Care to Chat?

Some Chats and other interactive internet fun.

Chat Head - Grey

A few links to chat groups, e-mail, and some other related resources:

Kim Bob's ICQ# 52309358



ZDTV Interactive Chat

Yahoo Chat
Yahoo Chat Plug ins: Cheetachat

Pagers and Instant Messengers:

Yahoo Messenger
MSN Messenger (Uses both Hotmail and AOL)
AOL Instant messenger
ICQ also see the links down below.


E-pals The Email Pal Site (Email Pals, Pen Pals, Key Pals, E-Friends are welcome also!) 

E-mail: stop that spam!

Hotmail World's Free Web based Email, 50 million users. another free based email.
Yahoo! Mail another free based email. another free based email.
Juno Free Email if you are without a Internet Service Provider.
Whalemail sends huge files up to 50 Megabytes.



(I tried ICQ 2000a build 4.3; it seemed to lack some security features that are in previous versions. I suggest version 99b if you can find it, although the custom sound features and dialog boxes are better on 2000.)

ICQ Plug ins:

Magic Spell's Merlyn text to speech, works with other messengers too, but it's NOT free.
ICQ Plus v2.04 is a ICQ Skin Interface Add-On. (works with ICQ ver. 99b for sure, didn't work with 2000a for me.)
Buddy Phone works nice with ICQ but not required, the voice quality varies with your connection speed.


mIRC Internet Relay Chat from the net past, but a lot of people are still using it.

Phone & Voice:

Dialpad free long distance, computer to phone, or computer to other dialpad computer users.
Net2Phone not as good as dialpad but works on slower computers (100 MHz minimum).
Buddy Phone computer to computer.
Yahoo Voice Messenger

Video Chat:

iVisit is a cross platform PC/Mac solution for video conferencing.
Visitalk free voice and video calls from one PC to another, free local calls and long distance too.
NetMeeting Zone for PC NetMeeting application, find a NetMeeting or CUSeeMe 4.0 conferencing partner.
CitizenX - check it out!

Welcome to CU-SeeMe World!
The CU-SeeMe Cool Site
CU-SeeMe Plug ins
BackDrop commercial sofware background changer.

Reflector Scanner (newer link)
Reflector Scanner (old link)
IP Lookup
Who's on Austin Cable Access?
Who's online White Pines Cafe?
Who's online O'Sheas?
Who's online Refland2?
Who's online on Networks On Line?

Some of the CU-SeeMe Links have changed, you can find them it you try, I just have not updated them.

More Fun Stuff on the Net:

The Interactive Web:

Kevin's Refrigerator Magnets
Light on the Net Project
The Array
Kaleidoscope Painter
KODAK Picture Playground
Livestream Amsterdam Sign Cam (not working?) | See the Last 25 Lines
Groupboard Draw on the white board and chat to other users.
Underground Groupboard Just like the one above, but not as busy.
Lifesavers Candystand, best collection of Shockwave games on the net.
Corn Nuts a few more Shockwave games, maybe win a Sega game system.
Hershy's Candy Bar Factory - a few shockwave games on this site.
The Public Eight Ball ask the Eight Ball your question.
Puma Paint paint a picture
Gamestorm play games online.
Things on the Net devices connected to the internet.
Tune the Shortwave Radio
Cool! Check out this Link! Ouija2000 Classic Ouija Board, use with other online people, also has chat.

Other Fun Stuff:

Astrological Birth Chart makes your birth chart online, not as good as some of the programs that do it.
Music of the Internet Converts your IP-address to sound.
Interactive Model Railroad
Magnetic Poetry
Snarg Net really strange page (high bandwidth recommended).
The Cat Scan, not interactive but worth a look if you love, or even hate cats.
Biorhythm, Brad Pitt Compatibility, also has I-Ching, Tarot, and several others.
Ken White's Coin Flipping Page
The Anagram Genius Server Turns your name or phrase into an anagram (via email).
UROULETTE -Random URLs- Spin Here.
Virtual Dog - adopt a virtual dog.
ABCDecide the more questions you answer; the more your questions will be answered.
IQ Test
Cool! Check out this Link! Soda Constructor a study into virtual robots, drag the dots around, really COOL!
Facemaker - Create funny, sketch artist, type faces.
Cool! Check out this Link! Face Generator - Create realistic looking faces (requires Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer).


itmWEB: Austin Texas, USA WebCam WebCams & Radar from Austin, Texas, USA
Fox 7 Tower Cam Austin, Texas
Link Cams / Austin, Tx
SurfCam Surfside, Texas
The Amazing Bull Creek Cam! this guy is usually in his office.
Tower Cam Oklahoma City Live Views from all over and Austin, Texas of course.
Office Cam parking lot at 24th and Speedway Austin, Texas (not working lately?)
itmWEB: Austin, Texas USA WebCam
TrainWeb Railroad Cams (List)
Pamdacam San Diego Zoo
Wild Bear Cam
The AASTO @ The South Pole Cam
The Netscape Amazing Fish Cam, The Original and Oldest Cam on the Net.
The BuzzCam clubs and bars in Austin, Texas
World Map of Live Web Cams | USA
Greg's Webcam Hong Kong
Random Camera & List
Behold... Wild Web Cam Index!
Web Cam Homepage
Ambit NASA LIVE several cams click to enlarge, also click on the objects on the desk.
Austin Citysearch Cam (usually not working)
Universal Sleep Station
Ultimate Camera Page | All Cams
Cool! Check out this Link! Kim Bob's Web Cam indoor/outdoor cam of birds, fish ponds, and occasionally even Kim Bob.

The Daily Surf:

USA Today on-line news.
Yahoo's What's New on the web today. has a variety of weird and unusual links submitted by users, updated frequently (daily / weekly).
Art Bell's Web Page Paranormal, UFO's, Y2K, many unusual and weird topics, all night talk show host, with lots of Links.
The Austin Chronical(weekly) | News of the Weird | Latest
David Letterman's Top Ten List

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