Name: Timothy Everett Mazzotta
Born: November 2, 1961 Height: 63" Weight: 214 lbs Shoe Size: 12. |
Education: (Click
logos to see degrees)
Planet Earth Participant 1961-2084 (It could happen.)
University of The Universe 2084-W (It could happen too.)
Athletic Career:
1976 Starting Offensive and Defensive Tackle, Ocoee
Junior High Cardinals (1-5)
1977 Starting Center, Nathan Bedford Forest High
Rebels Junior Varsity (0-6)
1978 Twice Starting Center West Orange High School
Warriors Varsity (10-1)
1979 Six Times Starting Center (until the concussion)
WOHS Varsity (5-5)
1977 Basketball: 3rd string center.
1979-1980 Ultimate Frisbee Captain West Orange High School Frisbee Freaks (WOFF)
Bicycle Race Winner:
2061 Key West Centurions Century Ride (It could happen.)
Tina Teresa Seeley August 16, 1980
Tina Teresa Seeley Mazzotta October 13, 1997
AKA Tina Teresa Seeley Mazzotta Woulf
as of October 13, 1997
Pamela Irene Hutson, March 25, 2000
Pamela Irene Mazzotta, January 26, 2001