also). This household is open to all, especially those in Elkhart County.
For a map to the Izaak Walton League, click here!