Turkey- Turkey’s flag was adopted when the Republic of Turkey was established in 1923. The crescent moon and the five-pointed star are traditional symbols of Islam. They featured on earlier Turkish flags used by the Turkish Ottoman empire.

99% of the population of modern Turkey (Anatolia) is Moslem.

Discover the Truth about Turkey:
Learn how the Turks Destroyed the Original Ethnic Make-up of Anatolia.

New: The Turkish Terror Report(click here)

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about rape and torture in Turkey:

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Anti-USA protest throughout Turkey after Friday prayers

Protestors detained in Istanbul, Konya and Bursa in protests against the US bombing of Afghanistan.

October 12, 2001 Dozens of anti-American protestors , led a rally after the Friday prayers in separate demonstrations throughout Turkey against the US-led campaign against Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban regime and

Osama bin Laden.

In the protest staged outside the Beyazt Mosque in central Istanbul protestors chanted slogans saying, "damn America," "Government resign and Turkish soldiers can not be soldiers for Bush." The groups also set an American flag on fire and displayed a banner saying that America was a terrorist state. Police detained a small group of demonstrators who insisted on continuing their protest after the prayer service. Police prevented representatives of the media from getting close to the protest. Elsewhere in Turkey, in the central Anatolian city of Konya police some 41 protestors were detained after demonstrations took place with a further two arrests in the north western city of Bursa.

An Account of the Systematic Extermination of Christian
Populations by the Turkish people(click here)

Kemal Ataturk Admits Reality
of the
Armenian Genocide in a 1926 Interview

(Kemal Ataturk)

In June 1926 a group of disgruntled Turks, headed by a certain Ziya Hurshid, planned to assassinate the “father of the Turkish Republic,” Mustapha Kemal. In mid_June, Kemal was scheduled to visit Izmir after an extended tour of the country. The plotters secretly assembled in that city and finalized their plan to the minutest detail. The plot was given away by one of the conspirators, and almost all of them were arrested, tried and punished. Kemal arrived in Izmir and personally took charge of the arrests. He himself interrogated a few of the prisoners, who were his former friends. The infamous Independence Tribunal was summoned from Ankara, and at the conclusion of the mock trial, fifteen conspirators were sentenced to death. Those who belonged to the former Union and Progress (Ittihad ve Terakki) Party of the Young Turks, were later tried in Ankara, found guilty and executed.

In July of the same year, a Swiss journalist, Emile Hilderbrand, interviewed Kemal, who openly blamed the Young Turks for the massacre of “millions of our Christian subjects.” The interview originally appeared in the August 1, 1926 issue of the Los Angeles Examiner. This newspaper interview is an important document, since, in the ninth paragraph, Kemal Ataturk admits the reality of the Armenian Genocide.

The text below is corrected and reprinted from the Armenian Mirror-Spectator, March 16, 1985.

Kemal Promises More Hangings
of Political Antagonists in Turkey

I shall not stop until every guilty person, no matter how high his rank, has been hung from the gallows as a grim warning to all incipient plotters against the security of the Turkish Republic. Since the very hour of its reincarnation in the rejuvenated body of the Republic, our nation has endured travails no other nation has ever experienced.

When we were fighting external enemies, or enemies whom we were certain were sympathetic with foreign intriguers, nearly all of the rank and file of our population were enthusiastically, even fanatically, united to deliver the nation from the multiple foreign yokes. But no sooner had the nation proved its worth to its foreign detractors than certain elements, bred in the old school of political intrigue, began to show their claws. We were face to face with a menace to the life of the republic from two elements.

One was the group who combined religious fanaticism and ignorance with political imbecility and who, in the past, under different Sultans had come to believe that the state was an organism to be exploited through debauchery, corruption and brazen bribery for personal ends. I put the ax in the dual root of this sinister and reprehensible theory of government by destroying the Khalif and the Sultan. I sent into exile the persons in whom this theory was personified. Large numbers, adherents of this school of politics, attempted to interpret any act as atheistic, and, under the aegis of religion, began to intrigue against the life of the republic.

Sixty Leaders Hang at Dawn

In several instances in the past when, in Kurdistan and other interior regions of Anatolia, they showed a disposition to challenge the will of the republic, I crushed them with an iron hand, and for example, had over sixty of their leaders hanged at dawn.

That element had its lesson and will not again attempt to measure swords with 'me.

The second element, I am now about to deal with ruthlessly, is the group of men who in the pre_republic days were known in the world as the Committee of the Union of the Young Turks. The ranks of this element were recruited from a questionable assortment of political adventurers, half_educated progressives and men of dissolute habits. In the days when we were battling against foes from within and without, this element joined us and fought in our ranks. Yet from the early days I had misgivings as to their motives. But I wished, hoped and then prayed that once our country was redeemed from the foreign yoke, this element would mend its methods and become infused with the seal of patriotism. I soon began to realize that my hopes were doomed to be disillusioned and my prayers were [not] to be answered. I patiently waited, keeping a sharp eye on their movements.

Seditious Movements Cloaked

They formed themselves into a political opposition. I do not pretend to be a dictator, bent to suppress sincere and honest political opposition, because a republic is a misnomer when it ceases to brook criticism. But when a group of dissolute, corrupt and unscrupulous political adventurers begin to organize seditious movements under the cloak of political opposition, it becomes the sacred duty of those who are in charge of the machinery of the government to suppress it and suppress it with an exemplary ruthlessness that will prevent the eventual shedding of rivers of blood.

I am about to show these plotters that the Republic of Turkey cannot be overthrown by murderers or through their murderous designs...

These left_overs from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the lives of millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse, from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the republican rule. They have hitherto lived on plunder, robbery and bribery and become inimical to any idea, or suggestion to enlist in useful labor and earn their living by the honest sweat of their brow.

Under the cloak of the opposition party, this element, who forced our country into the Great
War against the will of the people, who caused the shedding of rivers of blood of the Turkish
youth to satisfy the criminal ambition of Enver Pasha, has, in a cowardly fashion, intrigued against my life, as well as the lives of the members of my cabinet.

I would have more respect for them had they planned an armed revolution, taking the field in a manly fashion, to overthrow my government. But being conscious of the fact that they could
not muster out even one regiment to give battle to the zealous adherents to, and upholders of, the glorious republic, they have resorted to beastial methods of assassination. They have hired murderers and even debauched women to commit their murderous acts.

In the middle of June last I had planned to make a tour of the country. My itinerary was published. A group of these assassins, placed on the route of procession, were to “rain” hand grenades at the automobiles which were to carry me and my staff.

They went even further and seduced a woman who had been for years identified with my cause and who had been my loyal political friend and on occasion, even adviser. They induced this woman to accept the reprehensible assignment to present me with a bouquet which concealed a bomb that would, on my receiving it, explode and obliterate everyone in sight. This ill_advised woman deserves pity, for she was made to believe that she would thus sacrifice her own life for the good of the fatherland. I was the enemy of the nation. She will be forgiven for her part in the plot, for she conscience_stricken, confessed to the proper authorities in time for me to cancel my intended tour.

Famous observations regarding Turkish men 80+ years ago:

"The turk is so absolutely without a moral sense, so unutterably bestial in his consideration of woman, so unthinkably vile and filthy in his personal habits, and so hopelessly degraded in his relations with his fellow man that the depth of his infamy is past all human credence. The turk is not a human being. I do not call him a beast, because not one of God's dumb creatures could sink so low. The turk is a devil without a tail. And the educated, polished turk--the official who affects a knowledge of the French language and a veneering of Parisian manners--is the most unspeakable fiend of all. In proof that this assertion is based on incontestable truth I challenge denial from any unprejudiced man who has known the turk thoroughly well for a quarter of a century."

William W. Howard
An American Eyewitness to turk Savagery

Definition of key terms:

What is genocide?

Convention on the Punishment and Prevention of the Crime of Genocide

The Contracting Parties,

Having considered the declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its
resolution 96 (I) dated 11 December 1946 that genocide is a crime under international law,
contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the civilized world,
Recognizing that at all periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity, and
Being convinced that, in order to liberate mankind from such an odious scourge, international
co-operation is required,

Hereby agree as hereinafter provided:

Article I

The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of
war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to
destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III

The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d ) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article IV

Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished,
whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

Article V

The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions,
the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention, and, in
particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts
enumerated in article III.

Article VI

Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be tried by
a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such
international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties
which shall have accepted its jurisdiction.

Article VII

Genocide and the other acts enumerated in article III shall not be considered as political crimes
for the purpose of extradition. The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant
extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.

Article VIII

Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such
action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention
and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III.

Article IX

Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of
the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or
for any of the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the International Court of
Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

Article X

The present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are
equally authentic, shall bear the date of 9 December 1948.

Article XI

The present Convention shall be open until 31 December 1949 for signature on behalf of any
Member of the United Nations and of any non-member State to which an invitation to sign has
been addressed by the General Assembly. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the
instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
After 1 January 1950, the present Convention may be acceded to on behalf of any Member of
the United Nations and of any non-member State which has received an invitation as aforesaid.
Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article XII

Any Contracting Party may at any time, by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of
the United Nations, extend the application of the present Convention to all or any of the
territories for the conduct of whose foreign relations that Contracting Party is responsible.

Article XIII

On the day when the first twenty instruments of ratification or accession have been deposited,
the Secretary-General shall draw up a proc s-verbal and transmit a copy thereof to each
Member of the United Nations and to each of the non-member States contemplated in article

The present Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit
of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession. Any ratification or accession effected,
subsequent to the latter date shall become effective on the ninetieth day following the deposit of
the instrument of ratification or accession.

Article XIV

The present Convention shall remain in effect for a period of ten years as from the date of its
coming into force. It shall thereafter remain in force for successive periods of five years for such
Contracting Parties as have not denounced it at least six months before the expiration of the
current period. Denunciation shall be effected by a written notification addressed to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article XV

If, as a result of denunciations, the number of Parties to the present Convention should become
less than sixteen, the Convention shall cease to be in force as from the date on which the last of
these denunciations shall become effective.

Article XVI

A request for the revision of the present Convention may be made at any time by any
Contracting Party by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General. The
General Assembly shall decide upon the steps, if any, to be taken in respect of such request.

Article XVII

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify all Members of the United Nations and
the non-member States contemplated in article XI of the following:

(a) Signatures, ratifications and accessions received in accordance with article XI;

(b) Notifications received in accordance with article XII;

(c) The date upon which the present Convention comes into force in accordance
with article XIII;

(d) Denunciations received in accordance with article XIV;

(e) The abrogation of the Convention in accordance with article XV;

(f) Notifications received in accordance with article XVI.

Article XVIII

The original of the present Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the United Nations.
A certified copy of the Convention shall be transmitted to each Member of the United Nations
and to each of the non-member States contemplated in article XI.

Approved and proposed for signature and ratification or accession by General
Assembly resolution 260 A (III) of 9 December 1948

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 12 January 1951, under the terms of article XIII


The U.S. Federal laws regarding genocide:
United States Code

Sec. 1091. Genocide
(a) Basic Offense. - Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war, in a circumstance described in subsection (d) and with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such -
(1) kills members of that group;
(2) causes serious bodily injury to members of that group;
(3) causes the permanent impairment of the mental faculties of
members of the group through drugs, torture, or similar
(4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended
to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in
(5) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the
group; or
(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group; or attempts to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

What was the Armenian Genocide ?

In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian Armenian population. The persecutions continued with varying intensity until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. The Armenian population of the Ottoman state was reported at about two million in 1915. An estimated one million had perished by 1918, while hundreds of thousands had become homeless and stateless refugees. By 1923 virtually the entire Armenian population of Anatolian Turkey had disappeared. The Ottoman Empire was ruled by the Turks who had conquered lands extending across West Asia, North Africa and Southeast Europe. The Ottoman government was centered in Istanbul (Constantinople) and was headed by a sultan who was vested with absolute power. The Turks practiced Islam and were a martial people. The Armenians, a Christian minority, lived as second class citizens subject to legal restrictions which denied them normal safeguards. Neither their lives nor their properties were guaranteed security. As non-Muslims they were also obligated to pay discriminatory taxes and denied participation in government. Scattered across the empire, the status of the Armenians was further complicated by the fact that the territory of historic Armenia was divided between the Ottomans and the Russians. In its heyday in the sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful state. Its minority populations prospered with the growth of its economy. By the nineteenth century, the empire was in serious decline. It had been reduced in size and by 1914 had lost virtually all its lands in Europe and Africa. This decline created enormous internal political and economic pressures which contributed to the intensification of ethnic tensions. Armenian aspirations for representation and participation in government aroused suspicions among the Muslim Turks who had never shared power in their country with any minority and who also saw nationalist movements in the Balkans result in the secession of former Ottoman territories. Demands by Armenian political organizations for administrative reforms in the Armenian-inhabited provinces and better police protection from predatory tribes among the Kurds only invited further repression. The government was determined to avoid resolving the so-called Armenian Question in any way that altered the traditional system of administration. During the reign of the Sultan Abdul Hamid (Abdulhamit) II (1876-1909), a series of massacres throughout the empire meant to frighten Armenians and so dampen their expectations, cost up to three hundred thousand lives by some estimates and inflicted enormous material losses on a majority of Armenians. In response to the crisis in the Ottoman Empire, a new political group called the Young Turks seized power by revolution in 1908. From the Young Turks, the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), Ittihad ve Terakki Jemiyeti, emerged at the head of the government in a coup staged in 1913. It was led by a triumvirate: Enver, Minister of War; Talaat, Minister of the Interior (Grand Vizier in 1917); and Jemal, Minister of the Marine. The CUP espoused an ultranationalistic ideology which advocated the formation of an exclusively Turkish state. It also subscribed to an ideology of aggrandizement through conquest directed eastward toward other regions inhabited by Turkic peoples, at that time subject to the Russian Empire. The CUP also steered Istanbul toward closer diplomatic and military relations with Imperial Germany. When World War I broke out in August 1914, the Ottoman Empire formed part of the Triple Alliance with the other Central Powers, Germany and Austria-Hungary, and it declared war on Russia and its Western allies, Great Britain and France. The Ottoman armies initially suffered a string of defeats which they made up with a series of easy military victories in the Caucasus in 1918 before the Central Powers capitulated later that same year. Whether retreating or advancing, the Ottoman army used the occasion of war to wage a collateral campaign of massacre against the civilian Armenian population in the regions in which warfare was being conducted. These measures were part of the genocidal program secretly adopted by the CUP and implemented under the cover of war. They coincided with the CUP's larger program to eradicate the Armenians from Turkey and neighboring countries for the purpose of creating a new Pan-Turanian empire. Through the spring and summer of 1915, in all areas outside the war zones, the Armenian population was ordered deported from their homes. Convoys consisting of tens of thousands including men, women, and children were driven hundreds of miles toward the Syrian desert. The deportations were disguised as a resettlement program. The brutal treatment of the deportees, most of whom were made to walk to their destinations, made it apparent that the deportations were mainly intended as death marches. Moreover, the policy of deportation surgically removed the Armenians from the rest of society and disposed of great masses of people with little or no destruction of property. The displacement process, therefore, also served as a major opportunity orchestrated by the CUP for the plundering of the material wealth of the Armenians and proved an effortless method of expropriating all of their immovable properties. The genocidal intent of the CUP measures was also evidenced by the mass killings that accompanied the deportations. Earlier, Armenian soldiers in the Ottoman forces had been disarmed and either worked to death in labor battalions or outright executed in small batches. With the elimination of the able-bodied men from the Armenian population, the deportations proceeded with little resistance. The convoys were frequently attacked by bands of killers specifically organized for the purpose of slaughtering the Armenians. As its instrument of extermination, the government had authorized the formation of gangs of butchers—mostly convicts released from prison expressly enlisted in the units of the so-called Special Organization, Teshkilâti Mahsusa. This secret outfit was headed by the most ferocious partisans of the CUP who took it upon themselves to carry out the orders of the central government with the covert instructions of their party leaders. A sizable portion of the deportees, including women and children, were indisciminately killed in massacres along the deportation routes. The cruelty characterizing the killing process was heightened by the fact that it was frequently carried out by the sword in terrifying episodes of bloodshed. Furthermore, for the survivors, their witnessing of the murder of friends and relatives with the mass of innocent persons was the source of serious trauma. Many younger women and some orphaned children were also abducted and placed in bondage in Turkish and Muslim homes resulting in another type of trauma characterized by the shock of losing both family and one's sense of identity. These women and children were frequently forbidden to grieve, were employed as unpaid laborers, and were required to assimilate the language and religion of their captors. The government had made no provisions for the feeding of the deported population. Starvation took an enormous toll much as exhaustion felled the elderly, the weaker and the infirm. Deportees were denied food and water in a deliberate effort to hasten death. The survivors who reached northern Syria were collected at a number of concentration camps whence they were sent further south to die under the scorching sun of the desert. Through methodically organized deportation, systematic massacre, deliberate starvation and dehydration, and continuous brutalization, the Ottoman government reduced its Armenian population to a frightened mass of famished individuals whose families and communities had been destroyed in a single stroke. Resistance to the deportations was infrequent. Only in one instance did the entire population of an Armenian settlement manage to evade death. The mountaineers of Musa Dagh defended themselves in the heights above their villages until French naval vessels in the eastern Mediterranean detected them and transported them to safety. The inhabitants of the city of Van in eastern Armenia defended themselves until relieved by advancing Russian forces. They abandoned the city in May 1915, a month after the siege was lifted, when the Russian Army withdrew. The fleeing population was hunted down mercilessly by Turkish irregular forces. Inland towns that resisted, such as Urfa (Edessa), were reduced to rubble by artillery. The survival of the Armenians in large part is credited not to acts of resistance, but to the humanitarian intervention led by American Ambassador Henry Morgenthau. Although the Allied Powers expressly warned the Ottoman government about its policy of genocide, ultimately it was through Morgenthau's efforts that the plight of the Armenians was publicized in the United States. The U.S. Congress authorized the formation of a relief committee which raised funds to feed "the starving Armenians." Near East Relief, as the committee was eventually known, saved tens of thousands of lives. After the war, it headed a large-scale effort to rehabilitate the survivors who were mostly left to their own devices in their places of deportation. By setting up refugee camps, orphanages, medical clinics and educational facilities, Near East Relief rescued the surviving Armenian population. In the post-war period nearly four hundred of the key CUP officials implicated in the atrocities committed against the Armenians were arrested. A number of domestic military tribunals were convened which brought charges ranging from the unconstitutional seizure of power and subversion of the legal government, the conduct of a war of aggression, and conspiring the liquidation of the Armenian population, to more explicit capital crimes, including massacre. Some of the accused were found guilty of the charges. Most significantly, the ruling triumvirate was condemned to death. They, however, eluded justice by fleeing abroad. Their escape left the matter of avenging the countless victims to a clandestine group of survivors that tracked down the CUP arch conspirators. Talaat, the principal architect of the Armenian genocide, was killed in 1921 in Berlin where he had gone into hiding. His assassin was arrested and tried in a German court which acquitted him. Most of those implicated in war crimes evaded justice and many joined the new Nationalist Turkish movement led by Mustafa Kemal. In a series of military campaigns against Russian Armenia in 1920, against the refugee Armenians who had returned to Cilicia in southern Turkey in 1921, and against the Greek army that had occupied Izmir (Smyrna) where the last intact Armenian community in Anatolia still existed in 1922, the Nationalist forces completed the process of eradicating the Armenians through further expulsions and massacres. When Turkey was declared a republic in 1923 and received international recognition, the Armenian Question and all related matters of resettlement and restitution were swept aside and soon forgotten. In all, it is estimated that up to a million and a half Armenians perished at the hands of Ottoman and Turkish military and paramilitary forces and through atrocities intentionally inflicted to eliminate the Armenian demographic presence in Turkey. In the process, the population of historic Armenia at the eastern extremity of Anatolia was wiped off the map. With their disappearance, an ancient people which had inhabited the Armenian highlands for three thousand years lost its historic homeland and was forced into exile and a new diaspora. The surviving refugees spread around the world and eventually settled in some two dozen countries on all continents of the globe. Triumphant in its total annihilation of the Armenians and relieved of any obligations to the victims and survivors, the Turkish Republic adopted a policy of dismissing the charge of genocide and denying that the deportations and atrocities had constituted part of a deliberate plan to exterminate the Armenians. When the Red Army sovietized what remained of Russian Armenia in 1920, the Armenians had been compressed into an area amounting to no more than ten percent of the territories of their historic homeland. Armenians annually commemorate the Genocide on April 24 at the site of memorials raised by the survivors in all their communities around the world.

Table showing statistics of those killed (click here)

From :"DEATH
By R.J. Rummel


This web site was created to expose the Truth about what happened to millions of people originating from the land of Anatolia. What is now called the republic of Turkey was created by large scale ethnic cleansing and genocide. The people that now call themselves Turks eliminated most of the original populations of Anatolia. After they did that, they have attempted to rewrite history in such a way as to deny that the people they eliminated ever existed there.

This is a crime against Humanity!

The Turkish aggressive military buildup, like that of Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union, is fueled by their need to be seen as fighting internal and external enemies. Turkey is carrying out a massive military buildup not because it faces real threats or dangers - it does not - but rather because it remains a military dictatorship and needs enemies. Absent some systematic change in Turkey, we can expect a steady level of military tension with Turkey's neighbors with the real possibility of a crisis. The Turkish Military dictatorship must constantly maintain a high level of tension within the country. This is done by provoking incidents with minorities, religious, and political groups. They will arrest several people from one of the groups and detain them. During this time the detainees will by tortured and denied basic human rights. The group's members often retaliate . This is called terrorism by the state. Thus the endless cycle continues. As long as this state of constant tension exits, the military dictatorship maintains its grip on power. Adding to this are American and other foreign defence contractors. They make their money off war. So a Turkey constantly at war with it self is a good thing for them. It means more business. They could care less who gets killed as long as the orders come in for new weapons. It is up to the Turkish people to come to the realization of their sorry situation. The recent earthquake and corruption in the Turkish banking system have created major problems for the Turkish economy. The Turkish lira has recently lost 40% of its value. Turkey is now seeking loans in excess of U.S. $10 billion dollars. There is no doubt that the Turkish military intends to grab way more than its fair share to fund their aggressive military buildup and cover the corrupt spending practices of their puppet government. The Turks should be denied this money on moral principles since most of it will be spent on weapons of war and to artificially prop up a government that has no concept of Human rights, morality and Justice.

U.S. arms sales to Turkey-(click here for the facts)

Table of content links:


Sadistic Sultans of Turkey

The Armenian Genocide

A Chronology of the Armenian Genocide

Why Turkey was not punished for Crimes against Humanity

Genocide Denial

The Turkish Military Tribunal's Prosecution of the Authors of the
Armenian Genocide: Four Major Court-Martial Series

International Affirmation of the Armenian Genocide

A Chronology of the Assyrian Genocide

The Pontian-Greek Genocide

The Burning of the city of Smyrna

Armenian History-NEW

The Heroic Battle of Musa Dagh

The Turco-Mongol Invasions and the
Lords of Armenia in the 13-14th Centuries

The Young Turks(CUP)

World resolutions condemning Turkey for committing genocide

Viscount Bryce. The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916.

Ambassador Morgenthau's Story. 1918. Preface. Table of Contents.

Treaty of Sevres, 1920

Photographic evidence of ethnic cleansing

Reports by Turkey's Allies

Indictment of the Turkish Military Tribunal

The Verdict ("Kararname") of the Turkish Military Tribunal


 Cyprus Invasion 1974

The Cyprus killing fields

Turkey's respect for the Human Rights of the People of Cyprus

U.N. Resolutions regarding Cyprus

The Turkish State and Racist Violence

Torture Practices of the Turkish State

Turkish Facism, the MHP and the Grey Wolves

Turkish Terrorism-Assassination attempts

U.S. Department of State
Turkey : Report on Human Rights Practices for 1999

 Amnesty International 2000 Annual Report on Turkey


Violations of Free Expression in Turkey:
Human Rights Watch

Turkey:Criminal Prosecutions of Journalists

The Heath Lowry Affair describes how Turkey re-writes history

Secret Turkish Government Document
Reveals the Nature of Turkish War Against the Kurds

US State Department Account of Turkish-NAZI Collaboration

For more details about the Armenian genocide(click here)

Turkey's continued Humiliation, Torture, Rape of minority Women

The situation of Kurdish and Turkish women who fall into the clutches of the Turkish security forces is indescribable. The human rights organization 'Terre des Femmes', based in Bochum, Germany, recently criticized a report by Foreign Minister Kinkel published in the foreign ministry's "Status Report 1995" which
had next to nothing to say about the status of women in Turkey, despite documented human rights abuses. According to evidence presented by 'Terre des Femmes', women in Turkish prisons are subjected to humiliation, torture, and rape. Lawyer Eren Keskin reported the following:

"One of my clients, Selma B., was arrested 20 days after a midwife operation. They tried to rape her with a baton. She started bleeding heavily. According to a report issued by Amnesty International, all women are sexually assaulted when they are tortured. Men fondle their breasts and finger their genitals. The torture of women, which entails sexually motivated violence against the female gender, means that the imprisonment of women
in Turkey represents a gender-specific form of human rights violations." Germany's federal government, led by Chancellor Kohl and Foreign Minister Kinkel, likes to make an issue of human rights violations if the regime in question is not on good terms with Bonn. But in the case of Turkey, a true ally in the Bosporus, Bonn closes its eyes, "due to higher state interests" as one ministry spokesman cynically phrased it. It has been known for years that when women are captured by the Turkish security forces they are subjected to the worst forms of humiliation, torture, and rape, a systematic violation of their human rights which usually only takes place in totalitarian states far away from the public eye.

The human rights organization 'Terre des Femmes' has proven in numerous reports that:

"The position of women under Turkish law is completely unprotected. Women are third-class people. Without a doubt, women are doubly affected by torture. First of all, as soon as a women reaches the anti-terror police headquarters, she is insulted because of her gender and verbally abused. And secondly, women are stripped naked before being interrogated and tortured."

Eren Keskin, a lawyer for the Human Rights Association (IHD) who is now in prison, learned from discussions with clients that "rapes frequently occurred in police custody". According to Keskin, "during these attacks, the woman is violated by a police officer or sometimes raped with a baton or bottle". It is always men that carry out these forms of torture. These are men who go home after work to their wives, daughters, and mothers. The next morning, these same men rape imprisoned women, usually Kurds, torture them with electric shocks, and generally humiliate and abuse female prisoners. The Bochum organization 'Terre des Femmes' has noted the following:

"The families of women who are persecuted because of their political activities are harassed by state security forces during police operations in Kurdish neighbourhoods in the metropoles as well as in rural Kurdish areas. Women whose husbands have fled to seek political asylum must undergo gynaecological exams on the excuse of seeing whether or not the husband actually went to the mountains and occasionally visits the wife.

The following are a few examples of human rights violations against women:

- After a Newroz celebration, 16-year-old Bisenk Anik was arrested, raped, and shot.

- Merice Kirtay, pregnant, was raped and murdered.

- Fadime Guler, 12-years-old, was taken into custody by the security forces in Agri and raped.

- Seher Yanarer, 12-years-old, was "displayed" naked by security forces in her village.

- Sukran Aydin from Derik near Mardin was raped by security forces in front of her mother on July 20, 1993.

- In January 1993, Turkish TV reports gave graphic accounts of Turkish soldiers raping dead female guerrillas. The Turkish President excused this by saying that the soldiers were just "22- or 23-year-old guys who can't control themselves".

- The now-banned weekly magazine 'Gercek' reported a verbatim confession by a Turkish soldier in its August 13, 1993 edition:"Say a woman guerrilla dies in a raid. She is lying there, her body still warm. You understand? Now, the soldier hasn't had a woman in a long time. He see his chance. The soldier makes use of this opportunity. Then he does it."

- In 1993, two dead women guerrillas were shown naked on Turkish Inter-Star TV. The results of forced gynaecological examinations were publicly reported in the Turkish media.

- In March 1995, a translator accompanying a German delegation was so threatened with sexual assault by security forces in Van that a German MP had to fly her out of the country immediately.

Many members of the Turkish security forces receive their training in Germany.

(translated from 'Depeschen aus der Turkei und Kurdistan')

21/03/2001 00:01 GMT

Turkey: Activists against rape in custody on trial

Two years ago two young women N.C.S, a minor, and Fatma Deniz Polattas, were sexually tortured in a police station in Turkey.

The trial of the police officers charged with their torture progresses slowly. However, on the 21 of March in Istanbul, the trial begins of 14 women and two men, among them the father of one of the torture victims, their lawyer and other victims of rape in custody. They are charged with having insulted the security forces with their denunciation of custodial rape at a conference
in June 2000.
Nazli Top, one of the defendants, stated AI was arrested in 1992. "They brought me to the back room of a police station. They started to beat me. They applied electro shocks to my toes and fingers. They raped me with a truncheon. Sometimes they stripped me naked and poured cold water over me". Amnesty international has called on the Turkish authorities to drop the charges against these women's rights activists who are guilty only of peacefully expressing their views.

A representative of Amnesty International will observe the trial.


N.C.S., a 16-year-old Kurdish girl, and her 19-year-old friend, Fatma Deniz Polattas were allegedly tortured and forced to give false confessions while detained at Police Headquarters in Iskenderun in March 1999. They were held in custody for seven and five days respectively. According to their testimonies, their torture included rape and other sexual assault. Both were kept blindfolded during their detention. For the first two days, N.C.S. was
forced to stand continuously, prevented from sleeping and using the toilet, and denied food and drink except sour milk. She was forced to strip and remain naked in a cold room. During the interrogation she was beaten - with blows directed especially at her head, genitals, buttocks and breasts - and forced to sit on a wet floor for long periods before being made to
roll naked in water. On other occasions she was suspended from the arms and hosed with pressurized cold water. Police threatened to kill her and rape her mother. Fatma alleged the same treatment, as well as anal rape with a serrated instrument. While in police custody the two were also forcibly subjected to so-called a virginity tests which AI believes is a form of
gender-based violence that constitutes torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

In November 1999 the two girls were sentenced to long prison terms after being found guilty of being members of the armed opposition group Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and taking part in violent demonstrations against the arrest of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. The court did not wait for the results of the investigation into the torture allegations.

Between mid-1997 and November 2000, 132 women sought the help of a legal aid project in Istanbul for women raped and sexually abused in custody. Ninety-seven of the women are Kurds, four are Roma, one is Bulgarian and one is German. The alleged perpetrators are mainly police officers (98 cases), but also include gendarmes, soldiers and village guards, and in one case, prison guards. They are rarely brought to justice. AI has documented a general climate of impunity for those suspected of torture and ill-treatment in Turkey (Turkey- The duty to supervise, investigate, prosecute, April 1999, AI Index: EUR/44/24/99). Even where complaints of serious human rights violations are pursued by the authorities and security officers are prosecuted, only a negligible proportion of them are eventually convicted. According to recent official figures, investigations of 577 security
officials accused of torture between 1995 and 1999 resulted in only 10 convictions (1.7 %). In the same period, 2851 investigations into cases of ill-treatment ended with 84 convictions (2.9 %). In cases where a conviction occurs, security officials often receive the lightest possible sentences.

public document

Useful and informative links:

Key Distortions and Falsehoods in the Denial of the Armenian Genocide (click here)

Map detailing the Armenian Genocide

Genocide Denial--The Armenian and Jewish experience compared--(click here)

Turkish version of Anatolian history from the Turkish Government--(click here)

You will notice there is no mention of Armenians and Kurds.


The Turkish government published the following Ottoman archives regarding Armenians.*


(Click here for the documents from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

You will notice in these documents that the Turkish government specifically ordered the deportation of ethnic Armenians. It is estimated that 1.5 million Armenians died. The majority of the deported persons either died during deportation or in concentration camps in Syria's Der El Zor desert.

According to the conventions listed above, this was an act of genocide!

Click here for real photos of the concentration camps.


The destruction of Liçe by Turkish security forces

Turkey attempts to silence human rights activists
The Turkish authorities continue to curb freedom of speech by using controversial Article 312 to silence human rights activists,
Amnesty International said today.


Ankara to answer for army's actions
The Guardian
by Owen Bowcott
July 25, 2000

The massacre of seven shepherds - allegedly by Turkish soldiers - in the mountains of northern Iraq is to be investigated by the European court of human rights in Strasbourg. The court's ruling last week that the case is admissible establishes a significant legal precedent: for the first time Ankara will have to answer for the behaviour of its troops during cross-border raids into Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels. The decision extends the principle that states are liable for actions beyond their borders.Turkey, eager to advance its application to join the EU and increasingly sensitive about its human-rights record, frequently finds itself before the court for its "anti-terrorist" campaigns against the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Last month the court found it responsible for the murder of a prisoner, Agit Salman, and the torture of a villager, Abdullatif Ilhan, who was beaten by soldiers in the predominantly Kurdish south-east; Ankara was ordered to pay £225,000 in damages and legal expenses. Both cases were taken to Strasbourg by the Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP) in London, which is also supporting the case of the seven shepherds, who died in April 1995.At that time the Turkish army was harrying the PKK in the Kurdish safe-haven established by the allies in northern Iraq after the Gulf war. The PKK used the mountains as a base from
which to attack Turkey.The shepherds saw Turkish helicopters transporting troops up the valley below their village,Azadi, which is just south of the Turkish border. Undeterred, the men set off with their sheep into the hills.After 15 minutes they met a patrol of Turkish soldiers who, according to the claim submitted to the court, started shouting abuse at them and kicking and hitting them. Wives accompanying them were separated and sent back to the village. Other women who approached the detained shepherds were fired at by soldiers.Local Kurdish officials who later asked Turkish officers to release the shepherds were promised that they would be freed, but the shepherds' bodies were found in the hills the next morning.

"The bodies had been shot at several times and were badly mutilated," the court documents record. "Ears, tongues and genitals [were] missing."

The shepherds' widows, who still live in northern Iraq, have been unable to take their case to the Turkish courts.

In its ruling, the human-rights court said: "The Turkish authorities failed to conduct a meaningful investigation . . . The Turkish authorities' reaction in this case must not be seen in isolation; rather, it must be seen in the context of their general reluctance to deal with
allegations of involvement of state agents in unlawful conduct." The Turkish embassy in London declined to comment on the case.


The Turkish army has recently illegally invaded Iraq and bombed Kurdish villages inside the Kurdish safe haven set up by the U.S. and Britian.

(click here for the chronology of the invasion)



Turkish jets kill 38 civilians in N.Iraq -Iraqi Kurds
17 Aug 2000 20:21 GMT (Reuters)

By Jon Hemming

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish warplanes have bombed
northern Iraq, killing at least 38 civilians and wounding
a further 11, an Iraqi Kurdish party which controls
much of the remote region said in a statement on

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) said the jets
attacked an area inside Iraq close to the borders of
Turkey and Iran, where Turkish Kurd guerrillas loyal to
captured rebel chief Abdullah Ocalan have a number
of bases.

"Regrettably...on August 15, while Turkish warplanes
were pursuing PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party)
targets... a pasture camp inside Iraqi Kurdistan
belonging to a number of Iraqi Kurdish herdsmen and
their families fell victim to the Turkish air raid," said
the KDP statement faxed to Reuters.

"As a result 38 civilians were killed, 11 injured and
four are missing."

Turkish military officials said they knew nothing of the
incident. "It is out of the question for us to bomb
civilians," an army official said.

"Air operations in northern Iraq target the PKK," he
said, referring to Ocalan's Kurdistan Workers Party.

The remote mountainous enclave of northern Iraq,
outside Baghdad's control since the end of the 1991
Gulf War, is ruled by Massoud Barzani's KDP and a
rival Iraqi Kurdish group.

Ocalan's PKK, fighting for Kurdish self-rule in
southeast Turkey, have long used the region as a
base to mount cross-border raids, provoking frequent
incursions by Turkish troops and planes in operations
against the rebels.

Barzani's KDP "peshmerga" fighters have regularly
cooperated with Turkish troops to fight the PKK.

"We denounce this action which has led to the loss of
so many innocent lives," the statement said. "We
demand that this incident be thoroughly investigated
and that the victims are properly compensated," the
statement said.

The Iraqi Kurdish satellite television channel Kurdistan
TV showed the wounded, several of them small
children, lying on hospital beds in the regional capital
Arbil, their heads and limbs in bandages and slings.

"We were grazing our animals in the summer
pastures," said one woman. "Suddenly the planes flew
over, then they flew back again and there were
explosions everywhere. I don't know what happened
then, but everywhere was covered in blood."

"We have nothing to do with the PKK," said another
woman. "We don't know why they bombed us, we
were just grazing our animals."

The Kurdish newspaper Ozgur Politika, close to the
PKK, said on Thursday 32 civilians had been killed in
the attack.

Iran said last year Turkish jets had killed one Iranian
soldier and wounded several others in a raid on the
Iran-Iraq border region. Ankara said its warplanes had
bombed PKK forces inside Iraq and refused to pay


Young Woman Paralysed after Turkish authorities torture her.

(click here for her true story)


View the legal cases filed against the Republic of Turkey in the


The land of Armenia is mentioned in the Bible:

2 KINGS 19:37

ISAIAH 37:38

In the 20th century alone the Turks have killed nearly 3 million original inhabitants of Anatolia! If you have any questions about the Republic of Turkey, read the contents of this web site!

Famous Quotations:

"Man's greatest joy is to slay his enemy,
plunder his riches, ride his steeds, see the tears of his loved ones and embrace his women."
-- Genghis Khan {Father of all turks.}

"In the province of Armenia, Abdul Hamid and the Young Turks had deliberately set
themselves to the simplification of the Armenian difficulty by exterminating and
deporting the whole race, whom they regarded as infidels and traitors."

--David Lloyd George Prime Minister of Great Britain (1916-22)

"It is far from my thought to cast a veil over these misdeeds, which are such as to
make the conscience of mankind shudder with horror for ever; still less will I endeavour
to minimise the degree of guilt of the actors in the great drama. The aim which I have
set myself is that of showing to the world with proofs in my hand, who are the truly
responsible authors of these terrible crimes."

--Damad Ferid Pasha (Ottoman Grand Vizier)


"In 1915 the Turkish Government began and ruthlessly carried out the infamous
general massacre and deportation of Armenians in Asia Minor."
"There is no reasonable doubt that this crime was planned and executed for political

--Winston S. Churchill
Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-45, 1951-55)

"If nations are allowed to commit genocide with impunity, to hide their guilt in a camouflage of lies and denials, there is a real danger that other brutal regimes will be encouraged to attempt genocides. Unless we speak today of the Armenian genocide and unless the Government recognises this historical fact, we shall leave this century of unprecedented genocides with this blot on our consciences."
-- Caroline, Baroness Cox, House of Lords, April 1999

"The Turkish denial [of the Armenian Genocide] is probably the foremost example of historical perversion. With a mix of academic sophistication and diplomatic thuggery -- of which we at Macquarie University have been targets -- the Turks have put both memory and history into reverse gear."
-- Prof. Colin Tatz, Director, Centre for Comparative Genocide Studies (Centre for Genocide Studies Newsletter, (December 1995-January 1996))

"The nearest successful example [of collective denial] in the modern era is the 80 years of official denial by successive Turkish governments of the 1915-17 genocide against the Armenians in which 1.5 million people lost their lives. This denial has been sustained by deliberate propaganda, lying and coverups, forging documents, suppression of archives, and bribing scholars."
-- Stanley Cohen, Professor of Criminology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Law and Social Inquiry vol. 20, no. 1 (Winter 1995): 7, 50)


One of the many Turkish Torture Methods(click photo for more information)

Young Armenian Woman

The New York Times


September 29, 1915

Refugee Tells of the Fate of Those in Turkish Hands

Speaking yesterday, his remarks being based on the authenticated data in his possession, Professor Dutton said he does not believe anything had happened in many centuries so terrible as is the studied and systematized effort on the part of a political coterie in Turkey - the Young Turks, led by Enver Pasha - to exterminate a whole race of people. The whole plan involves the wiping out of the Armenians.

Only a day or two ago, added Professor Dutton, a young girl who left Turkey on Aug 18 called here to see him. She told of the fate of the 100 girls who were attending a mission school in Anatolia. These girls, who were of course Armenians, were divided into groups and those that were the best looking in the opinion of the Turkish officers were taken over by those officers. Those considered not quite so good looking were given over to the soldiers, while those still less attractive were put up for sale to the highest bidders.

Several Americans who have been in Turkey for many years have arrived here within the last few days. They all testify to the truthfulness of the reports that have come out of Turkey concerning the treatment of the Armenians, but in every instance they beg that their names be not used for fear that what they have said will find its way back to Turkey and friends or relatives they left behind will be punished by the Turks in retaliation.

Copies of two letters, in which the writers tell of the fate that is being meted out to the Armenians, were given to The Times yesterday by a man in close touch with Armenian conditions.

In one of these letters the writer among other things says:

In Urtab, Tukh, and about twenty other Armenian villages on the lake the entire population was found to have been massacred by the Turks - not a single living soul was found in these villages, which were now given over to howling dogs, while large numbers of corpses have been washed ashore from the lake and the rivers.

These corpses, which were ascertained to be all of males, were terribly mutilated, but nothing was discovered as to the whereabouts of women and children. By sunset of July 20 the Armenians captured the heights of Kerkur. When they reached the summit the town of Bitlis presented to their disappointed gaze a sheet of flames, and they knew that the worst had happened. Some female refugees, who managed to escape the Turkish cordon, have since related the story of fiendish massacres in the town and the wholesale deportation of women and children.

To a well known minister of the Armenian Church there came out of Turkey, by some mysterious underground route, a letter which is described as of "undoubted trustworthiness" Excerpts from their letter follow:

Armenia without the Armenians - such is the plan of the Ottoman Government, which has already begun to install Moslem families in the homes and property of the Armenians. Needless to say, the deported are not allowed by the Government to take any of their belongings with them, and as there is moreover, no means of transport owing to the exigencies of the military, they are forced to cover on foot the two or three months' journey to that corner of the desert region which is destined to be their sepulchre.
enslaved by Turks.

You will notice that the Turks placed tattoos on their Armenian slaves.

The NAZIS did the same to Jewish slaves during WWII. 

Photo taken 85 years ago (Armenian Victims)
(click photo for more information)

Photo taken recently (Kurdish Victims)
(click photo for more information)

Note the smiles on the faces of the happy Turkish soldiers
as they pose with the decapitated heads of Turkish minority Kurds they just killed! 

These men were never punished for their criminal acts, which is typical in what is called the republic of Turkey!

Have the Turkish people reformed after 100 years??

You be the judge....

*Please Note: The author of this site hopes that the young generation of Turks will view this page and question the validity of the history they are taught by their state controlled historians.

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