Georgy Sergeevich ZOLOTARENKO, D.Sci., Prof.
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G.S.Zolotarenko, photo  G.S.Zolotarenko at his working table, photo

Zoologist, entomologist, lepidopterologist.
Chief scientific worker of the Siberian Zoological Museum of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, SB RAS.

Curriculum vitae

Was born on Aug., 8, 1922 in Kirovograd, the Ukraine.
Graduated from the Department of Biology and Pedology, Tomsk State University in 1951.
From 1951 is working in Biological Institute of West Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science of the USSR (now - Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
PhD thesis: "Pest insects of the main arboreal species of a field-protecting forest belts in Kulunda".
Defended in 1956 in the Tomsk State University.
SciD thesis: "Cutworm noctuids from West Siberia". Defended in 1974 in the Tomsk State University.

Scientific interests: systematics, fauna, biology (bionomy) of Macroheterocera.

List of scientific papers (including 98 names) is here.
the book:
Zolotarenko, G.S. 1970. Cutworms of West Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press, 436 p. (in Russian).

G.S.Zolotarenko was a chief editor of more than 20 books with scientific papers.

Pedagogical activity:
Several PhD. theses under the Prof. G.S.Zolotarenko supervision were defended by:
Litvina, L.L. (1968)
Shevkunova, V.S. (1969)
Bubnova, T.V. (1980)
Mastshenko, N.V. (1982)
Bakhvalov, S.A. (1987)
Utkin, N.A. (1991)
Rjabikova, T.P. (1991)
Vasilenko, S.V. (1993)
Dubatolov, V.V. (1993)

Address (home):
Dachnaya street, 27-17,
Novosibirsk 82,
630082 Russia
Phone: +7(3832)256228

Address (work):
Siberian Zoological Museum
Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology SB RAS
Frunze street 11, Novosibirsk 91
630091 Russia

Phone: +7(3832)170285
Fax: +7(3832)170973

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