The easiest method would be to hand deliver your pictures to me.I will then scan them,upload them to the Mission of Love website and return them to you.
(This method only works if you live near Austintown.)
You might also consider mailing them to me.If you choose this method please include a stamped self addressed envelope so I can send them back to you.If you forget the return envelope I'll still send them back.I try to be a nice guy.Here is how to find me:
It is also possible to send pictures by e-mail. JPG or GIF format is preferred. Please don't scan at REALLY high "Dots Per Inch" as that creates a huge file. 100 or 200 DPI works just fine. If you want to "resample" your image and reduce it 50% or so that would be nice too, but it is not necessary. Just save the scan to your hard drive and send it as an attachment to your email. Please mention Mission of Love Submissions on your subject line so I wont mistake it for the junk mail that I usually delete.