Good People Are Hard To Find

Sprintcar really defined Cases Ladder
He would partner anyone, that didn't matter,
As Charles learned from knowing such a nice man
Who would play an up game to give the next player a hand,
Breaking the rules would never happen with him
For Lowell didn't have to cheat to win,
When Sherry played and the report slipped her mind
Sprintcar wrote a joking reminder and was very kind,
That says a lot about him for on our ladder that's  hard to find,
Dennis was another man he truly appreciated
For when he offered Lowell an up game he was elated,
But that wasn't what he cared about the most
He would rather just play cards and be a good host,
He was a fun, tough challenge as far as Megan was concerned
She didn't have enough time with him she has learned,
Cases Ladder is now a will stay a differant place
For his fairness, kindness, and courtesy can't be replaced
We shall all miss everything that made him fun
Therefore on our gaming ladder he will always be number one,
And the above feelings are not exclusively mine
For 1049 victories were posted in his memory, all genuine.

- Shaun P. Weasle

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