Alsophilinae (Geometridae)
collection of Siberian Zoological Museum
(curator - S.V.Vasilenko)

materials from different regions of Russia are encoded as: FS RU CU UR WS SS MS CY NE NF KM AM SH KU

Alsophila aceraria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) - Bulgaria
Alsophila aescularia ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) - Hungary Ukraine
Alsophila japonensis Warren, 1894 - AM
Inurois brunnea Viidalepp, 1988 - AM
Inurois membranaria (Christoph, 1881) - AM
Inurois viidaleppi Beljaev, 1996 - AM
Inurois puntigera (Prout, 1920) - AM
Inurois fumosa Inoue, 1944 - AM
Phtorarcha primigena Staudinger, 1895 - Kazakhstan
Phtorarcha iscovi Viidalepp, 1986 - Kazakhstan

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