Mission of Love
Offering Aid
To Those in Need

Mission of Love Guestbook

Mission of Love Homepage

If you would like to respond to any of the messages posted here please feel free to click on "Sign Guestbook" on our homepage and leave your own message. We are always glad to hear from you.

Della M. Williams - 10/22/00 13:55:16
My URL:http://none
My Email:della@ntw.net


- 09/21/00 18:37:26

You have made my heart so happy. Think of what can be done here.Let me tell you that there is someone running the show, because you and I have come together so easy. This is the way things have happened to me here. Bruce Pine Ridge

victoria sideris - 09/18/00 03:10:44
My Email:supervickie@cs.com

hi my name is vickie i just found your website and i would like to help in anyway i possible can please e-mail me back if you think i could be of any service. thank you vickie

- 03/06/00 02:45:53


Janette Head - 01/20/00 19:45:14
My Email:nette@csi.com

Where can I send donations of household products? I've recently moved and have several items to give.

Al Davis - 11/17/99 04:10:36
My Email:adavis01@sceinet.com

Met Robert Ryan and his wife, Terri Smith at WalMart - Austintown, Ohio - Monday - Nov. 15. 1999 - Haven't seen Bob for around 15 years. He mentioned that you have a WEB SITE. Very Fine.

dave & alvera bell - 08/26/99 00:48:18
My Email:mrsbell5@hotmail.com

we love you bunches and bunches Kathy!! God is smiling on you for all of his children that you have touched!!! This website is awesome---we love it!

karen romelfanger - 08/22/99 18:39:33
My Email:kar@hto.net

just wanted to let folks know this is a worth while organization. I've been on 3 missions with kathy and they have been a very rewarding experience. One i will never forget.they have changed my life forever.

Doug Donovan - 07/28/99 18:12:56
My Email:DonovanFam@aol.com

Great work! You're doing amazing things!

Kathy Price - 05/19/99 14:28:55
My Email:missoflove@aol.com

Bob and Terry, Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! You did a beautiful job. It is so wonderful to share memories. With Gratitude, Kathy

Sally Walker - 05/19/99 01:01:05

It is great Bob and Terrie. You certainly have forgotten nothing. It is certainly a website to be proud of. I am sorry that I didn't get to spend much time with you at The Fiesta. Hope we can work together at some Indians' games this summer. I do not curr ntly have a computer so Have to leave you a message at Jim's house. I'll try and check this every few days. Sally

Virginia Amstutz - 05/17/99 20:24:06

Hi Kathy.

bob - 05/01/99 23:02:44
My URL:http://none
My Email:none

just another test

bob - 05/01/99 22:42:25
My URL:http://none
My Email:none

this is a test

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