The Moon Page
As I sit in the dark and think to myself, am I watching that thing, or is it watching me? Out of the billions and billions of stars, to coin the phrase from Carl Sagen, you would think there is intelegent life somewhere in the universe, but as of yet we have not been smart enough to quite prove that point ourselves.
Relativity that of which anything in the universe affects everything else. Albert Einstein may have been right about that, but the fact that now we know that the speed of light does not actually remain constant confirms it with hyper-photons exceeding the speed of light. I guess we can throw the E=mc˛ and the Gva8=Tva8¶va8 equasions out of the window. The blue-shift theory becomes impervious, because the universe has nothing to expand into except itself; that is a story for another time. I guess we can blame the "Big Bang" on God after all. It was just a fleeting thought...
The International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Sky Gazer Keep Looking Up!
Star Gazers Link Page
Dr. Sky
Current Solar Immages
10 Day Solar Animation from Holoman A.F.B.
A Bunch of NASA Cams be sure and click on the objects on the desk!
The University of Texas at Austin weekly Skywatch report from the McDonald Observatory.
The Nine Planets
The Space Weather Bureau
Project Skylab
Guide to the Mir now reoccupied!
The Space Shuttle
International Space Station
X-38 Videos!
Map-blast to find your exact latitude and logitude on earth
GSOC Ovserving Visible Satellites Predictions - Start Page for Observing Iridium Flares, Space Shuttle, Mir, ISS, Visible Satellites, etc. Great Star Charts Too!
SPIN-2 Satellite Photos
C-Band Satellite Locations Chart for the americas, has Ku band too.
Satellite Tool Kit (STK) has some free tracking software they will send you on a CD-ROM.
Art Bell all night talk radio, lot's of links, listen on with streaming live video.
SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has a downloadable screen saver called SETI@home: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home that listens for E.T. on your home PC. Be sure and get some of the maps too!
Project Blue Book Fact Sheet
The Paranormal and UFO Search Engine
International Space Sciences Organization - investigating "the science of being."
CAUS Citizens Against UFO Secrecy.
NIST Time & Frequency Division WWV gives The Exact Time Now in HTML Mode, or Java Script (sorry, link gone) which has some programs to synchronize your
PC's clock to the NIST Atomic Clock.
Time & The solution to the question, "What is time?" & Grand Unification of Physics
Guess Watches: Home, Global Time, Live Cam Links, and the Guess Watch Screen Saver (free!).
Bradford Robotic Telescope Ovbservatory |
Operations Menu | Register/Login
Mt. Wilson 24" Telescope Live Camera Image
University of Iowa ATF Remoat Observers Page
Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures
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