A Special Mom And Dad

Who could ask for better parents than you two
The type that gives so much and takes so few,
And throughout thick and thin puts up with you
I think you would be hard pressed to find
Two parents that are close to being as kind,
If you did that would be a shock
For when you raised me you knew
all the tricks of the trade
Never needing the advice of Dr. Benjamin Spock,
Or using a home-help care aide
You might say I turned out like you two
For there are many things we all like to do,
Playing chess Dad, I'm sure I got from you,
Mom I would surely give my heart up for you
What's the sense in living without you ,
As you can see parents like you are
something of a rarity
That's why you are so important to me
So I hope the holiday's are all they're cracked up to be.

- Shaun P. Weasle

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