Distinction between the Rapture and the Second Advent

adapted from:
Oct 2001

There are a number of contrasts to be drawn between the rapture and the second advent which will show that they not viewed as synonymous in Scripture. Diligent students should find out all the relevant Bible references for these contrasts and e-mail a copy to me for correction. These contrasts are listed in below table:

Second Advent
1 removal of all believers appearing of the Son of God
2 saints are caught up into the air Christ returns to the earth
3 Christ comes to claim a bride Christ returns with the bride
4 removal of the church and the inception of the tribulation period establishment of the millennial kingdom
5 imminent preceded by a multitude of signs
6 a message of comfort a message of judgment
7 related to the program for the church related to the program for Israel and the unbelieving world
8 a mystery predicted in both Old and New Testaments
9 believers are judged and rewarded  Gentiles and Israel are judged and punished
10 leaves creation unchanged the change in creation
11 Gentiles are unaffected Gentiles are judged
12 Israel's covenants are unfulfilled Israel's covenants are fulfilled
13 no relation to the judgment of evils evil is judged
14 take place before the day of wrath follows the day of wrath
15 for believers only has its effect on all men
16 expectation is "Lord at hand" expectation is "the kingdom is at hand"
17 expectation is "to be taken into the Lord's presence" expectation is "to be taken into the kingdom"

adapted from: Learned the Bible in 24 Hours
Chuck Missler, Koinonia House


  1. J. Dwight Pentecost. Things to Come (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Co. 1961).
  2. Charles J. Woodbridge. Bible Prophecy (Moody Bible Institute).
  3. R.E. Harlow. Revelation, the Coming King (Everyday Publications 1984).
  4. C. Ernest Tatham. Bible Prophecy (Emmaus Bible College).
  5. Sir Robert Anderson. The Coming Prince (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications).
  6. Theodore H. Epp. compiler. Brief Outlines of Things to Come (Moody Press 1952).
  7. Robert L. Thomas. Revelation, An Exegetical Commentary (Moody Press 1992).
  8. John F. Walvoord. The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Moody Press 1966).