Siberian Zoological Museum, Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Frunze street, 11, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia
Three new subspecies Mellicta plotina standeli ssp.n. from West Siberia, Mellicta athalia hyperborea ssp.n. from North-East Siberia and Coenonympha glycerion beljaevi ssp.n. from Primorye territory are described. A specific status of Celastrina phellodendroni, Celastrina argiolus heringi, Neptis ilos, Neptis tshetverikovi is discussed.
KEY WORDS: Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Satyridae, taxonomy, new subspecies, Primorye territory, West Siberia.
While preparing a key to butterfly species of the Russian Far East a necessity appeared to specify the status of some taxa from genera Celastrina Tutt (Lycaenidae) and Neptis F. (Nymphalidae). Furthermore, some new subspecies from the genera Mellicta Billb. (Nymphalidae) and Coenonympha Hb. (Satyridae) were found. The holotypes of new subspecies are deposited in the Siberian Zoological Museum at the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology (formerly - Zoological Museum of the Biological Institute), the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.
Celastrina phellodendroni Omelko, 1987
Celastrina phellodendroni M.M.Omelko in M.M.Omelko & M.A.Omelko,
1987: 116-119 (holotype - male, Primorskii krai, Gornotaezhnoe, 20.II 1982
Celastrina heringi (nec Kardakoff, 1928), Korshunov & Ivonin,
1990: 75, fig.4 a, b; Korshunov & P.Gorbunov, 1995: 168; Korshunov,
1996: 44, 66, fig. 15a.
MATERIAL. 1 male, 1 female, "Ussuriiskii" Nature Reserve, 14.V 1970
(Kashcheev); 6 males, 3 females, same locality, 5-25.V 1983-1994 (L.Sasova);
3 males, 1 female, Kaimanovka, 26.IV-11.V 1991-1994 (L.Sasova); 1 male,
20 km NNW of Mnogoudobnoye, valley of rivulet Suvorovka, Peishula, 18.V
1984 (L.Sasova); 3 males, near Partizansk, 4, 20.V 1985 (V.Ivonin); 3 males,
1 females, Sinii Mountain Range, 13-22 km N from Chernyshevka, near village
LZP-3, 3-5.VI 1984 (V.Dubatolov); 6 males, 2 females, Vladivostok, 16,
18, 19.V 1994 (V.Dubatolov).
DISTRIBUTION. Southern Primorye territory.
REMARKS. Soon after description this species was synonymized to the
taxon heringi Kardakoff, 1928 which had been described from Primorye
(=Ussuri region). The original description is as follows: "Cyaniris
argiolus L. heringi (gen. aest. nov.) (Taf. 7, Fig. 20 u. 21).
Die Fruhlingeform du einheimischen argiolus L. Die Mannchen schillern mehr
ins Violette, bei dem #f#f ist der Grundton hellblau, der dunkle Rand breitet
sich aus. Bei beiden Geschlechtern ist von unten der graue Grund etwas
dunkler, als bei den Sommerexemplaren. Man trifft den Schmetterling uberall
im Gebiete an, ich sammelte ihn hauptsachlich in der Umgegend von Wladivostok
im 2/3 V. Zu Ehren Dr. M. Herings benannt". According to this description
it is impossible to understand which species occuring in Southern Primorye
(Celastrina ladonides de l'Orza, 1867 [=C. argiolus auct.]
or C. phellodendroni Omelko, 1987) was described by N.Kardakoff.
There are two figures of C. a. heringi in the original description
(male and female), but they show only the upper side of wing. The male
figure is indistinguishable. The female figure show some reliable species
characters. Ratio of the wing length at the middle of the wing (in space
between veins M3 - CuA) to the dark marginal border width at the same space
is about 5 in the shown female [in females of C. phellodendroni
Omelko it is always more than 6.5. So, I restore the species name C.
phellodendroni Omelko, 1987.
Neptis ilos Fruhstorfer, 1909
Neptis themis ilos Fruhstorfer, 1909: 42 (type locality: Amur);
Kurentzov, 1936: 186, fig. 1; Eliot, 1969: 111; Kurentzov, 1970: 93, fig.
86-6, T. VI, fig. 5; Tuzov, 1993: 45; Korshunov, P.Gorbunov, 1995: 80.
Neptis yunnana (non Oberthur, 1906): Korshunov, 1972: 352.
Neptis ilos nise: Koiwaya, 1996: 254.
N. ilos nire: Koiwaya, 1996: 185.
MATERIAL (specimens with genitalia examined). Amurskaya oblast': 1 male,
Blagoveshchensk, suburbs, 15.VII 1986 (Streltzov); Primorskii krai: 1 male,
Sinii Mts, 30 km from village Chernyshevka, 14.VII 1982 (Bakurov); 1 male,
18-22 km NNW of village Chernyshevka, 8.VII 1983 (Dubatolov, Zintshenko);
1 male, Vladivostok, 16.VIII 1986 (Dubatolov, Zintshenko); 1 male, Khasan
district, the Gamov Peninsula, the Vityaz Bay, 17.VII 1979 (Dubatolov).
DISTRIBUTION. Amur basin (south parts of Amurskaya oblast' and Khabarovskii
krai, from Blagoveshchensk to Komsomol'sk-na-Amure), Primorskii krai; Korea,
NE, N, E China; W China (ssp. nise Sugiyama, 1993), Taiwan (ssp.
Nomura, 1935).
REMARKS. N. ilos was considered as a subspecies of N. themis
Leech, 1890. According to the male genitalia structure (Eliot, 1969: fig.
86, 88), the nominotypical N. themis Leech from Central China (the
type locality: Chang Yang - now, most probably, Zhicheng in Hubei). and
th. theodora Oberthur, 1906 from the Yunnan-Sichuan border (the type
locality: Tse-Kou - now, most probably, Derong in SW Sichuan) have the
apical valva processus with a narrow saber-shape tooth directed upwards;
at the base of the processus there is another narrow saber-shape tooth.
The valva apex structure in N. themis ilos Fruhstorfer, 1909 (the
type locality: Amur), N. i. nirei Nomura, 1935 from Taiwan (Shirozu,
1960) and N. i. nise Sugiyama, 1993 from W China is almost identical
and differs much from that of N. themis. Following S.Koiwaya (1996),
I consider ilos as a good species.
Neptis tshetverikovi Kurentzov, 1936
Neptis tshetverikovi Kurentzov, 1936: 185-190 (type locality:
Russia from Primorskii krai to Transbaikalia); 1970: 93, fig. 86-8, 87,
T. VI, f. 4; Plyushch, 1992: 68; Korshunov, P.Gorbunov, 1995: 79.
Neptis yunnana tshetverikovi: Eliot, 1969: 110-111; Korshunov,
1972: 352.
Neptis tschetverikovi (sic.): Tuzov, 1993: 45.
Neptis thisbe: Sviridov, 1981: 66-67; Chikolovets, 1994: 76.
Neptis thisbe forma deliquata Stichel, 1908: 179.
TYPE MATERIAL: N. tshetverikovi was described from "de la region
Ussuriense: dans la chaine du Sichote-Alin, pres des sources des rivieres
Sutshan, Ulache, Kamenka, Vangou et Sitza; dans les montagnes Tzano-Dynsa,
Loone-Laza, chaines Daden-Shanj, Sutshan, dans les vallees des rivieres
Kolumbe, Botcha et
Munj-Sha, au cap Olempiada... de Sretensk (region Transbaicalienne)".
I have examined one specimen from the collection of the Institute of Biology
and Pedology (Vladivostok), the male, with labels: "N. tshetver.
typica [male] / Neptis 29 VII 31 Pobeda [in Russian] [Primorskii
krai, the headwater of the Ussuri River, settlement Pobeda] listed by N.A.Azarova,
(1986). It is impossible to designate this specimen as a lectotype, because
A.I.Kurentzov (1936) have written in his original description that
the types are preserved in the collection of Zoological Institute, Academy
of Sciences in Leningrad, and only cotypes are in the Filial of the Academy
in Vladivostok (now in the Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far Eastern
Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences). Unfortunately, I have not studied
specimens from the Zoological Institute collection.
MATERIAL (specimens with genitalia examined). Transbaikalia, Chitinskaya
oblast: 1male, Sretensk district, near Dunaevo, 27.V 1957 (anonym); 1 male,
near Chita, right side of the Ingoda River, rock Sokhatino, 20.VI 1962
(Legotin); 1 male, near village Kyra, 28.VI 1991 (Zintshenko); Primorskii
krai: 1 male, 18-22 km NNW of village Chernyshevka, 18.VII 1993 (Dubatolov,
Zintshenko); 1 male, "Kedrovaya Pad'" Nature Reserve, 4.VII 1968 (Naumov).
DISTRIBUTION. Russia: Chitinskaya oblast', valleys of Ingoda, Shilka,
Onon Rivers and their tributaries; most probably also in the Argun River
basin; the southern part of Amurskaya oblast' and Khabarovskii krai, north
to Sofiisk (Korshunov, 1996)), Primorskii krai. Korea.
REMARKS. Although this taxon was described as a species, it was reduced
later to a subspecies of N. yunnana Oberthur, 1906 (the type
locality: Tse-Kou) (Eliot, 1969) without any specimen revision, a substantial
difference in male genitalia structure being overlooked. Taking into account
these differences, I consider N. tshetverikovi and N. yunnana
as different species.
Besides, Neptis tshetverikovi Kurentz. was synonymized with
a similar species N. thisbe Menetries, 1859 (Sviridov, 1981). The
latter species was described from Middle Amur (type localities: the Khingan
mountains and Ussuri delta). Really, these species are very similar both
in the wing pattern and the male genitalia structure. Although it is sometimes
difficult to identify some specimens of this group, in N. thisbe
the apical valva processus is usually longer than the valva apex, and is
widening at apex. In N. tshetverikovi Kurentz. the
apical valva processus is shorter, usually not reaching the valva apex,
and is tapering apically. Larvae of these species have different host plants
(Betula platyphylla - for N. tshetverikovi (Korshunov, 1996:
Quercus mongolica - for N. thisbe), I consider N.
tshetverikovi Kurentz. to be a species different from N. thisbe.
H.Stichel (1908) have described a pale form Neptis thisbe f.
from "Ust-Strielka", at the confluence of rivers Shilka and Argun. Neptis
thisbe occurs only in south and south-east of Amurskaya oblast'; in
the Shilka River valley (Chita province) only N. tshetverikovi Kurentz.
is distributed. The name N. deliquata Stichel, 1908, is older than
N. tshetverikovi, but according to International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature (1985, art. 45g-[II]-[1] is not valid, because in the
original description its infraspecific status, as a color form only, was
clearly stated. Nobody till 1985 as well as A.Kurentzov (1970) used this
name as specific or subspecific and I propose here to use common name N.
tshetverikovi for this species.
Mellicta plotina standeli Dubatolov, ssp. n.
MATERIAL. Holotype: 1 male, SE environs of Novosibirsk, 5-6 km SE of
Academy Town, the valley of the Shadrikha rivulet, 1.5 km upstream of the
village Mel'nichikha (=Shadrikha), 12.VII 1992 (Dubatolov). Paratypes:
1 male, the same locality, 11 VII 1992 (Kosterin); 4 males, 1 females,
the same locality, 29.VI 1994 (Dubatolov, Zintshenko); 2 males, 3 females,
Novosibirskaya oblast', Iskitim region, near village Elbashi, a valley
of the rivulet, being a right tributary of the Bolshoi Elbash River, 11.VII
1992 (Zintshenko); 1 male, the same locality, 11.VII 1993 (Kosterin).
DESCRIPTION. Fore wing length: males: 13-15 mm, females: 14.5-16 mm.
Fore wing of the holotype is blackish-brown with 3 rows of dark-red spots
in external part. The external row consists of small spots, the second
and third ones consist of spots several times larger. Proximal to these
rows, near the discal vein and behind it, there are several dark-red spots,
as in a nominotypical subspecies. There are no spots at the base of the
cell (a small spot is visible in some paratypes). Hind wing upperside has
3 rows of dark red spots, the
external one consists of small spots, two other have the spots several
times larger. Distal half of the cell with 3 dark-red spots arranged in
a raw. Underside of both wings has a pattern similar to that of the nominotypical
subspecies. Female wing pattern consists of a wider dark-red spots. The
black crescent spots between marginal and submarginal dark-red spots are
narrow, noticeably narrower than the adjoining dark-red spots.
DISTRIBUTION. Russia: the eastern part of Novosibirskaya oblas' and
Altaiskii krai (Soldatovo on Ob' River, 100 km of Barnaul).
REMARKS. The new subspecies differs from Far Eastern one, Mellicta
plotina plotina (Bremer, 1861) (=M. ussurica Verity, 1932) by
smaller size (fore wing length in M. p. plotina males 15-17.5
mm, females 16-18 mm). Hind wing upperside of the male M. p. standeli
has the second and the third (starting from the margin) rows of dark-red
spots similar in size and relatively large, sometimes the spots of the
second one are even larger than those of the third, the external one consisting
of small spots. Sometimes the spots of the second
row are larger than those of the third one. In the M. p. plotina
the hind wing upperside has two external rows consisting of small spots,
and only the third one - of large spots. This character is distinctly visible
on the colour table in O.Bremer's work (1864: t. 3, fig. 2) as well as
in specimens from Primorskii krai. Hind wing upperside of female M.
p. standeli has the black crescent spots between the marginal and submarginal
dark-red spots are narrow, noticeably narrower than the adjoining spots;
in females of M. plotina plotina these crescent spots are wide,
equal or wider than the adjoining dark-red spots.
Unfortunately, I haven't a possibility to compare specimens of M.
plotina from Novosibirsk with those from Troitskosavsk (now Kyakhta,
Transbaicalia), type locality of M. pacifica Verity, 1932. I haven't
found Transbaicalian specimens in any available collection. Nevertheless,
isolation of the Upper Obian population (M. p. standeli) from the
Transbaikalian (M. p. pacifica) and the Far Eastern (M. p. plotina)
is the main reason
to describe a new subspecies. Isolation of Far Eastern, Transbaicalian
and West Siberian populations of some palaearchaearctic species have been
discussed earlier and was connected with a presence of relict nemoral elements
in flora and fauna of these territories (Dubatolov, Zolotarenko, 1996).
New subspecies were observed on damp meadows with tussocks, the reed
(Phragmitis australis), and sparse willow bushes in swampy valleys
of small rivulets, and on adjacent forb meadows. The males used to fly
above vegetation under sunny weather, and disappear when the sun hides.
Feeding butterfly on an inflorescence of Leucanthemum vulgare was
observed by Dr. O.E.Kosterin.
ETYMOLOGY. The subspecies is dedicated to Mr. A.E.Standel, who has
firstly found this East Asian species in the east part of Novosibirskaya
oblast' (Standel, 1960) on the Salairskii Kryazh elevation near village
Ust'-Travyanka between villages Maslyanino and Suenga.
Mellicta athalia hyperborea Dubatolov, ssp. n.
MATERIAL. Holotype: 1 male, Magadanskaya oblast', settlement Verkhnii
Seimchan [Upper Seimchan], 19.VI 1966 (P.E.Polyakova). Paratypes: 2 males,
the same locality, 22.VI 1966 (Polyakova); 2 females, Magadanskaya oblast',
the upper flow of the Kolyma River, the Bol'shoi Annachag [Great Annachag]
Mountain Range, near the Aborigen peak, 11.VIII 1986 (Dubatolov); 1 female,
Kamchatka, Kozyrevsk, 2.VII 1971 (Efremova).
DESCRIPTION. Fore wing length: males - 14-15 mm, females - 15-19 mm,
so butterflies are considerably smaller than the Siberian M. a. reticulata
Higgins, 1955 (fore wing length: males - 16,5-20 mm, females -19-22. Wing
upperside is relatively dark, especially in the holotype. Fore wing has
only one distinct dark-red spot in the cell apex. Distally from it there
are 4 rows of dark red spots: 2 proximal rows are separated between the
stem and the vein M3, and are joint below the vein M3
to the vein CuP. Submarginal row of spots is complete, the marginal
one is developed to the vein A. Hind wing upperside with a small
dark-red spot
in the cell apex and only 2 rows of dark-red spots in the external
part of the wing. Two spots of the proximal row between veins M1
and M3 are accompanied with obscure dark-red spots; the
marginal row is not expressed in the holotype, but is visible in some paratypes.
The pattern of wing underside is as in M. a. reticulata. Genitalia
are similar to M. a. reticulata.
DISTRIBUTION. Russia: Magadanskaya oblast', Kamchatka.
REMARKS. The wing upperside of M. a. hyperborea is strongly
darkened and not evenly chequered, all dark-red spots in males and often
in females are diminished. M. a. reticulata from South Siberian
mountains and North Transbaicalia has dark-red spots well expressed, so
the wing upperside is almost equally chequered.
Coenonympha glycerion beljaevi Dubatolov, ssp. n.
MATERIAL. Holotype: 1 male, Southern Primorye, Spassk District, village
Novovladimirovka, 27.VI 1978 (Barkalov). Paratypes: 1 female, the same
locality, 27.VI 1978 (Barkalov); 3 males, 3 females, Southern Primorye,
Anuchino District, 13-21 km NNW of Chernyshevka village, 12-17.VII
1993 (Dubatolov,
Zintshenko); 1 female, the same locality, 2-3 km N of Chernyshevka
village, 5.VII 1995 (Dubatolov, Dudko).
DESCRIPTION. MALE. Fore wing length 17-19 mm. Wing upperside is evenly
dark brown with a narrow reddish margin, usually without any visible-through
dark spots along the hind wing margin. The wing base of the same colour
as the main part of the wing. Underside of the same colour, but slightly
lighter. Fore wing has a small apical ocellus and reduced white postdiscal
band between the veins M1 and M2 (the
majority of the paratypes have no such band). Hind wing has a row of very
large ocelli with wide black and orange rings, so that the orange rims
fuse and form an orange band. Proximally to the row of ocelli there are
remainders of the white postdiscal band, consisting of 2 spots: irregular
one between veins M2 and CuA with proximal tooth
on the vein M3, and small one placed between the veins
and A2. There is a narrow silvery band along hind wing
FEMALE. Fore wing length 16-19 mm. Wing upperside is brown with light-orange
margin, a visible-through apical ocellus on fore wing and orange ocelli
along the hind wing margin. The pattern on the hind wing underside as in
males, but the white nuclei in black ocelli are very wide, up to 1 mm in
diameter. Fore wing underside has an apical ocellus and 2-3 ocelli in the
spaces 2, 3 and 4 and well-developed postdiscal band between the stem R
and the vein CuP.
REMARKS. A new subspecies differs from the South Siberian C. g.
iphicles Staudinger, 1892 by usual absence of visible-through ocellus
on the male hind wing upperside, which is well visible in C. g. iphicles;
the black rings of the hind wing underside ocelli in C. g. beljaevi
are wide, their width is considerably greater than the distance between
the rings, while the width of these rings in C. g. iphicles is considerably
less than the distance between them. Orange rims of ocelli of C. g.
iphicles not fused, but well separated from each other. The nominotypical
subspecies, C. g. glycerion (Borkhausen, 1788), from Europe and
West Siberia has very small ocelli on the hind wing underside, their diameter
often being less than the distance between them. In appearance the new
subspecies is most similar to the Yakutian C. g. heroides Christoph,
1893 (described from "Witim" and "Wilui"). Hind wing underside ocelli of
the latter subspecies are also large, with large white centers, but the
centers are smaller and orange rings of ocelli are more narrow and not
fused into a band (at least in males), as in the new subspecies. The fore
wing length of Yakutian C. g. heroides is much smaller, 14-15,5
The author would like to express his gratitude to Dr.M.M.Omelko for a possibility to study paratypes of Celastrina phellodendroni, Mrs. L.E.Sasova for additional material on Celastrina phellodendroni, to Yu.P.Korshunov for his help for obtaining of some rare papers, to Dr. O.E.Kosterin for his help in translating the manuscript; to Yu.P.Korshunov, Dr. O.E.Kosterin and Dr. S.Storozhenko for useful discussion.
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