Your imput will help us be a better church

Name :

How did you hear about this site?
Church Bulletin
Search engine
A Link

How often do you attend church?
More than once a week
Once a week
Twice a month
Less than once a month
I don't attend church

Church Affiliation

Do you live in the Albany New York area?
yes     no

What do you believe is the most unmet need in your community that should be addressed by the local church?
adult education
youth/children issues
If other, please tell us:

One of the primary reasons people say they do not attend a church is because the church is not relavant. Which of these would make a church more relavant to you? Select all that apply.
Sermons on current issues
Community social action
Classes on family issues
Social events
Greater voice in church leadership
Hearing personal testimonies
Hopefull services
Contemporary music

Would you like to know more about Albany Wesleyan Church?
I would like to know more
I would like to know when this page is updated
I would be interested in becoming a part of Albany Wesleyan Church
I would be interested in helping AWC successfully reach people for Jesus Christ

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