Gestalt Theory Resources Center


The Gestalt Theory Resources Center offers information and links to other resources on the web about Gestalt theory in its original sense as put forward by Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka, Kurt Lewin and other eminent Gestalt psychologists. One of the special features of this site are the GESTALT THEORY KEYWORDS.

This resources center is associated with the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications.

If you have questions about Gestalt theory or want to discuss related topics visit and join the GESTALT THEORY FORUM, a message board hosted by Yahoo.

The 15th Scientific Convention of the international Society for Gestalt Theory will take place in Macerata, Italy, in May 2007: RELATIONS AND STRUCTURES. Visit the conference web site by clicking HERE!

The new Max Wertheimer classic - A terrific, breathtaking book by D. Brett King and Michael Wertheimer:

"Max Wertheimer & Gestalt Theory"

Max Wertheimer  Gestalt Theory book

New Brunswick (USA) and London (U.K.): Transaction Publishers, 2005

ISBN 0-7658-0258-9

Order this book NOW by clicking HERE!

We invite you to visit the Gestalt theory websites listed below as our favorite links!


dark_bullet Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications

dark_bullet Links to Gestalt Related Sources on the Web

dark_bullet The Gestalt Archive - Full Text Gestalt Psychology Articles

dark_bullet The Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy Page

dark_bullet Gestalt Psychotherapy Institutes and Associations Worldwide

dark_bullet GESTALT THEORY - An International Multidisciplinary Journal

dark_bullet The Max Wertheimer Page

dark_bullet "Relations and Structures" - 15th Scientific Gestalt Theory Conference 2007

dark_bullet Wolfgang-Metzger-Award 2007


Books by and about Kurt KOFFKA at Amazon
Books by and about Wolfgang KÖHLER at Amazon
Books by and about Max WERTHEIMER at Amazon
Books about GESTALT at Amazon


Go for the Gestalt Theory keywords!

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Gestalt Theory Resources Center
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