The bible IS the Word of God.
"The book judges man" |
The bible contains the Word of God. "Man judges the book" |
Jesus Christ is THE Son of God in a sense which no other is. | Jesus Christ is A Son of God in a sense which all man are. |
The birth of Jesus was Supernatural. | The birth of Jesus was Natural. |
The death of Jesus was Expiatory. | The death of Jesus was Exemplary. |
Man is the product of special Creation. | Man is the product of special Evolution. |
Man is Sinner fallen from original righteousness and apart from God's redeeming grace is hopelessly lost. | Man is the unfortunate Victim of environment but through self improvement can 'make good' |
Man is justified by Faith in the atoning blood of Christ, result - supernatural regeneration from Above. | Man is justified by Works in following Christ's example, result - natural development from Within. |
(c) The Moody Bible Institute.