Last Updated Feb.10, 2009

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This site is about the mishandling of a gun and the tragedy that could have been.

It is for all ages to read, and to know that real guns are not toys, they are not to be played with or just to have in your hands for show and tell. This is a true story, it really happened. There are new gun laws every week in the United States and abroad but it does not seem to stop the flow of guns and the senseless loss of life, especially the lives of children.

It is sad how taking the life of another means nothing anymore, it is just news and life goes on. But not if you are victim. Until it happens to YOU it does not affect you but when it does your life changes FOREVER, and that's a very long time. So as you read this think about the consequences of what a gun can do and why we must all think before we react because once that trigger is pulled there is no turning back, but in my case I got a second chance and you'll see what I'm talking about when you read this.

This site is in a slideshow layout(Approximate reading time 30 minutes)



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