The Book of Romans

Was written by Paul twenty centuries ago and is the most comprehensive Gospel known to mankind. He had authored 13 others and could be found in the New Testament.
The author was a Roman citizen although he was a Jew. His writing style and cultural background in Hebrew and Greek foresee the global outlook up to the present day.
It will delight the greatest logician and hold the attention of the wisest of men. Yet it will also bring the humblest soul to tears of repentance at the feet of the Savior.

It is written for believers, teaching the saints the manifold of God’s wisdom and the amazement of His love toward the hopeless sinful humanity.
According to Donald Gray Barnhouse saints are; “A group of displaced persons, uprooted from their natural home, and on their way to an extraterrestrial destination; not of this planet, neither in its roots nor in its ideals.”

The impact on history is unequaled. When the book became obscured, grace  gradually erodes to forms of legalism and the world plunged into the Dark Ages. Men had no knowledge where they are headed in time for eternity, until a monk found out the precious verse -

The just shall live by faith.Rom 1:17

As the book became available among common people, the era of reformation and enlightenment broke out, which bring out the cradle of modern society that we are still enjoying today.
The thesis seems to be;

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom 1:16

Unto salvation and it’s not a code of ethics or morals, or a creed to be accepted.
Neither a system of religion to be adhered to, nor good advice to follow.
But is a message concerning a divine Person

Chapters 1-8 address the doctrinal issue about ‘faith’;

 whereby 1-3 describe the most complete diagnosis of Sin.

Chapters 4-5 discuss about Salvation whilst 6-8 Sanctification.

Chapters 9-11 explain the destiny of the covenant people – Israel’s past, present and future.

And chapters 12-16 deal with the practical living out of love.

It is the most complete and penetrating statement of God’s divine plan for the redemption of human race. The wonderful thing is Christ did not come to make bad men good; but to give dead men life.
