The faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 
End time theology.
The bible IS the Word of God. 
"The book judges man"
The bible contains the Word of God. "Man judges the book"
Jesus Christ is THE Son of God in a sense which no other is. Jesus Christ is A Son of God in a sense which all man are.
The birth of Jesus was Supernatural. The birth of Jesus was Natural.
The death of Jesus was Expiatory. The death of Jesus was Exemplary.
Man is the product of special Creation. Man is the product of special Evolution.
Man is Sinner fallen from original righteousness and apart from God's redeeming grace is hopelessly lost. Man is the unfortunate Victim of environment but through self improvement can 'make good'
Man is justified by Faith in the atoning blood of Christ, result - supernatural regeneration from Above. Man is justified by Works in following Christ's example, result - natural development from Within.

(c) The Moody Bible Institute.