dan's web page

new updates: july 16th 2007

World of warcraft pics

Ireland pics - ask me to view them
my journal
About me get to know a little bit about me
This time last year A Remembrance of September 11,2001
How to annoy others
My favorite quotes these are some of my the more inspirational or funnier quotes that i have come across in my life
Buckeye Valley Class of 99. a dedication to the bv class of 99
A dedication to Heidi and Jessica.
Some things I've Seen an interesting look at graduation
thoughts for a quarter a look back at some thoughts though out my first year of college
Sad Poemsthese are some poems i've written over the years
How to tell if you are a fuelie
my favorite songscoming soon!!
My concert reviews
Cds I wanthere is a massive list of the cds i want to buy
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All backgrounds provided by Ace Of Space
all flag backgrounds provided by alaska joe
e-mail me at dbbv99live@yahoo.com simpsons