The term "Spiritualism" has been used very loosely, covering
a wide variety of psychic phenomena, philosophy, and spirit communication.
This site is focused on the religion of Spiritualism. Spiritualism is a
wonderfully non-dogmatic religion, science, and philosophy. Spiritualism
invites you to doubt, question, and "prove it" for yourself.
Without making you change your religion and sell everything you own.
However, many people are unclear as to what Spiritualism is really about. For example:
- How can it possibly be a religion, philosophy and a SCIENCE?
- How can you make a religion out of "psychic readings"?
- Do Spiritualists believe in God, or is this just some satanic cult?
When I first became involved with Spritualism, I asked some of these questions.
I had other questions too. The answer to one question often brought up
more. Before long I had a whole bunch of questions and thoughts. After
some years of classes, thinking, meditating, and thinking some more, I
had a few answers. But it wasn't all spelled out in one place. So I wrote
Spiritualist Basics. Spiritualist Basics is an explanation of what Spiritualism is about, written for someone who is unaware that Spiritualism exists as a religion, science, and philosophy,
but has heard of "psychic readings".
Spiritualist Basics is a copyrighted document, but you are welcome to copy and distribute it if you comply with the restrictions listed in the Copyright. There is
no charge, but please be sure to make a donation to the Spiritualist church
listed in the document.