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The life and times of one of Islam's greatest Contemporary Imam

Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr

Research, read and learn about on of the most famous Imam in contemporary history of Middle East. Find out about Sadr's life, learn about his intellectual, religious and political contributions. View rare photos of this late Imam and even hear his voice! See Sadr's most famous posters. And of course send us electronic mail with comments, or if you have some contribution about Sadr that you would like to share it with us, we are grateful to publish it for you here.

Amina Sadr (a.k.a. Bint al-Huda) is Imam Sadr's Sister and his comrade in action. She was a political activist, advocate of women rights in Islam and single handedly recruited hundreds of women into fold of Islam. She was prolific novelist, and political speaker that mobilized masses to struggle against tyranny. She was executed with her brother in April'8 1980.

Shaheed al-Iraq
Al-Manaar's highly acclaimed TVseries, a four part documentary on the life of Shaheed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr in the Arabic language on Imam Baqir Sadr is now on

New study on Sadr by Chibli Mallat
Readings of the Qur'an in London and Najaf: John Wansbrough and Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
Chibli Mallat
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 57, No.

Ideological influence of Sadr
A study by American Unviersity on the infleunce of Sadr on Hizbollah,.Lebanon's Hizbullah: from Islamic revolution to parliamentary accommodation, by Nizar Hamzah,

A Meeting with Al Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al Sadr from Then I was Guided
Sayed Tijani al-Samawi meeting with M. Baqir al-Sadr in the late 1970's>.

Logical Foundation of Induction
Finally, Sadr's Usus al-Mantiqiyah lil  Istiqra' is available in English on the internet by

Sadr's Trends in History
The original book in Arabic was titled: Thematic approach to the Quran. Translation provided by

Sadr's Our Philosophy
Sadr's Falsafatuna is available in English on the internet by

Sadr's Lessons in Islamic Jurisprudence  Translated by ROY PARVIZ MOTTAHEDEH

Sadr's Biography
Glimpse on the Political Life and contribution of the late Imam Sadr

Sadr's Writings
List of his major intellectual published writings in Arabic

Publications on Sadr
References to major publications on Sadr in English and Arabic

Photo and Poster Gallery
Rare photos and famous posters of the master Imam

Major Events on Sadr
Calender of events to commemorate Life and Martyrdom of Imam Sadr

Poem to Commemorate Sadr
By Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah
(be ware that download may take 1 minute because of large graphic/pictures)

Chant in commemoration of Imam Sadr
Baqir Al-Sadr Minna Salaama A Eulogy in memory of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr

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