Welcome to the Georgetown High School Reunion Page (years 1956 through 1961)!!

GHS in 1957

The "Pop" Williams Reunion Gang

We came, we saw, we laughed, we cried (just a little) !!

The classes 1956 through 1961 of Georgetown High School in Georgetown, Texas had a HUGE reunion on Saturday, June 24th, 2000, 11am to 11:30pm, at beautiful Saddle Creek Crossing at Reunion Ranch.

Lunch was at 11am, program at 2pm, cash bar at 5pm and BBQ Dinner at 6pm, at 7pm a 7-piece band called Reunion, lots of fun and visiting all day, and MORE......we'll be adding more tidbits and photos, so check back often.

Although this gala was specifically for the classes of 1956 - 1961, the event was open to ALL GHS alumni and families wishing to attend. Parents, teachers and relatives graciously joined us for the afternoon festivities.

Each class scheduled a separate event on Friday night before the reunion, and Mark Henry hosted an Open House at the old GHS High School Saturday morning.

See photos from all events using the links below:

Class of '56

Class of '57

Class of '58

Class of '59

Class of '60

Class of '61


Friday Night Events with Pictures

Committee/Credits/Program Notes/Special Guests

Alumni Memorial Page

Attendees/Special Notes (we will be completing this page soon)

Still Missing (If you hear of their whereabouts, please let us know)

Class of 1959 Special Edition - Oldies but Goodies

An Invitation.....


PO BOX 423


Photos will be available from Ruth Poole. Please make your checks payable to Ruth. You may order by calling her at 512/863-2618, or sending your request to her at 802 River Bend; Georgetown, TX 78628.

A video of the Reunion is now available from Pat Gunn Spencer. For your copy, contact her at pgunnsco@igg-tx.net.

Official changes of your mailing or email addresses and phone numbers should be sent to Kay Caskey Patterson, PO Box 503, Bartlett, TX 76511 or pattersk@southwestern.edu

We have installed yet another new guestbook because of the changeover of Geocities to Yahoo/Geocities. You can still view the Pre-Reunion (and a few post-reunion) comments here

Please sign in on the new "Sign Guestbook" below, and see Post2000Reunion comments by clicking "View Guestbook". We can keep an open dialogue, add thoughts, life events, and status/address changes for all to see - just whatever you would like for us to know. We want to keep in touch, and it will be so easy via email and guestbook (and of course there is always the phone)!

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Bookmark this site and check back often for the latest info. The committee says "We loved working on this project and we hope this was as MEMORABLE weekend for you as it was for us!! We hope you all had a good trip back home and we look forward to seeing you again soon! To those who couldn't make it this time - we hope to see you NEXT time!!!"


Georgetown Chamber of Commerce (click on "Our Community". Look around here, but be SURE to click "Southwestern University", then "Friends", then "Friends"again.....SEE IF YOU RECOGNIZE SOMEONE WE ALL KNOW!)

City of Georgetown Site (then click on "Home" to see more)

About Sun City Georgetown

One of many interesting restaurants in Georgetown (Be sure to click on the Time article!)

"GEORGETOWN, TX." The Handbook of Texas Online.

News from Austin (austin360)

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