Research up to Date

An Introduction into the Origins of the Bible.

The Early Hebrews
Historical origins of the Hebrews.

Composition of the Tribes:

The Tribes of Shecem
Was there only 12 tribes?

The Moses people and the Joseph People
The two main tribal aliances and their gods.

The God El
The God of the patriarchs

The God Yahweh
God of the Moses people

The Settlement of Canaan
The true story of the Hebrews in Canaan

The Enuma Elish
An excursion into the origins of the creation story

The Decalogue
An excursion into the origins of the Law

The Two Kingdoms
How the Bible came to be revised by two writers from two different traditions.

The Deuteronomistic experience
How the Bible came to be rewriten after the fall of the Northern kingdom (721 B.C.) And how the book of Deuteronomy apparently in some way or another landed in the temple of Jerusalem

The Exile
The reform movement until the fall and exile

Christian Fundametalism:
A Must for all Biblical Fundamentalist!!!
The origins of Biblical fundamentalism

So What Do I Believe?

My Beliefs

More coming soon!


Phil's World

The Origins and Development of the Bible

Welcome to my presentation of Biblical origins and its development. The contents and mode of presentation may sometimes appear strange to some it will most certainly anger or amuse some believing Christians and serious Biblical scholars. This is because what you will read here is not often made accessible to the ordinary reader of the Bible and their contact with scientific examination of the Bible is rare.

It is my wish to share with you new insights and knowledge gained by scientific study of the Bible and hope this will lead to new perspectives and fresh new approaches. Many tend to regard the Bible as a book, which was completed in one sitting yet the Bible, has a long, interesting and sometimes complicated history.

The following intends to show that the Old Testament contains different traditions arising from different quarters and different times. The average reader is not always aware of the differences but on closer inspection the "seams" of these traditions become more and more apparent.

The Old Testament was written over a period of almost a thousand years. Some of the individual books evolved over a period of centuries and was therefore not completed by one single writer, and because most of these writers lived in different times and different circumstances far removed from one another they tend to add to the scriptures from a different viewpoint.

The Bible is a book written by people who in all manner of circumstances reflected on who God is what he does and where he is heading with the history of the world. As the Israelites and their ancestors experienced various circumstances and cultural phases they gained various religious insights.

Before we can make a historical reconstruction of how the Bible came about we have to know first of all who are the Hebrews, their origins and who they worshipped. The Hebrews that conceived God from different circumstances and from different viewpoints throughout the ages and at the best we can only make a historical reconstruction of the progress of Israel's conception of God as reflected in the Old Testament.

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